Alright, this is my first fanfiction! I finally get to write this story that's been in my head forever! I'm going to try my hand at a lemon or two in later chapters.. Oh, and I'm gonna try to throw in lots of gore and psycho-ness by my original character.
- I don't own Avatar the Last Air Bender, but I do own Faust and Einree! haha! -
Ice, Blood, Tear, Lust.
'Einree is already inside…' he thought walking through the crowds of people toward his destination. The people were giving him weird looks. A teen dressed in dark blue clothes with a long black ponytail and long bangs walking through the crowded earth nation town.
Not to mention when he passed a chill followed him sinking into peoples skin making them shiver.
Finally he was there. The town's palace. He walked passed the immense trademark green and brown gates into a courtyard.
"Hello!" a servant said to him with a warm smile, "can I help you? Do you have an appointment with the prince?". Her smile faltered as she felt the chill he brought with him and his silent stare. She noticed his left eye was sapphire blue while his right was a light grey. "You could say that I do," he spoke in a crisp voice while raising his hand, palm up.
She looked at it with a confused look then back up at him and smiled.
"Oh, ok you can follow me please."
But her smile faltered again as she saw something she couldn't believe.
Ice was forming in his hand! No water!
She made a choking noise as she felt something piercing her chest.
He looked down at her first falling to her knees clutching her chest and looking at the blood streaming out to cover her fingers, then falling to the ground with a gasp.
The blood began pooling around her body on the courtyard ground.
His eyes grew wide suddenly at the sight of the growing blood puddle and his fist clenched into a ball making the icicle in her heart disperse into shards.
He looked up, his face blank, and stepped over her body walking into the palace.
When he reached the door, there were 23 guards dead (some decapitated) on the palaces main room floor. He had a sword in his left hand made of ice that was shaped so it curved a tiny bit at the end and was only sharp on one side like a cleaver.
It was dripping with blood.
He opened the doors and walked in to see the prince of this large city sitting in a chair at the head of a long table with advisors flitting all around him.
Everyone stopped and looked at him, "Who the hell are you?!" the prince said adjusting his glasses.
Everyone then noticed the bloody sword he was wielding and the large amount of dead guards behind him. "What the-" the prince started but was cut off when the intruder materialized next to him in a cloud of… 'Snowflakes?' he thought after he screamed like a girl. The advisors all scattered screaming and throwing papers.
"Are y-you going t-t-to h-hurt me?" the prince stuttered grabbing the armrests of his chair.
"No… I'm going to end your existence." He whispered and raised his sword. He brought it down slicing the prince's chest from his right shoulder down to his left hip. The prince screamed as his blood sprayed out covering his killer in a crimson coat. He smiled and licked blood off his lips while making his sword disperse In a shattering manner. He turned and found that Einree was here after all (otherwise he wouldn't have been able to materialize!), in the main room lapping at the puddles of blood.
He turned away from the cat-like demon and looked up at the marble ceiling. It was pure white like snow. Like home… A single tear made its way down his cheek and mixed with the prince's blood. He felt Einree push against his leg. Looking at the demon one would think it a cat,
(A/N- especially weird since all the animals in avatar are a mix of two! Except Bosco…)
But upon further inspection you would see the longer pointed ears and the extra long tail with a purple ring magically floating around the middle. Also it's eyes, which were the same color as the ring. It was also pure white (except for the crimson liquid that now covered its mouth).
A high-pitched whistle filled the room and he turned to see a woman standing in the doorway. "Still as violent and brutal as ever I see," she said brushing a bang away with the back of her hand, the other on her hip in her trademark stance.
"Azula…" he said with no emotion on his face or in his voice.
"How did you know I was here?" he asked.
"I just followed the trail of blood and guts," she smirked at her response. He materialized behind her and stood with his arms at his sides. She flinched a little but still stayed with her back to him.
"Why did you leave?" she asked with more emotion in her voice than she would have liked.
He stepped forward and wrapped one arm around her stomach and the other under one of her arms. There was a look of sadness on his face showing his first emotion in a long time. "Faust" she gasped, but not out of fear, more like… 'Lust?' he thought and smirked.
"I still don't understand you," she said looking down. "You're the only person I've ever met who I care about their actions or what they're thinking…" she said with anger creeping into her words. He scoffed and said, "I don't understand anything, and that's why I left". He lowered his head and breathed heavily on her neck teasing her. She gasped again and tilted her head back bitting her lip and clenching her fists making sparks come out.
"Heh" he scoffed again and materialized away a few feet in front of her. "I need to find out why I-".
She already knew what he would say.
it was his obssesion.
Its why he always left.
she didn't understand.
I need to find out why I...exist," he said with his whole person once gain portraying no emotion.
She said nothing as Einree then Faust materialized away leaving her in the empty bloody palace.
"So he can make ice out of thin air?" Ty Lee asked for the second time bouncing in her seat.
" But he can't control water?" Mai said twirling a dagger in her fingers. "Yes. He creates ice that cannot be melted by fire. Only by time." Azula stated.
"But is stronger than all three of us combined…"
Ty Lee gasped at Azula's out of character admittance of lesser power. "So you two had a fling back then huh?" Mai chuckled. Azula ignored her and continued her brooding. "This Faust guy sounds scary… I want to see him!" Ty Lee put on a cheesy toothy smile and Mai sighed.
Their armored tank kept rolling along after the Avatar's bison. They were following its fur. She would have him soon.
'Maybe that would draw Faust back…' she thought.
All right first chapter done! I made Azula a bit out of character because I wanted to make Faust be the only person ALIVE who could make her like that.
R&R would be appreciated! )