A/N: Oh my geez... This is the last chapter for this weird-ass little fic. It's a bit longer than my chapters tend to be, but all the chapters in this fic seemed a little off. I'm kind of angry at it though, because I kind of lost the feel I had for it half way through this chapter. I still got to where i wanted...but things didn't click quite the way I planned. Anyway, maybe someday(doubtful as hell) I'll find time to rework it. Also, when I started this I didn't have as much back story on Kio, and (while I knew most of my personal details were probably untrue, its fan fiction what do ya expect?) now I read volume 8(oh my the drama in that one is overwhelming, but I loved it) and it kind of put a damper on some of my personal fangirl fantasies lol, which may be why things kind of slipped outta whack. Anyway, I'll let you read now!

Kio fell heavily onto the mattress in the corner, gasping for breath as he curled into a tight ball. Had it really been necessary for Nisei to punch him in the gut before pushing him into this room? He coughed as he slowly regained his breath and looked around. This room really wasn't much different than the last. Empty except for the mattress he was sitting on, dim and lit only by the last bits of sunlight filtering through a single window set high in the wall.

He rose to his feet and went to the single door he'd been shoved through moments before. Locked, no surprise there; he hadn't really expected it to be open. He was just grateful that Nisei and Seimei had left him alone in the room. There was something in Nisei's eyes that made his stomach twist into knots. Kio returned to the mattress and dropped onto it with a heavy sigh; grimacing slightly as a few stains of questionable origin caught his eye.

After a moment he found himself focusing intently on those stains, trying to use them to drive the other thoughts from his mind. He tried, but failed. Soon he was lost in wondering what would happen to him now. Assuming Seimei was being honest, he would get to go home sometime…but who knew how long 'eventually' would end up being. Then again…he had never said they'd give him back to Soubi alive…

Kio couldn't keep his imagination in check as he thought of what might happen. Then his thoughts turned to something that hurt him even more that the prospect of death. This had been the final strike, the one that severed all the threads of hope he had left. Soubi had made it clear that he was no longer important to him.

Kio pulled off his jacket and use it to shield his face from the grimy mattress as he lay down. He didn't want to acknowledge it, he'd known it for a long time; but now he had been forced to admit that it was true. He curled up and closed his eyes; willing sleep to come. Unconsciousness would be a welcome reprieve to the nightmare he was being forced to live now.

Kio collapsed onto his mattress, that's right, it was HIS now. He no longer cared what was on it or where it might have come from; it was the only place he felt safe anymore. He winced as the door to the room banged shut, making his head ache more than it already was.

He'd lost track of how long he'd been staying in this dim little room; but he knew it had been at least a month since Soubi had abandoned him. He curled into a ball, flinching as the movement pulled and pushed on the bruises and cuts covering his body.

He carefully pulled the blanket he'd been provided with over himself, trying to seek comfort in its warmth. He found himself wondering at the sick hospitality of his captors for the umpteenth time. They took him from the room and Nisei would 'play' with him, until he had inflicted what he deemed an acceptable amount of pain, then they returned him to this room. Always, there was a fresh set of clothing waiting near his mattress along with a clean blanket. They provided him with food, but only the bare minimum, and occasionally he went for a few days without it entirely.

He had long since stopped fighting when they came for him, and he had long since stopped crying out when he 'played' with Nisei. He liked to think that he had long since given up hoping to get away; however, he still clung to the prospect.

He pressed the palm of his hand to the side of his head, pushing it against the mattress in an attempt to somehow numb the throbbing headache he had. For some reason today he had an overwhelming desire to be home, in his own bed. He always wanted that, but it was far worse of a longing today. He squeezed his eyes shut and gradually fell into a restless sleep.

Kio woke with a start to Nisei ripping the blanket away from him early on in the morning. Nisei's hand gripped his wrist and sharply pulled him to his feet, the sudden motion made Kio's head spin and his sore body ache. He led Kio out of the room and down a hall; Kio was now very familiar with this routine and knew they were headed to Nisei's 'playroom'. Through the slight daze of his recent head rush, Kio realized it was unusually early for Nisei to be taking him. He tried to read the man's face through the haze of his blurred vision, glasses having been lost early on. Nothing seemed any different about the man, though he was moving rather hurriedly.

Kio was so focused on trying to figure out why Nisei was acting so oddly that he hadn't noticed that they had stopped moving. Therefore he wasn't prepared for the quick slap to his face. He flinched and let out a small gasp as a stinging heat spread over his cheek. Nisei pushed him against the wall, the hand still holding tightly to his wrist pinning it beside his head; another hand digging into his other shoulder.

