A Hated Reflection

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Wish I did, but alas that fate is not to be mine… *sniffles*

CHAPTER 1: The Demon Itsuki

Kagome limped slowly across the cold hard ground. Her arm was pounding as blood flowed freely from it. In a spasm of pain she fell to the ground. She shut her eyes and ground her teeth together as red hot pain enveloped her body. Blood dripped to the dirt floor beneath her as she concentrated on breathing evenly. Slowly and painfully she rose to her feet. Still her eyes stayed shut with her teeth clenched. As she closed her eyes in pain she tripped over a root from a tree. Crying out in pain she clamped a hand on her arm and sat up realizing that her ankle was throbbing. Moaning softly she fell back onto the hard ground. She must have sprained it.

I must make it, she though with ragged determination, at least a little bit longer.

Ignoring her sprained ankle and bleeding arm she moved on. Gradually she made progress through the dark forest. After what seemed like many hours she stumbled through the dark into a clearing.

"Finally." She breathed. There in the center of the dark field, was Inuyasha.

But instead of comforting the dread pulsing inside of her, it increased it. For Inuyasha wasn't standing in the clearing with his usual scowl. He was lying down, and he was bleeding.

"Oh God, please, no." whispered Kagome. Quickly she rushed towards him. "Inuyasha!" Panic started to envelop her, washing out the pain from her injuries. As she ran water flowed from her eyes mixing with the dried blood on her face. Because of the tears, though, she couldn't see where she was going and tripped over a rock, landing next to him.

Fire seemed to be coursing through her veins as the pain seeped slowly back in. But her inner strength was strong too, and she tersely raised herself into a sitting position and pulled Inuyasha into her lap.

"Oh, Inuyasha, I'm so sorry." She said very softly, burying her face into his hair. From his shoulder all the way down to his waist was a deep gash. His clothes were ripped through and covered in rusty dry blood. Also his clothes had fresh blood on them that was still flowing from the horrible wound.

Without any hesitation Kagome quickly ripped off her sleeve that had covered her wounded arm. Pressing it to the gash she examined the rest of him. His pant legs were ripped and a little bloody, but the cuts on his legs were just insignifagent scrapes. Nothing much to worry about. His demonic powers already had healed them quite nicely. The same was with his face. All there was was a small cut that was almost completely healed.

A silent tear made its way down Kagome's cheek and on to Inuyasha's. "This is entirely my fault. I'm sorry…" Her hand reached for his and she held it, crying quietly. "Just please, please don't die. I- I need you. Don't leave me!" Now her sobs could be heard echoing through the forest.

A low chuckle sounded in front of Kagome. Tightening her hold on Inuyasha's hand her head snapped up.

In front of her was a man grinning wickedly from ear to ear. It wasn't the mischievous grin of a child either, but the grin of a man who enjoyed killing for fun. It was a grin that sent shivers down Kagome's spine.

"Ah, good evening. Do you happen to know where I can find a pesky hanyou?" As he spoke his grin widened revealing a pair of fangs. Kagome realized with fear the man was a demon, and he wanted to kill Inuyasha. Slowly Kagome looked into the his eyes her own chocolate brown ones wide and froze with fright. The eyes of the demon were black as coal. The pupils stretched so the whites of his eyes barely shown. All in all they were hypnotizing and terrifying at the same time.

As he stared into her widening eyes his smile turned hungry. Still smiling he slowly inhaled and then exhaled looking as though he was smelling a bouquet. "Ah, fear how sweet the smell. And you my dear girl," He bent down his face inches from hers "look delicious."

While the demon stared at her Kagome's fear slowly turned into defiance. She glared at him and stuck her chin up high. She'd seen worse than this demon especially after knowing Inuyasha for so long. Really now this guy was starting to get on her nerves. Setting her jaw and narrowing her eyes she resisted the sudden and stupid urge to punch him. She almost smiled as she realized how Inuyasha-like that move would be.

"Who are you?" She asked fiercely, yet calmly.

His eyes narrowed a little as he smelled the fear melt away and be replaced by annoyance and determination.

"I am Itsuki, demon of the thorns." Straightening he looked down at her. "My lord sent me to vanquish Inuyasha. Why I now wonder, a wounded mortal and an unconscious hanyou? It's hardly worth the effort. Though, I am still glad for the job. If I hadn't been chosen I wouldn't have the privilege to see your beautiful face. Since you fascinate me so much, I believe I will let you live. My orders were only to kill Inuyasha. But you do smell very delicious. Maybe I can just play around with you a bit."

She involuntarily flinched at his last words. "Who sent you?" She managed to choke out.

He smiled as her fear set back in. "I believe you know full well who sent me." He smirked evilly. "Anyway, on to business." He said almost cheerily. Then quicker than lightening he rolled back a sleeve and slashed at her exposed legs.

Kagome screamed in pain and held Inuyasha to her as if he could comfort and ease her pain. Her vision almost blurring over with pain, she looked around for her bow thankful she'd hung on to it. Seeing it she let go of Inuyasha to grasp it. Slowly she pulled back the bow ignoring the voice screaming with pain in the back of her head. Itsuki laughed wickedly as he saw her tremble.

"You believe you can kill me? And after I treated you so kindly. Why bother really?" Slowly he took in the fact that Inuyasha was on her lap with the remains of her sleeve soaking the blood from the wound. Understanding and malevolent joy lit his eyes.

