We're going to need new pilots.
USS Goliath, Battle Bridge:
"The Warbirds have entered the mine field. They are maneuvering around the mines".
"All ships, fire phasers at the mines. Blow those bastards to bits".
The Section 31 task force fires its weapons directly into the mines. The anti-matter explosives detonate, ripping apart the first wave of Romulans.
"Second wave approaching".
"Hold until relieved all ships, open fire".
Battlefield over Romulus:
"Damage report".
"Sir, we have hull breaches on deck twenty one".
The helm consol explodes, killing the Andorian. Admiral Plotkin resumes helm control.
"Battle Bridge to Saucer, what is your status".
"We are taking heavy damage. Those Romulan weasles have us surrounded by Defenders".
The Defender class was a Romulan two person fighter. Faster, more manoeuvrable, and more powerful than its Starfleet counterpart, the Defender was an air supremacy fighter. It could be lethal against capital ships.
"Goliath to Sovereign. Keep those Defenders off the Saucer Section. Rip them from the sky".
The USS Sovereign, a Sovereign class starship, approached from the left flank. Within moments, it had cleared the Saucer section of fighters with its massive phaser banks. Two Warbids hit it from the center, but the Sovereign destroyed them with a barrage of plasma torpedoes. They were still heavily outnumbered.
"This is the Atlantis, we have exhausted our torpedoes. Phasers still operational. Request assistance".
"Roger that Atlantis. All fighters, protect the Atlantis. Keeps those Defenders off her so she can strike the Warbirds. Over".
"Red one to Goliath, they are all over us. My Squadron is being ripped to shreds".
"Hold the line Ensign Thrace".
"Easy for you to say, you don't have a Defender on your ass".
"Sir, the Romulans have destroyed half of our fighters".
"This is the Atlantis, we have a warp core breach. Keep your distance. Repeat, keep your..."
The Atlantis explodes. The four Warbirds that had surrounded her turn to the Crazy Horse. The Prometheus, Sovereign, and Goliath are demolishing Warbirds with their plasma torpedoes. But they are still heavily outnumbered.
"This is the Crazy Horse, all weapons are offline. Permission to punch out over".
Punch out referred to a suicide run. The Romulan Senate must be defended under any circumstances. They had no choice.
"Goliath to Crazy Horse, you have the all clear. God Speed. Prometheus, screen the Crazy Horse. Make sure she makes it".
With the Prometheus's three sections providing cover fire, the Crazy Horse heads straight for the Romulan command ship.
Romulan Warbird, Bridge:
"Admiral, the Starfleet vessels is headed straight for us".
"They wouldn't".
"Yes they would".
"All hands brace for impact".
The two vessels collide and explode.
Battlefield over Romulus:
"Frack me, I've just lost my wingman".
"Keep it together Thrace".
The Battle Section of the Goliath moves in to provide cover fire for the remaining fighters. Enhanced phaser fire erupts from the vessel, creating the appearance of a big red porcupine. Romulan Defenders are exploding in all directions, as the Goliath is pummelled by Warbirds.
"Gods dam it. Starbuck, Goliath. We are getting killed out here".
"Hold the line. This is the closest we have ever come to an alliance with the Romulan Senate".
An explosion rocks the battle bridge, as the communications officer is flung through the air. Number Three enters the bridge.
"Anything I can do".
"How the hell did you get here? Security, take this woman back to her quarters".
Another consol explodes, killing the second helmsman. The Admiral is flying solo.
"Delay that order. Sit at the consol and help me fly this crate".
"This is Commander Roe. We have hull breaches throughout the saucer section. We can't hold much longer".
"We are moving to assist. Excalibur, you're on my wing".
"Copy that Admiral".
The two starships begin to coordinate their fire on the Romulan Warbids. Their phaser and torpedo barrages manage to take some pressure off the Saucer Section. Unfortunately, they are now being bombarded from both flanks.
