All characters in this story belong to Machungwa63 and Kovukono, and are not to be used without the permission of the writers.
I Don't Love You
Weusi looked into the empty den with appraising eyes. It could only hold about ten full-grown lions, not that they had ten full-grown lions at that time. She looked back at Jabari, his cold green eyes staring at the den as well as his red mane twitched slightly in a breeze.
"This one seems nice," she said, her voice happy.
"No," said Jabari, his voice flat and final.
"Oh, but please?" asked Weusi. She went into the den, looking around at it. "It seems like such a nice place."
"It's too big. We don't need it."
"It just gives us room to grow," she said, her voice beginning to lose some of the happy glow it had. "When we get a few cubs, this place could be perfect. We could start a whole pride, right—"
"I said no." Slight anger had entered his voice.
"But we have to think of the future, dear, and make sure we give our cubs somewhere they'll enjoy, and be happy and—and maybe we could even start a kingdom here—"
"We are not picking this den. That's final. I don't like it."
"But—but Jabari, please—can't we get something I—"
"But—Jabari . . ." All of the false, cheery happiness that had been in her voice was gone. Tears began to form in her beautiful green eyes, eyes that seemed almost crystalline in their beauty. "Jabari, please, I just want a home so much. We've been moving everywhere and there's been so little rest and I'm just so tired of it Jabari, I really am, of all of it. I just want to stop and settle down and be normal. I just want a good life for us and our cubs and—"
"We have no cubs," said Jabari. "No one but us." His tone almost seemed to suggest he'd rather keep it that way. "What's with your obsession with cubs lately?"
Weusi looked at the ground, afraid to say it. She didn't know how he'd react. "Jabari . . . I—I think I'm pregnant."
Jabari stared at her for a moment, then turned out of the den, swearing. Weusi felt a tear slide down her face as she watched him. That hadn't been what she wanted at all. She walked out to him, worried.
"Please," she said, "don't be mad at me." Jabari said nothing, looking away from her. "I—I don't know if I really am. I just—I thought you'd be happy. You could have a son, and . . . and . . ." She could see her words were getting nowhere. "Please," she said, "I love you. Don't you love me?"
"Yeah," he said. "Sure."
"Jabari . . ." His words had never sounded this false before.
Jabari sighed and turned to her. He tipped her chin up to hers with a paw. "Really, I love you," he said. "I married you, right? I don't make mistakes." He smiled. She smiled, too. He was happy. "This just . . . it kind of snuck up on me. I wasn't expecting it." He turned away, the smile fading. "I've just got a lot on my mind. You, and the rainy season coming up, and now this . . ." He shook his head. "Gods damn it!"
"I—I just wanted you to be . . . happy." She hung her head. It always seemed so hard for her to satisfy him. She tried so hard, she knew she did. But she just wanted cubs so much, and she had known he'd be happy to hear about it. But all she'd done was screw up again. "I promise they won't be that much trouble," she said earnestly. "And besides, we don't know; I may not be pregnant. I'll try to make it better, really."
Jabari stood there, staring out over the savannah. He could tell she was trying. It just didn't seem to ever turn out right. She could do nothing correct for him, it seemed sometimes. But she tried, he had to give her that. He could indulge her, just a little bit. "We can stay here tonight," he said.
"What?" she asked, ears perking up. "You mean, in this den?"
"Oh, Jabari!" She wrapped a foreleg around him enthusiastically in a hug. "Thank you!"
He pushed her away slightly to look her in the eyes. "But only tonight. I don't want to hear complaints tomorrow."
"Oh, you won't, I promise!" Weusi turned back to the den, saying how happy she was.
He could tell from the way she began to dream out loud about what a perfect little place it was that she wouldn't leave quietly tomorrow. He'd say it was time, and she'd want to stay, and he would insist. And she would beg him, and he would have to beat her, and they would move on.
It seemed that it never ended, all of her begging, and her attempts to please him, and his pleading with her and all of that beating that was needless, if only she would listen. He sighed. He wished it would work out. He hoped it would. She was, after all, his mate.