"I see now. You love him how sweet, a mortal and a hanyou. You realize it'll never work though, right? Demons and humans cannot live together peacefully. Trust me he probably doesn't feel the same about you. I'm sure he's just using you for something that he wants." He watched as pain, this time not from her wounds flinted across her face. "Ah, yes I've hit a sore spot. You know, don't you? You know he doesn't love you and he never will. Probably he loves someone else and you're just a back-up plan, correct?" Slowly tears filled Kagome's eyes and her bow lowered a bit. Kikyou… she thought biting her lower lip. "Now will your efforts be rewarded if you kill me? Or will he just scorn your love again? My dear girl, do not bother to risk your life for if you die in the process, he won't care one little bit."

The words cut Kagome more than she was letting on. Yes, she knew Inuyasha didn't love her, he loved Kikyou… Would he care if she died? Kagome looked down at his face. Probably not… Sadness filled her heart and eyes. Then the sadness faded rapidly to anger. No! He would never do that to me! I know he cares even if it's not in the way I would like. Even though he does… love Kikyo it's okay. We've talked about it before. And he wants me to stay with him! So I will… she looked lovingly at Inuyasha determination cursing through her very being. I love him and I won't let him die! She looked up through narrowed eyes at Itsuki. I'll make sure of it.

Slowly she smiled up at Itsuki and watched as his grin slipped away. "I should hate you for saying that. But I don't, I pity you. Do you know why? Because if you died no one would care, I, at least, have that. You believed that I would think Inuyasha wouldn't care if I died. He would though, I know it. You're right he doesn't love me, but that's alright." She looked back down at Inuyasha. "I can stay with him and he'll stay with me and that's all that matters." Sharply she looked up and Itsuki's surprised eyes. "You act very high and mighty, but you are nothing. Inuyasha with always be much stronger that you. Even if you kill me you'll never kill him, I'll make sure of that, so die" Kagome released her arrow at Itsuki. He barely dodged it, but not before it hit him in the arm and cut it off. Cursing he looked at Kagome all traces of humor gone from his eyes. Damnit! He thought. A priestess!

"You stupid little girl. How dare you! You say I will die, but no you will, and that dog of yours Inuyasha!" (A/N now how wizard of oz does that sound!? "And your little doggy too!!!")

Itsuki then backed up and looked at the moon with his arms raised high above him. As Kagome watched she saws his eyes roll back into his head. Lightening flashed and the field started to darken forebodingly. Power seemed to be drawing towards Itsuki quickly and strongly. Suddenly his claws started to grow and his fangs began to look a lot sharper.

Oh great, he's transforming! Kagome though quickly reaching for an arrow, it was her last one.

Wind tore into the clearing and whipped around her making it nearly impossible to aim. I'll have to wait. This is my last shot and I have to make it count. She thought grudgingly.

A vine emerged from the ground and wrapped itself around Itsuki's pant leg. His chest was suddenly bare and the vine wound around it and his arm. Itsuki then pulled a sword from his hilt and let the vine wrap around it too. Only when he took a step forward did Kagome see the blood seeping from the places where the vine touched bare skin. Demon of the thorns, echoed through her head. Slowly she saw each thorn pierce his skin and the blood seeped slowly into his sword which beat with power.

Laughing maniacally Itsuki's now blood red eyes looked down upon her. "Now mortal do you want to try me? I am invincible!!" Kagome now noticed his new even stronger looking arm. "How did you put it again? Oh yes, so die!" The sword then came slashing down into Kagome's chest as she stared at him. Gasping for air she collapsed on the ground. The pain seemed to be sending violent blasts throughout her body. Struggling to stay conscious she opened her eyes and saw silver hair in front of her.

"Inuyasha." She breathed. Slowly Kagome pulled herself towards him. Then she looked down on his face. It looked so peaceful despite him being unconscious. It looked how it did when he was sleeping in her time. Unguarded and joyfully boyish. He always looked so cute when he was sleeping. "I won't let you die. I swear." Kagome spotted her bowed and arrow lying to her left. She reached her wounded hand towards it.

Suddenly a boot crushed down on her hand. "Ah, ah, ah. I don't think so." Itsuki whispered into her ear. "You're quite the persistent one aren't you?" He chuckled darkly.

Kagome looked at him smiling above her. She smirked. "Idiot." She whispered. Then she grabbed the sacred arrow from beneath her and rammed it into his heart with all her strength.

"No," Itsuki said with fear finally in his eyes. "NO, I refuse to be killed by a mortal priestess! I am the great Itsuki, demon of the thorns!" With that he vehemently slashed Kagome once more in the chest and then died in a burst of black light.

Kagome cried out as she bled fiercely. Slowly she crawled to Inuyasha's side, her determination dead with Itsuki. She stood over Inuyasha watching his healing wound. It had, thankfully, stopped bleeding.

Kagome smiled weakly and triumphantly despite the pain. "You're okay Inuyasha. You'll live. I-I" Kagome shuddered in pain and collapsed on top of Inuyasha her arms around his neck. "I love you." She whispered softly. Then everything went black.

If Inuyasha had become conscious he would have suddenly noticed the scent of graveyard soil and death. As a woman emerged from the trees she placed a hand on Inuyasha's cheek. Glaring at Kagome she backed up into the forest and disappeared.


Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the first chapter! I know its kind short. But hey if it's good then it's worth the read right??

Haha I left you with a cliffy!!

No one's gonna read if you leave a cliffy there gonna be mad at you baka!!!

Oh shut up what do you know???

I know a lot more than you!

Uh huh sure you do. Just do everyone a favor and shut up!!


You are SUCH a child!!!

Am not

Are to

Am not

Are to

Am not

Are- wait! SHUT UP!!

Now who's the child?

*stabs in the eyes with harpoon* Oh be quiet all ready no one likes you.

*Ignoring yells of idiot* "Hey!! I'm not an idiot!"

*knocks unconscious and clears throat.* Anyway I hope you liked it considering it's my first story! Read and review please! See you all later!!