"This is the Excalibur. Our phasers are off line, request assistance"
"Copy that Excalibur, Sovereign moving to assist".
"Prometheus here. Right behind you Sutherland".
The remaining starships serve in and out, attempting to cut through the Romulan lines. The Soveriegn rips into the Romulan left flank, with the Prometheus attacking the right. Warbirds are exploding in all directions, under the barrage of advanced weapons fire. The two advanced ships are screening the Goliath and Excalibur from Romulan weapons fire. The Federation vessels are still surrounded.
"We need a miracle here".
"Sir, two fleets moving in to the party.
"One is Starfleet. The other is Klingon".
Like angels, the two fleets charge the Romulan flanks. The Starfleet vessels unleash a devasting barrage into the Romulan right flank. The Klingon Cruisers rip through the Romulan left flank, demolishing the Warbirds. Klingon Bird of Preys peel off from the cruisers and attack the Defenders.
Leading the Federation task force is the USS Enterprise.
"Captain Picard to surviving vessels, sorry we are late. It took awhile for the council to vote in favour of aiding the Romulan Government".
"This is General Va Tok. You men have fought with the spirit of Kalus. Let the Empire now take the blunt of the battle".
The Klingon Warships unleash a devastating barrage of torpedoes and disruptors onto the Warbird, shredding them to bits. The Defenders are torn apart by Birds of Prey.
The assortment of Starfleet and Klingon warships tear through the Romulan lines. In all directions, the attacking Romulan Rebels are being obliterated. Within hours of the original uprising, the Romulan coup has been crushed.
Starbase 79:
The Klingon fleet takes up position to the north of the facility, with the Federation fleet situated to the south. The USS Goliath, Sovereign, Prometheus, and Excalibur enter spacedock for repairs. All vessels are heavily damaged, and have taken substantial loss to their crews. The Goliath is situated to the left of the Colonial Fleet, which is also undertaking repairs in space dock.
"Admiral Adama".
Adama turned around to see Admiral Plotkin approaching him. His face was almost completely black, and his arm was in a sling.
"Good to see you Bill".
"Sound like you had quite a ride out there".
"That is one of things I would like to talk to you about".
Starbuck walked up to the two admirals.
"Permission to speak freely sir?"
"Permission granted Lieutenant".
"I thought she was an ensign?""I Promoted her. She might have a big mouth, but she is one hell of a fighter pilot. Now what was it you wanted to say?"
"Your fighters suck".
"Thank you for being forward about that".
"They are too slow, they manoeuvre horribly, and they lack sufficient firepower"."They are still better than those Vipers you were flying before".
"Regardless, they are inferior to the Defender. It was like being in a flying coffin".
"Do you think you could design a better fighter?"
"Ms. Monroe, contact the Yorktown. Tell them they will have one more passenger on the trip to Earth".
"I want you to corroborate with our top designer, Seven of Nine. Make me a fighter built to a pilot's specifications. One that will burn the Defender from the skies".
"With pleasure, sir. I might even get paid this time".
"Don't push your luck Thrace".
Kara marched off to meet the Yorktown, leaving to two Admirals alone. Temporarily.
"Now, where was I?"
"Who was Ms. Monroe?"
"What? Oh, she's my orderly. Don't you have one Admiral?"
"The Galactica is a bit understaffed at the moment".
"That is what I wanted to talk to you about".
But before Admiral Plotkin could begin his request, Number Three approached.
"Good afternoon Admirals. I hope I am not interrupting".
"Well, if it isn't the woman with the golden hands. Are you sure you have never done that before?"
Three was taken aback, and Adama shot a glance at Admiral Plotkin.
"It's not what you think Bill. Three flew the Goliath after the helmsman was killed. She did it like a pro".
Three smiled at the Admiral.
"It was nothing. The controls are similar to those on a Basestar".
"How would you like to make the arrangement full time?"
"Excuse me?"
"I need a helmsman with field experience. My two guys were killed. If you want the job, it's yours".