The morning came. They hadn't spoken another word to each other during the rest of the night. They needn't have to anyways; they both knew what the other one was thinking. Weusi dreamed peaceful dreams, Jabari didn't dream at all.
He had stayed awake most of the night. All the traveling that he had been doing with Weusi was starting to get to him too. But the problem for him was her. She wasn't going to learn. And her constant whining and daydreaming out loud . . . he didn't know why he was still with her. Weusi wanted to stay and he wanted to leave, the opportunity had always been there for him. When he married her he had been so close to Weusi, but now it seemed there was no connection between them.
The lands suddenly became illuminated by the sun's red glare. There was the whole savannah in front of him. Freedom. There was no one out there to care for, no one to argue with. If Weusi wanted to see him happy she should've seen him then.
But Weusi was still asleep. Jabari's best opportunity was now, and he knew it. But as he got up and started to walk off, that ever-irritating voice sounded from behind him.
"Jabari, where are you going?"
"I'm leaving, Weusi."
"Leaving?" She got up. "But, Jabari, can't we stay here – please?"
"You get to stay here." He added, "I'm leaving."
"When will you be back?"
"I'm not coming back," he said sternly. "It's just better this way."
"No!" She ran and stood in front of him, trying to block his path. "Jabari, please don't leave. I love you."
"I love you too, Weusi." His tone continued to sound otherwise. "But I just think it's better this way. You want to stay here don't you?"
"Yeah, but I'd rather be with you." Tears started to form in her eyes. "Jabari, I'll come with you."
"That's beside the point, Weusi." His voice started to get angry again. "I'm not leaving to find a better home; I'm leaving to find a better mate! One who doesn't complain and daydream all the time, and actually knows how to face reality! And you are going to stay here."
"But why?" asked Weusi, failing to believe what he was saying.
"Because—" He stopped. Maybe it was best if he done this at her level. "Listen, Weusi. I'm tired of being around you, I'm tired of having to listen to you, and I just want a break from it."
"You will come back though, won't you?"
Jabari sighed; whether what he was about to say was the truth or not, it would at least cease her questioning. "Yes, Weusi, I'll come back."
"You promise?"
"Yes, Weusi, I promise." He wanted to walk off, but he knew Weusi wasn't going to let him. "Listen, Weusi…how about I try and find a place that we can live while I'm gone, and then when I come back, you can follow me there and we'll live there together. Would you like that?"
Weusi remained down-hearted about him leaving her, but she still was able to give a faint nod of the head.
"Good," he said. "I'll see you later." He started to walk off again.
He stopped again, trying not to let his irritation show. "Yes?"
"You'll be back soon, won't you?"
He looked back at her. "Do you want me to find this perfect place or not?"
"I guess so," she replied quietly, knowing what he was about to say.
"Then probably not. But I will come back, you can count on that." He smiled at her again, she smiled back.
Just to see him smile, she thought. He will come back, I know he will.
Jabari lapped up water thirstily. Three days ago he had picked a direction and started walking. It wasn't that bad, traveling. The only thing that really amazed him was that he missed having company. Not her company; she could make a rock talk back with the way she blathered on. But just someone to converse with. It wasn't such a bad thing to want, was it?
But other than that, it was so much better. No whining, no nagging, no "Can we do this?" Jabari stopped drinking and almost chuckled quietly. The little fool actually thought he'd be coming back. That was one of the perks of being out here; he didn't have to reflect on making the mistake of marrying her.
But if she's pregnant . . .
That thought kept on slipping into his mind, completely unbidden. What do I care? She's not my problem anymore.
Do you think she can take care of cubs?
It's called natural selection.
She's at the bottom of the food chain. She can't hunt and mother and worry all at one time.
She'll find another mate in no time at all.
She has to realize you're not coming back first.