"Damn, it's already too late for me to play with you." Nisei growled. "You're a lucky one, I wanted to keep you much longer, but Seimei says it's time for you to go back."

Kio was a little taken aback by the unusual aggression in the other's dark eyes. Nisei may have been a sadist, but he usually went about his painful endeavors with an almost childlike glee. He was too unsettled to fully understand what he had just been told.

"What…What do you mean?" His voice wavered slightly in confusion.

"We're taking you back to Soubi today; what's so hard to understand?" Nisei jerked him away from the wall and proceeded to drag him down a different corridor.

Kio was in a daze. Were they really going to let him go? The thought was such a surprise that he didn't even feel the excitement he expected to feel. He was almost tempted to believe that this was just a trick, something to get him to act up for Nisei's enjoyment. But the attitude Nisei seemed to have made him think that it must be true.

Nisei shoved him through a doorway and followed him in; Seimei was already in the room. The room, still rather empty, contained a few pieces of furniture such as some chairs and a desk off to one side.

"Good morning Kio." Seimei's greeting seemed far too casual to Kio for the given situation, "I'm sorry to say it's time to send you back." He said after getting no response from Kio.

"If you were sorry, then you'd let him stay longer." Nisei scoffed. Kio was mildly amused by the child-like frown he wore.

"I'm sorry Nisei, but if I let him stay he may not make it out alive. If that happened I don't think we would ever be able to get Soubi to talk to us again." Seimei smiled. Nisei released his arm and moved to a cabinet to one side of the room and began to make himself busy with something.

"So you guys are just letting me walk out of here now?" Kio asked hesitantly, still unsure of their intentions.

"Not quite." Seimei answered.

Kio jumped as Nisei's arms came around him, one hand covering his mouth with a damp cloth. His nose and mouth filled with a heavy, sickeningly bittersweet smell; then everything went fuzzy and he blacked out.

"I hope you enjoyed that Nisei; after all, it wasn't really necessary." Seimei commented as he pulled out his cell phone.

"Well, I wanted to have at least a little fun before we give him back." He shrugged as he let Kio's body slide to the ground.

Seimei just shook his head as he dialed a number and raised the phone to his ear.

"Hello Soubi." He said after a moment. "You don't need to be so rude; I was just going to let you know that we're bringing your friend back. But if you don't want him we'll gladly keep him." He shook his head at Nisei's hopeful expression. "As long as you're home when we get there, you can have him. If you're not waiting for us, then we'll just take him back here and that'll be the end of it, understand? Alright then." Seimei snapped his phone shut before slipping it into his pocket.

"Come on Nisei, gather him up and lets go." Seimei said as he left the room, leaving Nisei to mumble to himself as he hauled Kio up.

Kio felt himself on the edge of consciousness, but he couldn't quite get his body to work. He wasn't sure where he was, but it felt like he was moving…a car maybe? He tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids felt like they were weighted with bricks. He resigned himself to lying quietly on what he figured to be the back seat of a car; it wasn't as though there was anything else he could do.

It wasn't very long before he felt the car stop and heard the doors in the front open and close. He could barely make out muffled voices outside before the door near his head opened. He managed to force his eyes open to find Nisei reaching and pulling him from the car.

He was forced to his feet so quickly that his already hazy vision spun and his legs buckled beneath him. He still couldn't move; he squeezed his eyes shut as his body tensed, bracing himself for a hard impact with the ground. He was surprised when he fell against another body and strong arms came around him, catching him. He smelled the strong scent of cigarettes on the jacket his face was pressed against; it was enough to push his already muddled mind past any possibility of clear thoughts.

He was vaguely aware of the people around him exchanging a few words, though what they were he couldn't say. He heard the sound of car doors slamming, and felt a tiny relief in the knowledge that Seimei and Nisei seemed to have left without him. He felt himself being shifted in the strong arms that held him; one arm tightening around his shoulders as the other slipped behind his knees. The sensation of being lifted off the ground proved too much for his light-headed state and he blacked out once more.

Kio groaned as he woke, struggling to remember where he was. The familiar scent of cigarettes filled his nose when he turned his face into the pillow beneath his head. Soubi…that was it, he must be in Soubi's bed. He opened his eyes slowly to keep from blinding himself. Luckily the room he was in was dark, so he didn't have to worry. He realized he felt cleaner than he had in a long time. Kio felt a his face heating up at the thought of Soubi bathing him.