Three thought for a few moments, then accepted.
"I guess it's time that I sang for my supper".
"You do have a beautiful voice".
"Admiral! Are you flirting with me?"
The Admiral was visibly embarrassed. He hadn't hit on anyone since his first wife was killed eighty three years ago. He was out of practice, and possibly out of his league. Three just laughed and turned to walk away.
"By the way ensign, I was wondering if I could spend the night?"
"You'll have to buy me dinner first".
"Ah, allow me to explain. There is now a large hole where my quarters used to be and I need a place to sleep. The starbase is full of Colonials. Unless you have a problem with my staying on the couch?"
"Oh, not at all. I just thought..."
"I'm forward, Ms. Three. But not that forward".
She just smiled and left. While Admiral Plotkin looked embarrassed, Admiral Adama looked disgusted.
"I take it you don't approve".
"Just get to the point".
It was Jean Luc Picard, the Captain of the Federation flagship. Though the Enterprise was the largest vessel in the fleet, it was not the most powerful. That was the Prometheus, a Section 31 warship.
"Hello Jean Luc".
"You will be pleased to know that a new treaty has been signed between the Romulan Senate and the Federation Council. We are finally allies".
"Nothing like sacrificing two of your ships and their crews to save a bunch of Romulan politicians to further cement our relations. Do you think it was worth it, Picard?"
"For a lasting peace with the Romulans, I think every sacrifice is worth it. Don't you Admiral?"
"Only time will tell, Picard. Let's just hope the peace lasts".
"Amen to that Admiral. Excuse me".
Picard left to rejoin his crew.
"That sums it up in a nutshell, Admiral. I need replacements".
"I see. And you thought you could cannibalize my fleet for yours".
"No, I just need pilots. Experienced pilots".
"I thought the Federation had unlimited resources and manpower".
"We have manpower and ships to spare. But I need combat veterans. My guys were veterans of the Dominion Wars. Now they are dead".
"And I'm just supposed to give you my pilots".
"Wake up and smell the raptageno Admiral. Your ships and fighters are pathetic compared to ours. You wouldn't last five seconds in a firefight. At least in Section 31, you could fight for a better Galaxy".
Adama had to think this through.
"We have a 80 casualty rate, but it is decreasing with further advances in technology. When our new fighters and warships are ready, it should be down to less than 60".
"That is still a lot of people, Admiral".
"That is why we only use volunteers. Section 31 handles the jobs that Starfleet can't. We still have unlimited manpower for our starships. I just need a few squads of fighter pilots".
"I'll get back to you on this".
"That was not the answer I was looking for".
"These are Colonial citizens. I need permission from the President and the Quorum of Twelve".
"Well, let me know if I have pilots. Otherwise I have to start drafting people from Starfleet, and there is a shortage of experienced fighter pilots".
Adama left to speak with the civilian government. Commander Roe approached her commander, followed by Ensign Three and the other Cylons.
"Commander, Ensign".
The old Cylon spoke up.
"We heard that you were hiring".
"What experience do you have?"
The dark haired woman turned to the Admiral.
"I was a Raptor pilot".
"What is a Raptor?"
"It's a type of fighter bomber".
"Good, we need pilots. You're hired. As for the rest of you, I will find you positions later on".
Roe turned to the Admiral.
"Sir, we need to start finding replacements for key positions".
"Agreed. Let's head to the bar and start refilling the ranks".
As the group approaches the bar, the song Boogey Woogey can be heard in the background.
"Oh no. I forgot what day it was".
"Sir, may I remind you we are no longer on the Goliath".
"You know what Roe, I don't care".
Admiral Plotkin removed his side-arm form its holster. Three began to get nervous.
"What is he going to do?"
No one had to answer. The Admiral entered the bar, pointed his phaser, and blasted the juke box.
"With four heavily damaged starships in spacedock, I find it hard to believe that none of you have work to do. Snap to it".