Jabari just wanted to get rid of that annoying little voice. He had an increasing suspicion that it was called a conscience. Thankfully, though, it was an annoying little voice. It didn't take much more than looking around at all of the choices, all the ways to start over again without her, to drown it out.
He could do better than her this time around. He could join a pride, if one would have him. Or he could even take over a pride, make it his own. Or he could simply find another mate, and he could try it that way again. He was momentarily annoyed by the indecision he had. Then he smiled. This wasn't indecision; this was freedom.
Weusi lied on the floor of her den, waiting. There wasn't that much for her to do, other than to wait and hunt for food. On the other paw, she was almost sure she was pregnant now. When she checked her features in a pond, it showed a stomach that had almost undeniably expanded. She smiled when she saw that. She didn't know how long she had carried; she could have caught right before Jabari left, or, she thought with happy excitement, it could have happened as long as two months ago.
She did her utmost to make sure she was in good health; never before had she paid so much attention to hunting. She couldn't afford injuries. She would try to get the best buck she could without putting herself at undue risk. She would eat as much of the carcass that she could, happily reminding herself she was eating for two now, or maybe three, or maybe even four. She knew Jabari would be happy when he came back, she just knew it.
She missed him horribly. There was no one to talk to, although she had been visited twice by a very nice leopardess, although the leopardess seemed to doubt her sanity a bit. "He'll come back for me," she would tell her, and would always receive answers such as, "What if he didn't?"
But then she saw a wonderful thing on the horizon. A small figure, moving toward the den steadily. Weusi looked at it hopefully. The figure became more and more distinct as it moved toward her. Weusi stared at it, her excitement rising. Yes, it was big, and—and it was coming here, definitely here—and a mane!
"Jabari!" Weusi cried happily. She began to run him. "Jabari, I've missed you so—" She stopped, seeing the figure up close for the first time. "You're not Jabari," she said quietly.
The lion blinked. "I certainly hope not. I'd like to know when my name's changed." He smiled at Weusi. "No, I'm Bagra. And you are . . ."
"Weusi." Weusi looked away. "I was almost sure . . ."
"Sure of what?" Bagra asked kindly.
"That you were . . . him. Jabari."
"Who's he?"
"He's my mate," said Weusi.
"And he left?"
"Uh-huh. But he'll be back," said Weusi firmly. "He said so."
"Oh. I just came this way. I was looking for a place to spend the night, and I saw that rock over there, thought it might be big enough to have a cave."
"It does have one. It's where we live."
Bagra's eyes widened. "I beg your pardon. I didn't know . . . I should find another spot then, right? It was nice to meet you, Weusi. I hope your mate comes back soon." Bagra turned to go.
"Oh, but you don't have to go!" said Weusi. "There's plenty of room in the den. Come on, I'll—" She stopped as she felt a sudden drop of rain hit her head. There was another, and another.
"Bugger," grumbled Bagra as the sky suddenly released what looked like its full load of rain. "I was hoping it'd hold."
"Come on!" yelled Weusi, running back toward the den. Bagra didn't need to be told twice. By the time the two reached the den, both were soaked by the sudden downpour and Bagra's mane was limp around his neck. Both tried to shake themselves dry as the entered the den, then they lied down.
"I'll leave as soon as it's over," Bagra promised.
"You can stay if you want," said Weusi. "I'm sure Jabari wouldn't mind too much."
Bagra smiled. "Thank you, but . . . well, it would look bad. For you."
"No, Jabari would understand, he knows I'd never lie to him. Oh, he'll be so happy when he comes back. He went to find a better place to live. And he'll be back soon—well, maybe not soon, he said it would take a while—but he'll come back and we can take our cubs over there and he'll be so happy, I know he will be."
"Cubs?" asked Bagra. "I didn't see any."
Weusi giggled as she turned over onto her back. "Look."
Bagra looked at her stomach. Yes, it really was bigger than normal. But something else caught his eye, even more than the bulge. On her side were two long claw marks that had healed, but the fur hadn't quite grown back. He looked up at her face, seeing her happy smile that she possessed whenever Jabari was brought up.
