Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana

"Uh Lilly?" Oliver said quietly. ""Yeah, we're over, through, just friends, got it." She said quickly without even glancing at him. Wow, that was easier than I thought. Oliver thought to himself as he sat down on the couch and watched Miley and Lilly staring at eachother... wondering who should make the first move... it was funny, he never thought about what it looked like to see him and Lilly together as a couple, and as he watched Lilly, dreamily looking at Miley in his body he realised it didn't look right at all.

Usually when there are two people together they just have this thing about them, like... Like Miley and Lilly when the three of us hang out, they touch every excuse that they get, and they always have those goofy smiles when they look at eachother, and when they hug goodbye it takes about ten years, they just stand there holding eachother like they don't want to let go... wow, how could they be that blind?

"Miley?" Lilly asked as she took her hand and entertwined their fingers. "Uh- Y-yeah?" She studdered nervously. "He broke up with me aren't you going to kiss me?" She gave Miley a pouty face and it pushed her over the edge, she couldn't hold it in anymore, she grabbed the blond by her shirt and crashed their lips together. It felt so..so.. Oh man.. Do...not... down boy... stop it... aww man I am such a perve... Whoa wait... what's that?

Miley started to feel dizzy as the pressure on her lips increased and Lilly kissed harder and tilted her head, deepening it. It felt like the room was spinning, everything was spinging, her and Lilly spinning, and then. Black. Everything went black as Lilly broke the kiss.Boom. Oliver's body hit the floor. Miley's body fell off the couch. Lilly stood there confused, both of them couldn't have fainted at the same time, that's impossible. she didn't know who to run to. Her first instinct would be to run to Miley's side to make sure she was okay, but she also need to see if her bestfriend was okay as well.

She knelt down on the floor next to Oliver's body and felt it's wrist for a pulse... okay breathe they're fine.

The she did the same with Miley's body... Okay, they're fine, great, just unconcious... now what do I do?

As if someone answered her question, Miley's body shook it's head and their eyes opened."Oliver! You're okay." Lilly squealed as she hugged them. "Lilly, I already explained to you that Oliver and i swit- " She stopped in mid sentance realizing that she was back in her own body.

"Oh my god, I'm back, In my own body Lilly, Ahhh I love you." She sceamed in happiness and without even thinking she automatically hugged Lilly and kissed her because she was so happy. It felt so good to finally kiss Miley's lips while it was really her ... and it felt so good when she kissed back,her soft lips parting slowly, and her tongue wetting Lilly's lips as she moaned, Oliver poking her shoulder... wait Oliver?

They broke the kiss and saw Oliver standing there looking annoyed at the two. "Are you guys done? Good, just so you know, my head is fine, and thank you for asking." He said as glared at them. "Sorry Oliver, just... caught up in the moment." Miley said as she blushed, Lilly giggled and then looked at Miley with a smirk on her face. "Your face is pretty red..." She gave a devious smile before continuing. " If you were still in Ollie's body, would you still be having that little problem right now?You know, that HUGE problem?"

Lilly tried to hold in her laughter as she Miley got even redder. "Lilly stop, you making this so much harder than it should be... " Then her eyes widened as she realized the double meaning to her words. "No that's not what I-" but she was cut off by Lilly's lips. "It's ok Miles, I was just teasing you." Miley sat up and pat the couch, signaling Oliver to sit down. "How did we switch back? That was really weird." He asked all confused and serious.

"Well, it was while Lilly was kissing me, right after she broke up with you... so it must have been... I don't know. Last ngiht I wished that I would fall in love with someone before I fell asleep, and then I kinda realized that I love Lilly and here we are." Miley concluded as she looked at Oliver. "Woah, that's wierd, because I wished something last night too, I wished that there was someway for Lilly and I to be friends again, and I ended up in your body because you are her best friend..." They both turned to Lilly who had gotten suddenly quiet.

"Ummm, guys... I think this is partly my fault too. You see... I kinda like Miley before all of this and well, last night... I .. well... wished to be with her basically." She didn't want to say it towards Oliver that she wished he was her because she thought it would hurt his feelings. "I knew it." Oliver said as her burst out laughing. "What?" Lilly asked as she turned red. "Lilly, do you have any idea how many times you called me Miley while we were going out? It was kind aobvious." He said, trying to act cool. "Oliver?" Lilly started. "Yeah?" He asked. "Get out. I want to talk to the love of my life alone."

She sounded kind of cruel but her knew she didn't mean it that way. He stood up and started to walk away but turned around half way to the door."I just have one question.. are you guys gonna do it?" He asked quietly. "Go." She yelled as she pointed to the door, and watched as he left, and then turned to Miley.

"So.. are we gonna do it?" Miley asked and she held back a giggle, but at the same time couldn't help but smirk, so she gave up and finally burst out laughing. "Stop it, this is supposed to be serious, come here." Lilly said as she grabbed The brunette's hands. "So, Are we dating? Or was it just something that happend because I really hope it isn't." She looked into Miley's eyes prectically begging for her to say that she loved her. As if she read her mind, Miley leaned in and kissed her on the lips lightly.

"I love you. I'm sorry for not seeing it, and I'm sorry that I was so stubborn that you had to wish for me and him to switch places for me to see it. I promise you that this isn't just somthing that happened that we're never gonna talk about again and be all awkward with, You get me so excited, and well, I think you know that because of previous incidents, but anyways,I'm kinda babbling... Will you be my girlfriend?"

Lilly grabbed the back of Miley's neck , pulled her as close as possible and after kissing her she whispered, "Yes, now... are we gonna do it?"

Author's note: I think this is the end of the story.. I don't know if there's anywhere else I can go with it so I'll just leave you to you'r imagination ;)