He moved to try and sit up, wincing at how sore he felt, but stopped when he realized something was making it difficult to move. He looked down, surprised to find a mass of pale blond hair resting on his stomach. Soubi was sitting in a chair beside the bed and had apparently fallen asleep there. His face buried in the bend of his elbow on Kio's stomach, his other arm laying across Kio's legs.

Kio wasn't sure what to think of Soubi's being there. His feelings were a violent mix; relief, anger, happiness, confusion. He couldn't figure out if he was glad to see him or not. He admitted to himself that, even after being abandoned, he wanted Soubi. Kio lightly brushed his fingers through Soubi's soft hair, trying to ignore how his chest was starting to ache.

"Kio..?" Soubi started to move, and Kio jerked his hand away from his hair. Soubi straightened back up in his chair, pushing his glasses back up his nose. "How long have you been awake?" He asked.

"Not long…" Kio answered quietly, for once at a loss for words.

"Well…You're probably hungry…I'll go find something for you to eat." Soubi said before rising to his feet and leaving the room. Kio stared at the doorway after he left. Soubi seemed a little out of it…but that made sense…things were bound to be a little awkward after all this.

Kio sighed heavily, he realized he wasn't very comfortable being there, he slid from the bed and walked out to Soubi's kitchen; it would be better to just get it over with.

"Hey Sou…" Soubi looked back at him from where he was digging through a cupboard, "You don't need to do that…just-where are my clothes, and I'll go home." He couldn't stay here, eventually he knew they might work things out, but right now it was all coming down. The past month was finally sinking in, and he couldn't bare to look at Soubi.

Kio pressed his hand over his eyes as he felt tears burning at them and threatening to spill. He leaned back against the doorway, sagging against the wall as he waited for Soubi to say something, anything. He tensed up as he felt Soubi's arms slip around him and crush him against his chest.

"Sou, please- just…" He moved his hands to Soubi's chest and started to push him away, but Soubi only held him tighter.

"I'm sorry." Soubi murmured, "I'm sorry for leaving you with them… But Ritsuka is still so young, and I couldn't let his brother hurt him…I promised him I'd protect him."

"It's fine Sou, I already know he's more important, just let me-" Kio was cut off when Soubi tipped his face up and crushed their lips together. He froze, for a moment he almost allowed himself to melt into the kiss; then his head cleared and he pushed against Soubi and pulled his face away.

"No… Don't Soubi, that's not going to just make everything alright for me." He cursed himself as his voice broke and looked away as the tears he'd held back thus far spilled over.

"Kio, you're important," Soubi grabbed his face and forced him to look at him, "You're my only friend, you take care of me when no one else will, you do everything for me Kio. I love you for that." Soubi brushed his lips over the tear stains on Kio's face. "You said yourself, not so long ago, that you would love me no matter what, right?"

Kio just stared at Soubi. He couldn't be sure what he was hearing was true. He felt his face flush a little as he realized Soubi had heard him that night.

"Kio, there wasn't a day you were gone that I wasn't afraid of never getting you back." Soubi nuzzled his neck . "I'm sorry I let you go Kio, I promise not to do it again."

"Sou-You had better not be making this up, I swear if you are I'll-" Soubi sealed their lips together again, effectively ending his threat.

Kio was reluctant at first, still unsure of this sudden turn of events, but it wasn't long before he let himself get lost in the kiss. Soubi nudged his lips apart as he held him tight. The sensation of Soubi's hand sliding down his back to press their hips together made him suddenly aware of the fact that all he was wearing was a pair of Soubi's sweat pants.

Kio tightened his arms around Soubi's neck and moaned softly as he started to bite at the soft skin below his ear. He gasped as Soubi hooked his hands under his thighs and picked him up, wrapping his leg around his waist.

Before he knew it Soubi had him pinned to the bed and was working the pants from his hips, trailing kisses along the newly exposed skin. Then the pants were gone and Soubi's mouth had closed over his length. Soubi's tongue gliding over him and lips caressing him in such a way that he couldn't control himself; Soubi laid an arm across his hips to keep him from bucking them up to frantically. Kio's fingers tangled in Soubi's soft hair as he came with a long, low moan. Whimpering slightly as Soubi continued to lap at him until he was clean.

Soubi crawled back over him and caught his lips with his own, sliding his tongue into his mouth. Kio returned his kiss as he began working at the buttons on Soubi's shirt and sliding in off his shoulders. He fumbled with the button on his pants for a moment before Soubi reached down and helped him. Soubi slipped out of them, underwear and all, before settling himself over Kio.