The Starfleet officers all filed in and headed out. The Klingons began to cheer and applaud.
"Thank you my friend. That noise was infuriating".
"You are quite welcome General. And thank you for coming to the rescue".
"The Klingon Empire is always willing to aid our Federation allies".
"And claim Romulan territory for the Empire".
"I believe there is an old Earth saying. How does it go? Oh yes, to the victor go the spoils".
"Amen to that, General".
At that moment, Kara Thrace walked into the bar. She was followed by Ms. Munroe and behind her, was Samuel Anders.
"Good morning John".
Within seconds, the image of Kara Thrace was replaced with a balding man in a Starfleet uniform.
"How did you know it was me?"
"The real Kara Thrace is enroute to Earth. Is that the new dossier, Ensign".
"Yes sir. What happened in here?"
"Thank you ensign. Oh, I shot the jukebox".
The Doctor seemed almost panic stricken.
"You fired your weapon in a starbase. Are you insane?"
"Watch it John. I am still your commanding officer".
"What in heaven's name would posses you to do such a thing?""I hate first contact day".
"Well that hardly...""Did you know Zefram Cochrane, John?"
"Admiral, that is hardly the point".
"I did. And the real Zefram Cochrane was nothing like the one in the history books".
"Well everyone exaggerates, but that still doesn't excuse..."
"The real Zefram Cochrane was an alcoholic coward. He only invented warp drive so he could get rich. But everyone remembers him as this heroic explorer out to better mankind. When the Borg attacked, Cochrane ran for his life while he staff died trying to protect the Phoenix. The rat".
"The Borg? What do the Borg.."
"That's right John. Humanity had contact with alien species centuries before Cochrane. In the 1960's, my best friend on Earth was a Vulcan. But no one ever wants to talk about that. No. No one wants to admit that alien races were influencing the development of humanity long before warp drive. Did you know Vulcans gave Velcro to humanity?"
This was all news to everyone in the bar. With the exception of the Enterprise crew, who actually saved Cochrane and the Phoenix from the Borg attack.
"But no one wants to admit this. So every year for three hundred and twenty plus years, we put on this farce about making first contact with an alien species. Don't kid yourself John. I witnessed first contact with the Fenergi in 1947, and the Vulcans in the 1960's".
Three waited for him to finish his ranting. Then she asked her question.
"And what about you Admiral? When did your species first encounter humans?"
"See, this is exactly what I am talking about. We were the first to contact humans. Humans and Vulcans have known each other since the twentieth century. We have known humans since the days of Mark Twain".
"Sorry, Earth reference. Since the nineteenth century".
"And what century is it now?"
"It is the last two decades of the twenty fourth century. I have known humans since the twentieth".
"You spent the past four hundred years with humans?"
"Three hundred of them in this uniform. Speaking of which".
The Admiral stopped talking and started to look over his troop manifest. More accurately, what was left of his troops. The Klingon general started laughing.
"I have always said that humans were tools".
"Very useful ones my friend. Is this all that's left?"
"Yes sir".
"You may leave Ensign".
The orderly did just that. She had heard information that contradicted every history book she had ever read. This was a lot to process. As she left the room, she passed Sam Anders. The poor guy was still in shock from seeing his wife turn into a man.
"We need two ships to replace the Atlantis and Crazy Horse. How about the Dauntless and the Endeavour?"
"They are both Excelsior Class ships sir"."Exactly. They are larger and more powerful than the Nebula Class".
"They are also a larger target, Sir".
"With stronger shields".
"Ok, we'll take them both. Who do you want in command?"
"I was thinking of giving the Dauntless to Shelby".
"Do you have a problem with Commander Shelby?"
"She is not from Section 31".
"But she does have more battlefield experience than most of our new recruits. She is also experienced with new and experimental technologies and with Black Ops missions".
"All right. We'll contact her as soon as possible. I'm sure she will be thrilled to have her own command. What about the Endeavour?"