"Go ahead, you can touch it," she said. "I heard they kick when they're in there."
Bagra shook his head. "No thanks. But . . . if you don't mind me asking, what's that from?" He traced his paw along the scars.
Weusi's face fell. "Jabari," she said.
"Your mate did this to you?"
"I deserved it, though," she said. "I was being stupid, he said so. I didn't listen, so he beat me. I needed it." She spoke the last sentence with conviction. "Jabari just wants the best for me."
Bagra suddenly saw who he was talking to. Pieces began to fall into place with horrible realization. He saw how far Weusi was gone. She loved her mate unwaveringly, and he . . . he had left her. It was the only possible explanation. There was nothing wrong with this den, nothing wrong with the lands around it. Jabari was gone, and here she was, with his cubs inside her, waiting for her faithful lover to return. It broke Bagra's heart.
"Why don't you tell me . . . tell me about where you came from?" he asked. "Your whole story?"
"I've never had anyone ask me that before," said Weusi, turning over. "Me and Jabari were in our own pride, and we were just cubs together, and . . ." Bagra smiled. He knew she would talk for hours.
"Jabari?" the lioness asked. "That's a nice name; mine's Ketisha, Keta for short. So what brings you here?"
"I was just traveling and I happened to see you. Do you live on your own or with a pride?"
"A pride. We have a king and queen and all that monarchal stuff. I'm not in it at all, really. Our king is Rajua and our queen's Pinduli."
"Do you think they'll let me stay?"
"I should hope so; that's what they did for me. Of course, you're a male, but I think they'd rather live with you than have to deal with the fact that you could attack them whenever you want. You seem like you're pretty strong."
"Well, when you're a rogue like me you have to stay strong or anybody could kill you within seconds."
"Hmm. Well, come on Jabari, we can't be standing out here all day, follow me."
Jabari followed her without hesitation. Ketisha was nothing like Weusi, and he was glad that he had found someone who wasn't; he had been in need of a companion for a while.
Rajua and Pinduli gladly accepted him into their pride. Many of the others opposed their decision but out of good hearts, or overcome by feelings of fear; the two did not go back on their decision.
Over the next few days they begun to feel more secure, Jabari did not seem to be a threat to their reign or any other members of their pride. Jabari himself loving every moment that he spent there. Everybody seemed to know what they were on about, everybody listened if he, or someone else, said something, but most of all, Jabari felt himself falling in love with Ketisha. She was sensible, she was strong, and she didn't aggravate him at all. But most of all she was beautiful, and although Jabari had taught himself not to be a fool for good looks, like he had with Weusi, Ketisha's charm and personality were just what he needed.
Ketisha replaced Weusi, and soon he had almost completely forgotten about her. But that was before he met Juveda.
Rajua and Pinduli had decided that it was best for them and Jabari himself, if they went and showed him the lands and explained how they did everything. Although Ketisha had done her best at making him settle in well, he knew that they would tutor him a lot more efficiently than she had, just from their experience and position.
As they took him around he noticed that many of them were on edge, not really willing to accept him as a member of their pride.
Finally, Pinduli said, "I think that's about everyone."
"Er…well, there is one other lioness…but…" Rajua glimpsed over at Pinduli, wondering if he should tell him or not.
"Who?" asked Pinduli.
"You know," then in a whisper, "Juveda."
"Who's Juveda?" asked Jabari.
"I guess we should tell you, just in case you stumble upon her one day when you're out and about. Come on." Pinduli led them off across the plains. As far as Jabari was concerned, Juveda could have lived in another pride with all the distance they traveled. Eventually, though, they arrived at a high hill with a cave buried at the bottom of it.
"She lives quite far away," Jabari stated.
"She likes to be alone. She only stays with us so someone can catch her food and protect her," Pinduli replied.
They arrived at the den a few minutes later. Jabari was told to wait outside while Pinduli and Rajua went in.
