Summary: Hacker is planning something, something that could threaten Cyberspace's continued existence. However, Matt, Jackie, and Inez have gone missing, and Digit can't handle alone. But Motherboard already has a backup plan...

Rating: K+ (to be safe)

Like fan-fics past, this goes in chronological order with the others I've written. I guess you can consider them a series, since they all take place after the last one. This one has already made refence to two of them, in fact (Mishap and The Time Traveler) but probably won't venture beyond that. Unlike Mishap, which is all comedy, this will be a more serious fan-fic.





With a swirl of pinkish light and a thump, Matt, Jackie, and Inez arrived in Control Central. Immediately they began assessing the situation. Digit, their cybird friend, was pacing the floor, Motherboard, leader of Cyberspace, had a look of concern, and Dr. Marbles, who was Motherboard's mechanic and technician, looked both concerned and impatient.

"Good, you're here." Marbles said when the kids from Earth arrived.

"What's up?" Jackie asked.

"It's Hacker." Digit replied. "He's at it again."

Inez rolled her eyes. "When isn't he?" she asked sarcastically. "I mean, we just stopped him from using his makeshift Transformitron earlier this week."

"This time I'm afraid it's a bit more serious than that." Motherboard answered, her screen flickering slightly. She had been all but cured of the virus thanks to a spare Encryptor chip that had been found, but the few remaining traces of it still lingered to wreak the occasional havoc with her systems. "Hacker has cybersite Pompedoria under siege."

"What? How?" Matt asked, alarmed.

"That's just it, we don't know!" Digit cried out angrily, still pacing.

"By all accounts, he's simply present at the site." Marbles explained. "The Wreaker is in orbit, and he's somewhere on the site, but by all accounts, the threat that presents is not quite that enormous."

"Can't you call the site and ask what's happening?" Jackie asked.

"No." Motherboard answered. "We lost communications with the site over an hour ago. This is what alerted us to the situation."

"How do you know that Hacker has Pompedoria under siege, then?" Matt asked.

"Hacker sent the usual cyber-mail bragging that he had, and that if we didn't give what he wanted, we'd regret it." Digit replied

"What does he want?" Inez asked.

"The usual." Digit answered. "Complete and total control over Cyberspace."

"Surprise, surprise." Inez muttered.

"What worries me is that fact that Hacker didn't explain what he intends to do if we don't give him what he wants." Marbles thought aloud. "Whatever it is, he said we'd regret it."

"Maybe he's bluffing." Matt suggested.

"Maybe." Motherboard agreed. "Which is why I'm sending you three to go find out."

Another portal opened nearby the kids. They turned and started through it.

"You coming Didge?" Matt asked, holding up for a moment.

"He'll be along later." Marbels explained. "The virus has shut down Motherboard's filewall. I will need Digit's help to bring it back online."

"Once that's done, I'll be right there to help you guys." Digit concluded.

"Gotcha." Matt said. "See you then."

Then he stepped through the portal. After a brief and wild ride, he arrived on the outskirts of Pompedoria's capital city with his friends. After explaining why Digit wasn't here, they worked on their plan of action.

"I suppose if we want to find anything out, we'll need to figure out where Hacker is and what he's doing." Jackie proposed.

"Good idea." Inez agreed. "And if he really does have this site under siege, he'd most likely be in the capital city."

"Okay, then let's go!" Jackie said, starting to stand up and leave.

"Wait Jackie!" Matt interrupted. "We can't just go waltzing in there, not when Hacker's going to be on the lookout for us!"

Jackie skidded to a halt. "What do you propose we do then?" she asked, slightly annoyed for the holdup.

"We need disguises." Matt said, reaching into his backpack and pulling out three furry wigs of various colors, each with a set of antennae sticking out. "Good thing I hung onto these."

He distributed them out, and they all put them on, making themselves look like super-tall Pompedorians.

"I hate these things." Jackie muttered, scratching at hers, "They're so itchy!"

"The sooner we get this mission done, the sooner we can loose 'em, Jax." Inez said reassuringly, as they set off for the city.

Halfway there, they stopped.

"You guys hear something?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, I do." Jackie replied, cupping one sound over her ear. "It sounds like some sort of machine."

Curious, they began to wander towards the sound. Pulling aside some bushes, they saw a river, and a very large contraption that sat next to it. Delete, one of Hacker's two robotic henchmen was sitting in a chair operating the contraption's controls.

"Now what do you think that is?" Inez asked softly.

"I don't know, but it's connected to the site itself, see?" Matt said pointing at some large pipes that stuck into the ground.

"Do you think Hacker's trying to steal Pompedoria's power?" Jackie asked.

"If so, then why lay siege to the site?" Inez asked. "It doesn't add up."

"So what is Hacker up to?" Matt asked.

Suddenly a shadow was cast over them, and they looked up to see the source.

"I vote we discuss this later, and RUN!" Inez yelled as they saw the Grim Wreaker come to hover over them.

They all started running in different directions, but not fast enough as a net dropped out of the Wreaker and descended down upon them...