Disclaimer #1: I do not own these characters, regretfully. They are all soul
property of Rumiko Takahashi.
Disclaimer #2: I did not write this story. My best frriend did but she can't
remember her password for fanfiction.net so she asked me to post it... ^-^
Farewell to the One we Love
By: Princess Natasha
"So, this is it, huh?" said the Great Demon Lord Sessho-Maru solemnly
as he, Kagome, his younger brother Inu-Yasha (whom he now got along
with) and Shippo sat quietly around a large open fire.
"Yes, the time went so fast. We didn't even get a chance to know each
other all that well," Inu-Yasha commented as he smiled shyly at Kagome.
A tear glistened as it rolled down Kagome's soft cheek. "It's just not
fair! Time went by too fast! I can't believe it's all over," the young girl cried
as she gripped the magic Shikkon Jewel closer that brought them all together.
"I don't see what the big deal is," Shippo piped up, "it's only a bottle of
But, it's more that shampoo. It's Herbal Essences. And it's gone, never
to be seen again. No more soft, shiny, manageable hair - er fur." Sessho -
Maru said as he lovingly stroked his big white fluffy tail.
"Girly- Boy is right. It's more than just a simple shampoo. It's our life,"
Kagome said shrinking from the evil death glare that Sessho-Maru gave her.
"Sorry, that's that evil Princess Natasha (that's me!!) rubbing off onto me."
Shippo sighed. "If you are going to miss it that much, why doesn't
Kagome do the disappearing act and go back to her time and buy some
more?" he shouted to them all.
"Oh, you wonderful little doggy dude! You are the most smartest thing
ever," Sessho-Maru said, kissing Shippo on each cheek.
"Eww. . ." Shippo complained as he rubbed his cheek.
Kagome, Inu-Yasha, and Sessho-Maru all bounded off toward the
Magic Shrine to get more of the magical Herbal Essences Shampoo.
Shippo sat by himself by the fire. "Yeesh. This is the exact same
conversation that happened the last time they ran out of shampoo," he
muttered to himself.
The End