"Juveda, we have a visitor for you," he heard Rajua say.
"What the—why the hell are you two here? Just think you can walk in on me like that, do you? Whilst I'm asleep? Go on, get outside—be gone with you!" came the reply.
He was then met by the sight of Rajua and Pinduli walking out backwards by some ragged lioness trying to swipe at them. Juveda looked over at Jabari once she had them out.
"Is this some kind of joke?" She turned back on the king and queen. "Think this is funny do you? That's not him, I know it's not him, he's a bloody rogue!" She jumped back around to Jabari, "What the hell are you doing here? You think you can just come right up here and expect me to be friends with you? You are not him and you never will be! And you two should know that!" She returned her gaze to Pinduli and Rajua, who gave in return stern faces that showed no particular emotions, "Listen to me. I AM NOT—some kind of—thing—I have a heart you know, and it doesn't need to be twisted or broken any more than it already has been! You two are just so—" She started to break down. "GO AWAY! Just go—away!" She then turned and walked into her den, collapsing and sobbing inside.
"That's Juveda," said Rajua, "Come on, let's get out of here."
Jabari didn't need to be told twice, he quickly caught up with them.
"She didn't know what she was saying, Jabari, just ignore whatever crap she comes up with," advised Pinduli.
"What happened, did her mate leave her or something?"
"Yes, sadly. She's been like that ever since he did: aloof, hysterical—just typical old Juveda."
"Hmm," was Jabari's only response. He had not thought that much about Weusi recently, but what would she be like when, if ever, she realized that he wasn't coming back? Jabari hated thinking about it, but he couldn't get the question out of his head. He had found the perfect place like he said he would, now, according to his "promise", he should return.
It was late in the evening when Jabari caught up with Ketisha. He had decided that it was best if he went back. He may regret ever doing so, but it was better than having the mystery lie unanswered in his head.
"Jabari! I've been looking all over for you."
"I've been looking for you too, Keta."
"Hey, Jabari, I was wondering, I think we should make tonight somewhat—you know—special. I want to spend the night here, just me and you. We'll have lots of fun together." She smiled. "Lots and lots of fun."
"Yes . . .well . . . Keta . . . I'm afraid that I have to go somewhere tonight."
"Oh . . . just to see a friend. She lives nearby and I think I should go and see her."
"There's no—relationship between you two, is there?"
"Not exactly, I mean, she really likes me but I—she's not as great as you, let's leave it at that."
"Then why worry? Come on Jabari, I've been looking forward to tonight all day! Please don't let me down."
"Sorry Keta, I'm afraid I have to do it tonight."
Ketisha finally calmed down, "Have to?" Jabari nodded his head slowly in response. "Oh darn it, I was really looking forward to tonight. We can do it tomorrow though, right?"
Jabari sighed; he'd let her down enough, she didn't need this. "I'll be gone a few days. I'm sorry, Keta."
"I'll come with you then," she suggested.
"Sorry, that won't work. It would be too risky because this lioness – well – she really likes me. I doubt she'd appreciate your presence."
"Jabari, you can't leave me here on my own for that long. If you go, I go, if not we both stay. Clear?"
Jabari looked down at her. Oh yes, she was clear. But who did he really want more?
Jabari recognized the large rock easily. "That's it," he told Ketisha as he continued toward it.
"That big thing?" asked Ketisha.
"You made it sound like a pile of mud. Jabari, that's not too bad of a den."
"It's too big. I just don't like it."
"I do like home better," admitted Ketisha.
"See?" asked Jabari with a smile. Ketisha smiled back. "We'll take her back with us. She'd like that."
Ketisha smiled and stepped closer to him. "Why do I get the feeling you're not telling me everything?"
Jabari nuzzled her slightly. "Because I'm not."
"I'm not sure you should know yet. It's just—I don't know what you'd think."
"I think you already know what I think," she said happily.
"We can't get married until we get back home," he teased, and almost instantly felt his insides twist.