Kio wrapped his legs around Soubi and locked them behind his back. He pressed his face into his neck, nuzzling the thin scars there, as Soubi's arms slid around his body to cradle him. His jaw clenched as Soubi pressed into him, then stopped to let him adjust. Once he felt the dull pain subside, he murmured a quiet "alright" near Soubi's ear.

Soubi started slow, rocking his hips at a gentle pace. Each movement sent a little stinging sensation through Kio's body, but they gradually got better 'til he was letting out small sighs of pleasure. This was what Kio had always wanted it to be like between them.

Kio's moans grew louder as Soubi started to move faster, his back arching when Soubi hit that sensitive spot inside him. Soubi held him and continued to move so that every thrust grazed that spot; the contact sending waves of near painful pleasure rolling over him.

Moments later Kio tightened his arms around Soubi as he cried out his name, pushed over the edge into another orgasm. The force of it pulling Soubi into his own, making him shudder and moan before collapsing onto Kio. Both lay still, covered in a sheen of sweat and panting shallowly. Soubi nuzzled Kio's neck gently as Kio ran his fingers through his hair. Kio let his other hand trace the faint scars on Soubi's back… Now they both had scars thanks to Seimei…

It wasn't long before Soubi had fallen asleep in Kio's arms; still buried inside him. Kio wondered at how similar yet entirely different this night seemed in comparison to the one over a month ago. He hoped like hell that Soubi hadn't done all this as an apology; that when he woke up, he wouldn't find that Soubi had disappeared again. He hoped that it wasn't all just a dream.

When Kio woke the following morning, he didn't open his eyes; afraid of what he might find when he did. He could feel that Soubi wasn't lying on him anymore and that a blanket had been pulled over him. He opened his eyes and quickly confirmed what he'd already suspected: Soubi was gone.

He rolled onto his side, groaning at his sore muscles that hadn't gotten any better from spending half the night with his legs wrapped around Soubi. Kio pulled a pillow against his chest and pressed his face into it, trying to get his thoughts under control.

He couldn't say for sure that Soubi had meant anything he'd said last night, that Soubi had any reason not to leave him alone again. He wanted to think that it didn't matter, that he was used to it by now; but Soubi had never claimed to love him before, so that made it all the worse that he was gone again.

His grip on the pillow tightened as he struggled with the pain in his chest, biting back tears that he didn't want to cry. He was so lost in trying to fight back his feelings, that he nearly jumped when he felt the bed move before he was pulled into tight embrace.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Soubi said as he held Kio against him. "I didn't think about how it would feel to you to wake up alone again."

Kio looked up at Soubi, "So last night, everything you said-you meant it right? If you didn't, just tell me Sou; I'd rather know now than just have you drift away again." He watched Soubi expectantly as he waited for an answer, praying it was the one he wanted to hear.

Soubi smiled and pulled Kio's face within an inch of his own, "I meant it, I love you Kio." he murmured against Kio's lips before kissing him gently. Kio let himself rest against Soubi's chest, slightly overwhelmed by this confirmation. They both stayed quiet for some time before Kio finally broke the silence.

"You know…You're going to have a helluva time making up for all of this." Kio said with a half-playful irritation.

"I know," Soubi stood and pulled a still-naked Kio up with him, "so I'll have to start now. Why don't we take a shower and I'll clean you up ?" He purred into Kio's ear and wrapped his arms around Kio's waist, grinding their hips together.

Kio moaned softly, "Mmmnnn…That's a start I suppose, but you'll still owe me." He murmured as Soubi walked them into the bathroom.

"Maybe after I'll buy you a bag of suckers." Soubi said as he reached around Kio to turn the water on, then tossed his glasses onto the counter.

"Make it two bags and we'll tal-" Soubi silenced Kio with a kiss, kicking of the pants he'd slipped on before dragging them both into the shower.

A/N: Hahahaha...What a horrible ending..what loser thought that up?!... Alright, like I said, this chapter started to go downhill as soon as Kio woke up in Soubi's house... but I wasn't sure how to save it. I like a lot of the scenes..I just don't quite like certain bits of them. Anyway...dammit I got Soubi to love Kio and that's all that matters to me X3 So yeah... hehe, for those of you who may have been expecting/hoping for a longer fic, I'm sorry, I know if it had been longer it would've worked out a little nicer. But originally it was never meant to make it past the first chapter, but I wanted a happy Kio, so I made one. (after putting him through a little more angst/torture as is common for me to do to my favorite people and/or pairings) Anyway, Like I said maybe someday I'll make it better...but probably not for a good long while...'cause I've already got 3 more fics that want me to write them O.o