A/N: Ok, who agrees with me that I'm writing more stories then I can keep track of? Oh well. I'm just writing this one for those times that I can't think of anything for my other one(s). Also, this takes place after the flock saves the world; Max, Fang, and Iggy are 15, Nudge's 12, Gazzy's 9, and Angel's 7. I'll try not to make this story go in the "Max gets pregnant" direction like all my other stories. Please read and review!

Max's POV:

I woke up for the hundredth time that night without Fang's strong arms around me. I was in my mother's house and the rest of the flock was staying either at their parents' house or at an adoptive family. I hated it. I was the one who went around with everyone, helping them find their families, and I had to say good-bye to Fang last. I almost broke down and asked him not to leave me, but he wanted to try out what being in a real family would be like, so I let him. I should have let him go before Iggy, who had found a nice, adoptive family, so it wouldn't have been as hard. The only good part was that Fang's family lived near my mother's house so we were going to go to school together and we'd still see each other. Fang didn't actually know how I felt, though. He thought that I was happy for him, which I was, but he didn't know how much it hurt me.

"Max?" Mom called through my door. "You have to get up, it's time for school." I groaned. My mom had enrolled me in school, and since I was two years older then Ella, I didn't know anyone in my class, besides for Fang, of course, but, honestly, how often would I actually see him?

"Max, come on! We need to go!" I groaned again as Mom knocked on my door for the umpteenth time.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I grumbled as I threw on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, finishing my usual attire with a windbreaker.

"Max, hurry up or you'll be late!" Mom yelled as she went outside. I grabbed the book-bag that held my school stuff and ran out into the car.

The car ride to school didn't take long, so I decided I'd walk home after school. I didn't have to worry about Erasers or anything, so I'd be perfectly safe.

At the office, I just spaced out as my mom got my schedule and a map of the school for me.

"Is Max short for something?" asked the secretary once Mom had left.

"No," I told her. I'd rather not say that my real name was Maximum. That probably wouldn't get a very good response from her.

"Well, you may want to hurry; classes start in a few minutes. Here's your locker number, and the locker code is right below it," she said, handing me another piece of paper. "Have a nice day."

"Thanks," I muttered, looking at the paper with my locker number as I walked away.

I got to my locker and stuffed all my stuff that I didn't need until after lunch inside, glancing at my schedule as I did.

"Hey," said a male voice. "Are you new here?"

I looked up and saw a guy, probably in my grade, looking at me while going through his locker.

"Yeah, today's my first day here," I told him. "I'm Max."

"Tom," he said with a smile just as the bell rang. "Ugh, I got to go. My first class is on the other side of the building. I'll see you around, Max." Tom turned around and started running then.

"See you around, Tom," I said, mostly to myself. I knew who I was going to be sitting with at lunch. The second bell rang then.

"Shit," I muttered. I glanced at my schedule and saw I had Biology first, and started running to class.

I got there and opened the door slowly, not wanting to be noticed, but the teacher saw me.

"Thank you for finally joining us, Ms. Martinez," the teacher said, and it took me a second to realize she was talking to me and that Mom had registered me in the school database as 'Max Martinez' rather then 'Max Ride.'

"Sorry," I muttered before taking a seat in the back row. A couple people turned in their desk to look at me, but I kept my face down, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes. I'm serious, that class felt like it was going by at a snail's pace, each minute feeling like an hour.

When the bell finally rang, I jumped out of my seat and practically ran to the door so I could get to my next class, Literature, on time. I thought I had heard someone call my name, but I ignored them since I could tell that it was a guy, probably a classmate, and I didn't feel like talking to them.

I got to my Literature class before the bell rang and chose a seat in the back of the room closest to the door so I could make a quick escape when the bell rang again.

Everyone started coming in, and I took out my notebook and started doodling just for something to do. I could see that someone was sitting next to me out of my peripheral vision, but I didn't bother to look up to see who it was, and they didn't have a chance to start talking to me because the second bell rang and the teacher walked in.

Again, class couldn't go by quick enough.

"Max!" the same person as after Bio called my name. I didn't feel like turning around to see who it was, so I walked fast towards the lunchroom, thanking whoever made the schedule over and over again for only making me suffer through five classes a day, Bio, Literature, lunch, History, and Drama.

"Hey, Max," I heard Tom call from one of the tables. At the same moment, I felt someone's hand on my arm. I turned around to see who it was and came face-to-face with Fang.

"Hey," he said, slightly smiling. "Finally you acknowledge me. I've been trying to talk to you since first period."

"Sorry, hectic day," I said, putting a false-smile on my face. I really didn't feel like talking to him right now.

Evidently, Fang saw something in my expression that gave him a hint to what I wanted. "Well, I have to go do the homework I have so far. Do you want to walk home with me?"

"Sure," I said. I didn't mind walking home with him. I'd probably think of a way to get out of walking with him specifically by the time school ended. "See you then."

Fang nodded and walked away, back into the hall towards his locker, and I went over to where Tom was sitting.

"Hey, who was that?" he asked once I sat down, pointing at Fang's retreating back.

"That's Nick," I said. "We knew each other when we were younger." Actually, we had known each other since we were born, but I didn't tell Tom that.

"Oh," said Tom. "Are you two..?" I could tell he was asking if we were a couple, but didn't want to outright say it.

"I'm not sure," I said. I could see Tom's expression become a bit puzzled as he tried to figure out how I couldn't know if we were a couple. Luckily, though, the bell rang and saved me, again, from having to talk anymore.

When I got to my locker, I looked at my schedule and saw that I had History and then Drama.

I got to class, though, and the secretary who I had seen that morning in the office was standing by the door.

"Class is canceled for today," she told the crowd of students that was starting to form outside the History classroom. "Your teacher is sick, and the Drama teacher is still out of town; you can all go home early." Most of the students cheered, but I inwardly groaned. I hadn't had any time to prepare a way to dodge Fang.

A/N: Yeah, I know. Bad way to end the chapter, but I wanted to get to chapter two before I wrote the entire story in one. Please review! The button is right there! Just say what you think about this chapter, and I'll add more tonight!