A/n: End! I'm not doing anymore to this whole Dib/Gaz story. This one is ended. But I might do one for Membrane and Gaz (their mother).
(Gaz's POV)
I hadn't meant to drop the glass and then to get cut up trying to pick up all of the pieces. I dropped the pieces and someone picked me up and moved me away from them. Heavy boots sounded on the floor feather light. I looked up at Dib and found he wasn't looking at me.
Bridal style, he carried me to his room where he laid me down on the bed. I could hear Zim and Tak cleaning up the glass and talking softly. Dib stroked my cheek, "Are you alright?" I smiled at the concern in his voice.
"I'm fine, Dib. Just fine." he leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. Our bodies pressing together and our minds coming together to block Dad's thoughts. Dib pulled away and smiled softly. He looked ridiculous with my lip gloss on his lips.
He caught my gaze and smiled, "Gaz… I love you. I'm sick of pretending and acting like I don't want you. The fact is. I was scared of disappointing Dad even more. Now, all I want is you." our lips met again and so did our tongues.
"'So, I chose Adeline to do my report on. Like Adeline I have a brother I love and he's lover worth more then seven lives. Our family, like Adeline's and Derrick's, hate us for it, but we couldn't care less what the world thinks. If I have one thing to say about this book, it's this: I can cause the oddest confessions to occur.'" Miss Summer smiled at us and waved my paper in the air, "That is a true essay. Now, I don't support incest, but at times, I think it's truly a beautiful way for love to blossom." I smirked as everyone looked at me.
I was the only one in class who had a sibling that no one really knew anything about. I looked up, "I don't know if you could call that incest though. We don't have the same parents in any way but marriage." the bell rang and everyone left. I waited and looked at the teacher once the room was cleared, "How did you know that I would fall in love with my brother?"
Miss Summer smiled, "Elementary, my dear Gaz. Elementary." I shrugged and left the class room. Dib was waiting outside the school. Everyone giving him weird looks and Zita moving her mouth quickly.
"She's your sister! That is so sick! I can't believe you'd do that with her! She in eight grade, Dib! It's sick!" Dib smiled and went around Zita to grab my hand and lace his fingers with mine. He kissed my hand and looked at Zita.
"I don't really care, Zita. As long as she wants me. She has me." I smiled and repeated a very old line.
"And I want him forever." we walked down the street and I finally spoke once we reached the house, "What are we going to do about Christmas with Dad?"
"I pull you under the mistletoe so often we may start fucking in front of him." I rolled my eyes. Dib was against any sexual… activities until I was sixteen. Once I was sixteen, he'd better pray he can walk the day after my birthday. Actually. We wouldn't be going to school that day.
Dib caught me around the waist and kissed me gently. If we stayed like this forever, I'd be content. I wouldn't need anything. Who knows? I may be his wife one day.
"Don't count on it, Gaz."
a/n: I love the end. It's Dib speaking, not me or anyone else,