"I've told you," Ketisha said, a note of seduction entering her voice, "we don't have to wait until we get home for everything."
"Patience is a virtue, little one," said Jabari with a smile. He knew that Ketisha wasn't kidding, though. Every night on the trip she had done her best to have a "fun" night. Jabari wasn't exactly unwilling. He hadn't touched Ketisha, although the desire became stronger and stronger the longer he stayed with her. He half-hoped Weusi wasn't here, so that tonight he could say firmly that she was gone, that she had run off and there was no chance of finding her, and he could turn to Ketisha and give in.
He looked at the den and saw a figure standing in the entrance. As he got closer, he could see, as he guessed it was, that it was a lioness. A little closer and he could see Weusi's smiling face. She suddenly ran to him. When she reached him she nuzzled him happily.
"I knew you would come back," Weusi purred happily.
"How have you been?" asked Jabari. He was surprised at the sudden rush of happiness he felt when she touched him. Then he saw Ketisha's frown.
"I've been great!" she said. "Here, there's something I want to show you in the den." She began to go to it happily, then stopped and said "Come on!" before continuing on her way. Jabari and Ketisha walked on to the den together.
"Friend, huh?" said Ketisha in a low voice.
"I—I'll tell you everything later, Keta. Please, just trust me."
Ketisha hmphed and continued to frown. Jabari felt that she had softened a little, though. The two walked to the den entrance, and Weusi called out happily, "Okay, you can come out now."
To Jabari's surprise, two cubs shuffled out of the den into the sunlight, a boy and a girl. The first thing across Jabari's mind was how he was ever going to explain this to Ketisha. She would obviously know they were his; the boy looked just like a miniature of him, save for the tail, which had an end that looked like it had been in mud. The girl had a good deal of his looks, too. Both had tan fur, the girl's being lighter than the boy.
"Wow," said Jabari. "I—wasn't expecting that. So . . . you were pregnant?"
"Uh-huh," said Weusi happily. "They came just two months after you left."
"So, uh, what are their names?" asked Jabari, feeling Ketisha's eyes burning holes in his side.
"Well, this one's Aushi," she said, indicating the girl, "and this one's Ruya."
"Good names" was all Jabari could think to say.
"You really think so?"
"Mommy, who're they?" asked Aushi in the way that a cub had of bluntly asking questions.
"This is your father, Aushi. He finally came back. And this is—who is she, Jabari?"
"Her? Oh, that's Ketisha. She's from the pride that I found."
"You found that perfect place?" asked Weusi excitedly.
"That's wonderful! Do you think we should go today, or start tomorrow?"
"Uh, I don't know. Tomorrow, I guess." Jabari began to head for the den, looking at the cubs. Both of them stared at him. Everything would have been normal, except for them, he reflected. They didn't know what to make of him. He was a stranger.
He encountered another shock as he walked into the den. He looked back at Weusi and asked, "Who the hell is this?"
"Jabari!" said Weusi. "Don't curse around the cubs!"
"Who is this?"
Weusi joined him in the entrance of the den. "That's Bagra," she said. "He's been so helpful while you've been gone. He's helped with the cubs and the hunting and everything. He's been so nice to me—"
"I'll bet he has," said Jabari, icy tones in his voice.
"Please," said Bagra, obviously knowing what Jabari was seeing, even if Weusi didn't, "it wasn't like that. She just needed help—"
"And you helped her. I see." Jabari turned to Weusi, slightly surprised to see that the bitterness in his voice wasn't all faked. "Been enjoying your new mate?"
Weusi's jaw literally dropped. "Jabari, I—no! Jabari, it isn't like that, please, you have to believe me. Please Jabari, I love you, you know that. He hasn't done anything like that with me. He's just helped me."
"Don't lie to me," said Jabari, anger brimming in his voice.
Weusi knew what would happen. The time that had gone by had only made the memories of the beatings seem so much worse now. "Jabari—Jabari, please—we didn't do anything—I swear we never did!" She was close to tears.