"The Endeavour? What about Anders? He has always wanted his own ship".
"Anders bought it in the last attack".
"Dam it. Anders is dead?"
"No I'm not".
The Federation officers turned around to see a young man in a uniform. It was not Federation, so they assumed he was a Colonial.
"No, not you Anders. Lt. Commander Anders, our Anders".
"Who are you anyway?"
"Ensign Samuel T Anders. Why did my wife turn into a bald guy?"
"What? Oh, you must be Mr. Thrace".
"No. She is Mrs. Anders".
"Well, don't worry. This is my chief medical officer. Your wife is off to Earth, to design a new fighter for me".
Anders turned around and went back to his drink.
"Now we need a new number three man. How about Jefferson?"
"He also bought the big one. How about Caleb?"
"He doesn't have the experience. What about Tuvok?"
"Well sir, he has the experience and the skills. But who will take over as tactical officer?"
The Admiral turned to Anders.
"You, do you have any battlefield experience?"
"Well, I was the leader of the Caprican resistance and one of the leaders of the New Caprican resistance".
"Any experience with explosives?"
"Tactical experience?"
"Experience with various weapons and battlefield tactics?"
"Good. Congratulations, you're my new tactical officer. Ms. Munroe, have Mr. Anders outfitted for a uniform".
"Yes sir".
Ms. Munroe re-entered the bar, walked up to Sam, and escorted him out.
"We still need one new helmsman, and a communications officer".
"As for the helmsman, I was thinking of Mr. Crusher".
"I agree. Wesley would be my choice as well. As for the communications officer, I was thinking of Icheb".
"Icheb? The Borg Boy?"
"Why not? He is enthusiastic, intelligent, motivated, experienced. He has served USS Voyager with distinction and is a perfectionist. He is everything we are looking for".
"He is also very young. I also have a problem with a cadet that passed the academy through the mail".
"Are you sure that is the only problem, Admiral?"
It was at this point that Adama, Roslin, and an unknown man walked in. This man was Tom Zarek, but the Vice President had not been introduced to the Federation.
"Minor disagreement Admiral?"
"This is a Federation matter Madam President. I would advise you to stay out of it".
"Admiral Plotkin is objecting to making a Borg his communications officer".
"It has nothing to do with him being a Borg Roe. My top designer is a Borg".
"She is also on Earth. Icheb would be standing a few feet behind you".
"This is not a personal matter, Roe. I don't think he is old enough to join our ranks".
"What is a Borg?"
Admiral Adama chose to answer this question.
"The Borg are a race of aliens that wiped out the planet El Auria".
"This has nothing to do with my homeworld. I have used Borg in the past and will continue to do so".
"He does have a good record, Sir".
"Fine, let's give him a shot. Just make sure I don't live to regret this Roe. Now what is it you wanted to discuss with me, Madam President?"
"I understand you are looking for pilots".
"Experienced pilots are preferable".
"We can help you, for a price".
"You are hardly in a possession to haggle, Madam President".
From this point, Zarek took over negotiations.
"Here is the deal. You need pilots with combat experience. We need a homeworld. I'm sure we can come to an agreement that is mutually beneficial".
"I can't do anything for you unless you are Federation Citizens".
"Can't you speed up the process?"
"Only for volunteer officers and their families. The rest of you will have to wait, and that can take years".
"You will not receive any more volunteers unless we are gaurunteed a safe home".
"Here is my last offer. There are members of the council that still owe me a few favors. I will pull some strings on your acceptance into the Federation, in exchange for pilots. And for Admiral Adama".
"Why do you need him?"
"I need an experienced commander for the USS Endeavour. He is the most experienced commander I have met here. Take it or leave it".
"I will make a substitution for the Admiral. Major Adama was a fine commander of the Battlestar Pegasus".
"Do we have a deal?"
Thus ends one story. Of course, for many new members of Section 31, this is only the beginning. The beginning of many battles, many adventures and many new allies.