This chapter is just questions I have answered about this story. Read them if you do not understand some stuff or if you have had questions you were going to ask me but didn't. The new story I promise will start soon. They are mostly in order, but a few are not. I know I keep saying that but anyway, if you want to read do, if not don't. Up to you, choose wisely!
1. Did Charlie notice Bella only being pregnant 2 months?
Yes, he did. He however didn't say anything about it, because when describing Elizabeth Renée I left out key details. One, she had bronze hair like Edward has. Two, she had darker skin than her mother and father because she took after Edward before his transformation. (I'll answer my reasoning for that in second.) Next, she had a mix of gold/brown eyes. Probably a dark gold color. Make it up in your head; I'm no good a color mixing. Lastly, she was the size of a premature baby. Probably not much bigger than the width of a clothes hanger. This is pretty big, but not huge considering how large most babies are nowadays. So Charlie didn't question the fact of Bella's very short pregnancy, though she was the size of a nine month pregnant lady when Elizabeth was born.
2. Why was Elizabeth's skin more russet colored when Bella and Edward are both beyond pale?
Elizabeth took on the skin tone Edward had before Carlisle transformed him. I will explain my reasoning for this next.
3. Why do you say Edward had tan skin before his transformation?
Because I'm the author, no not really! ;-) I did this because I didn't want to completely edit Jake out of the story. So I added some tension so that Bella would want a paternity test and try to figure out her unending questions.
4. Why would Carlisle threaten Bella and Edward?
He was jokingly talking about throwing them out of the house. Edward is his favorite son. I mean, what kind of father would throw his children out for having children? Not one if they were being responsible. So that answers that, I mean dads help me out here. Moms too, if your child were still living with you, they were married, and had already had a miracle child with your child, would you kick them out? I mean, Edward only left once, during his rebellious stage, and he came back. That was the only time he left, unless you count New Moon…
5. What is your reasoning behind Edward's ability to have a child with a human Bella?
Well, I've said this before. This all came to me through a series of dreams. I still have those dreams a lot. You won't believe how many times I see the couple making out, or doing other things. So, when I was dreaming and discussing with my friends, that is what we came up with. My friend tried to help me illustrate it, which we now joke about as the 'flower' diagram. I'll explain in a PM if you really want to know, but I'm dropping it otherwise. (Emily, I will finally recognize you for your help!) So, the whole potion thing was just my own thing. I'm psycho I know, but I'd rather be that way than a bratty prep! I'm prep, but not a brat, and the prep thing I can't help it is just my nature.
6. Why would Edward act that way with his family when Alice takes her shopping while Edward and Bella are in the meadow? (Before her transformation)
He is a very overprotective father. He is still that way and will be for eternity. I mean, we've all seen how protective he is of Bella. He is way overprotective of both of them now!
7. Why would you say Alice is a virgin?
Again, I wasn't thinking. I'm still trying to grasp my characters when I'm not reading the series. I am an avid reader and I have to also read school books. ;-P
8. Why would you make Esme and Rose seem so mean towards Bella?
They would be happy, but also sad because they both wish they could have natural children, they only settle for grandchildren and nieces/nephews.
9. Why is Bella's transformation so vivid?
I had help if you thought it was vivid good/bad. My friend helped write that because I wasn't sure how to write her transformation. (Yes Michaela, now you get your congrats too!) So if you thought it was good/bad, thank/talk to her. She was the one who wrote it, I was unsure of the transformation sequence, though I should be able to write it easily!
10. Why do you torture Edward with your constant interruptions?
The only reason I do that is so my story has a concept other than sex. If I didn't, Edward and Bella would be getting freaky every night. Elizabeth broke them for a while, but she could only do it for a little while. She is now walking, which makes it easier for others to care for her. So, I torture him that way so he can at least rest sometimes.
11. Is Elizabeth transformed or not?
She is not. I had an epiphany and decided to say that she was to get a choice in her future. So no, she is still the same as always. She just has a vampire mother and father.
12. Why was Charlie so mad at Bella for getting pregnant?
If you recall, Bella was on her honeymoon when Edward finally gave in. She got pregnant in the few weeks she was there, I think it was two. She had just gotten married to him, so Charlie quite frankly was mad at her for the sudden pregnancy. She had only been married two weeks and already was pregnant, so he panicked. What would you do in that situation?
13. Why doesn't Bella jump at the chance to be in the shower with Edward?
One reason, a shower together is something new to her. She was probably nervous her first time with him in bed and was nervous about the shower. She also thought he would not want to be in there with her because that could make them do it in the shower, which was not what she wanted. So, it was nervousness most likely.
14. Why would Alice borrow one of Bella's nightgowns?
She was just going in there to give her some clothes, when she had a vision of her wearing a black and white nightgown which she knew Bella had. She and Jasper were doing something in her vision and she wanted it to come true. So she borrowed it and got Bella a new one, which was the way I explained it in chapter 20.
15. Why exactly did Emmett interrupt the two of them in the middle of what they were doing?
He heard animal noises (Bella and Edward growling) upstairs and went to investigate. Simple enough!
16. Why does Bella refuse to do that with Edward after decorating?
Elizabeth was outside the door and she didn't want her to know what mommy and daddy were doing. Especially since they sound like animals mating.
17. Why does Aro want Bella?
To see what caused her pregnancy. She is the first vampire to get pregnant. She was also the first girl to have a half vampire child. So she was pretty magnificent!
18. How is Bella pregnant again?
Good question! Trying to figure that out right now. I'll tell you in my bio when I figure it out, or I'll write it into the next story.
19. What did everyone get for Christmas?
Read the chapter for some, I don't feel like racking my brain to figure everything out. You use your imagination!
20. Why doesn't Charlie scold them for getting pregnant again so soon?
Bella is married and already has one child, and the way he sees Bella and Edward nowadays he wasn't too surprised. Last time Bella was wearing a sexy robe over a really provocative nightgown. Edward was wearing only pants so, again no surprise. Renée is just upset in Bella's choice of a husband. She doesn't really like Edward because he got her only little girl married at 18 and pregnant after only a few weeks of marriage. It will however wear off soon! Don't worry!
21. Is Bella expecting twins?
No, the term they I used was supposed to be it and not they. She is only pregnant with one baby right now. She however, after this baby, gets pregnant with twins. But not until the new one is at least a year or two old.
22. What is up with the new houses?
The new houses are just going to be for when Bella and Edward want alone time away from the family. They won't be there forever for it is not a permanent home. They will continue to live with the rest of the Cullens. So if you were upset they were moving, don't worry. The beach house was for everyone, the other was so that they could have uninterrupted alone time whenever. Bella and Edward probably had a family meeting about the constant interruptions. So, that is now cleared up.
The new story should be out by tomorrow, I need to write more in my handwritten version because the last 3 chapters were not written down. Hope you had a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Edward's ONLY True Love ;-)