Bagra also saw the potential threat. "Jabari . . . if I could just talk with you? Alone?"
Jabari turned to Bagra with a glare. "Of course. Weusi, leave."
"Weusi, you don't need to," said Bagra quickly.
"Who do you think you are to give orders to her? In front of me?" snarled Jabari.
"I—I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that we could go somewhere. She won't have to—"
"Fine," growled Jabari. He stalked out of the den angrily. Bagra followed.
"Uh, here, I know a place," said Bagra. He uncomfortably began to lead the way. They finally ended up on a hill overlooking the savannah. Bagra sat down.
"What do you want?" Jabari asked.
"Just to talk. About Weusi."
"About Weusi. About how well you know her?" asked Jabari bitingly.
"I . . . do know some things about her that you probably wouldn't like known," said Bagra, looking away.
"Like what?"
"The beatings. And—and how you left your home—"
"And you will speak to NO ONE about that!" hissed Jabari. "I never want to see you anywhere near her again!" If Weusi was going to make his life miserable—and it very well seemed that she would, as almost all the plans he had built were falling apart—then he was going to make her life a living hell.
"I don't think that's necessary—"
"And how many times have you 'known' her? Hmm? I should kill you—"
"We haven't done anything like that. I care for her deeply, maybe even love her, but I never touched her. Not once. I wouldn't stain her like that for you—"
"Stain her for me? I don't doubt that you've already done that."
"You don't understand how much she cares for you, Jabari. You're just about all she's talked about. She wants your opinion for everything. It's always, 'Will Jabari like this? Will this make him happy?' Jabari, she lives for you. And the way you treat her—"
"Is nothing less than she deserves."
"You are practically a god to her —"
"She is my mate," said Jabari angrily, truly angry this time. "And you have no right to tell me what or what not to do with her."
"Jabari," said Bagra softly, "that's the same thing that forced you to leave home. If—"
Bagra was cut off from a sudden swipe across the face from Jabari. "Shut up," said Jabari furiously. "I don't want to see you anywhere near her again. Or around me. Because the next time I see you, I will kill you."
"Jabari, please, just think of the cubs—"
Jabari slashed at Bagra again, only catching the end of his muzzle this time as Bagra jumped back. "You have no right—"
"I'm a father to them!" said Bagra angrily. "I never thought you would come back, not from the way you treated her! I did the best to take care of her cubs, and of her! I thought they probably would never see their father! I gave them, all of them, all the love I had—"
"I don't give a damn," said Jabari, his voice level and hiding anger. "I will do whatever the hell I want with them. I want you to get the hell out of my life. I'll kill you the next time I see you."
"Jabari, please—" But it was too late. Jabari was already walking away, back toward the den. Bagra hung his head, then began to walk the other way, doing something he had never done since he was a cub: praying.
Ketisha was talking with Weusi in the den, or rather, was saying a few words between a constant stream that poured from Weusi's mouth. ". . . and I've been waiting for him ever since," said Weusi.
"Mommy, Ruya's hungry," said Aushi.
"I don't know why he would be, we all just ate yesterday."
"Well then maybe he just needs to use the grass."
Weusi looked down at her son to see him looking up at his mother with pleading eyes, eyes that were so much like his mother's in their crystalline beauty. She smiled. "Come on, Ruya, I'll take you. Aushi, you want to stay here and keep Keta company?"
"Okay, Mommy."
Aushi sat down in front of Ketisha. Ketisha expected her to start talking where her mother left off, but surprisingly enough, Aushi was quiet. Ketisha said, "You know, I don't think I've heard your brother say two words since I got here."
"He doesn't talk," said Aushi.
Ketisha smiled. "Shy?"
"No," the little cub said. "Ruya just doesn't talk."
"What do you mean?"
"He just doesn't."
"At all?"
"Uh-huh. Mommy said he was cute."
"Uh-huh. She said that animals that can't talk are cute."
"It's mute, Aushi," said Weusi, bringing Ruya back in. "Not cute." Ruya scampered over to his sister and tackled her. Aushi squealed as she was knocked to the ground. She immediately began to wrestle with her brother.
Weusi chuckled. "Aren't they just wonderful?"
Ketisha looked down at the pair, knowing what they meant for her and Jabari. The little furry ball rolled on the floor of the den, a living testimony to Jabari's marriage. "Of course," lied Ketisha. "Wonderful."
"I love them so much," said Weusi happily. "They—Jabari!" Ketisha turned to see Jabari in the entrance of the den. "Where's Bagra?" Weusi asked.
"He left," said Jabari.
"He left. For good."
Weusi seemed shocked. "I never got to say goodbye," she said quietly, looking down at the floor of the den. "I wanted to thank him."
"I'm sure."
"Jabari, you have to believe me," said Weusi, "there was nothing between us."
"I wasn't thinking of that," said Jabari. "But if it's obviously on your mind . . ."
"Jabari, I didn't, I swear. I love you, Jabari."
"Mm-hmm . . . Look, I need to talk to Keta. Come on, Keta."
"Do you want me to come, too?"
"No. Just stay here."
"But Jabari, I haven't seen you for so long—"
"It's getting dark, Weusi. I've had a long walk over here. I'm tired. Just stay with the cubs. Put them to sleep."
"Alright," said Weusi. She turned back to the cubs, then looked back at Jabari and Ketisha as they were leaving. "When will you be back?"
"I don't know, okay?" said Jabari, irritated. It definitely felt like it used to now. Her talking and clinging and just being annoying. "If it's too late, I'll just sleep out there. I'll be back in the morning at least, I promise."
"Okay," said Weusi agreeably. She settled down in the den. A thought flicked across her mind and she looked back at Jabari and Ketisha's forms getting smaller and smaller. She tossed the thought away immediately. Jabari would never do that. Jabari loved her.
Ketisha found herself being led into a rather nice spot of savannah. Jabari sat down. "Keta," he said, "just let me explain. I'm married to Weusi—"
"I think I figured that out," said Ketisha dryly.
"Look, it's not that I want to be. It's the worst mistake I made. She's so annoying, she drives me up the walls—I don't want to be married to her." Jabari sighed in frustration. "But I'm stuck with her."
"And?" asked Ketisha. "You said you weren't telling me everything, Jabari, but I never thought it was something this big. You said she was your friend—"
"What was I supposed to tell you?"
"The truth would have been nice!"
"What if I did, Keta? What would you have done if you had known all along?"
"I . . ."
"Exactly. You wouldn't be here. You would never have come. I would have . . . lost every chance I had with you."
"Jabari . . . I—"
"I want you, Ketisha, not her. I left her and I thought I had a chance at a new life; I would never have to hear the name 'Weusi' again. Then I met you, and I knew what I wanted. I would have asked, but to just know that she was out here, alone . . ."
"You felt guilty."
"Yes." Jabari looked into Ketisha's eyes, placing his paw underneath her chin. "Ketisha, I'm telling the truth. I'm telling you everything. I don't want to be with her. I want you. Not her."
"Jabari," she said, pushing down his paw, "how do I know you'll mean that tomorrow? Or the next day? Look at what you're doing with Weusi. You could be doing the same thing with me. You could want to go back to her, and your cubs—"
"Never," said Jabari. "I want to forget about them. All of them. We can leave them back at your home, and go off on our own, together."
"I don't want to leave home."
"We can stay, then. But I don't want to spend the rest of my days with her. Not her."
"How am I supposed to believe you?"
"You have to trust me, Keta. I just want a second chance. Is that so wrong?"
Ketisha looked at his eyes. She reared up on her hind legs and pushed him to the ground on his back. Jabari looked up to see her over him. "I don't know," said Ketisha with a smile. She ran a claw down his chest. "Persuade me."
Jabari leaned up and kissed her, beginning something that would undoubtedly be "lots and lots of fun."