So, this story won the vote!!!!! Thank you to everyone who voted and yeah, this is the next chapter. This is something that is new to this story, it's Kaylees POV. I had help on this chapter by the girl that i based kaylee off of. I just couldn't get into kaylee's head very well, so yeah. If this seems a bit different, it's because i had help. have i said that enough? I HAD HELP AND THANK YOU TO WHO HELPED ME. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.


ps: a shout out to my very special helper, i know that this chapter is very different from what you orignally wrote in class. But i just didn't want to write that..........and don't forget: i did reserve all rights to change any and all things that i felt needed to be changed. Don't kill be at school, kay!\


Kaylee POV

Edward Cullen is hot. That is the only thought in my head as I watched Ben finally talking to the boy, man, who had been haunting Bella's mind for the past 50 years. Naturally, after only a few seconds I grew bored and my eyes traveled over the luscious, perfectly sculpted figure who was concentrating on my sister. Ignoring Ben, who was starting to tense up a bit beside me, I started daydreaming about a certain Mr. Cullen......

(Insert private fantasy here....)

My eyes must have glazed over as I was snapped out of my reverie by a touch on the inside of my wrist. Glancing down I recognised the strong hand that belonged to Ben and slipped my hand into it. Yes, Edward Cullen had the perfectly shaped body that would drive athletes, male models, and gay men crazy, but it was only Ben, my Ben, that could put up with my constant gazing, daydreaming and fantasizing....

I gave Ben's hand a squeeze and looked back at my sister who was in the process of giving Edward a piece of her mind. I couldn't image what it must be like for her, with Edward back in town. I know what it's like to find the one person to spend the rest of my life with. And, like Bella, I met mine when I was still human. I'd be long dead if I hadn't. Ben was there when my crazy-ex, Joey, finally lost his temper. Now, if Ben were to leave me, Edward is always a good second....

Ben must have seen the emotion in my face as I was once more brought down to earth by his pressure on my hand. His timing was dead on too. Barely a second later I heard the resounding clash of Bella's slap and got a small nod from Susan. At the same instant that Bella started running I let go of Ben's hand. I only had seconds before Edward would be running after her. The large one, Emmett, was the first one I saw, and I figured he'd be the best for the job I had in mind. I quickly concentrated on him as a whole and sent him flying. When he hit Edward, the echoing clash sounding like two colliding boulders, and before the sound had faded I had the rest on the Cullen's rooted to the ground. My hands started to shake from the force it took to keep them still, but I kept visualizing them staying put.

Very quickly my emotions started to get strained and caught up with me, as it usually did when I tried doing something massive for any period of time. And trying to keep 7 very strong, very fast vampires frozen was something very massive. Without my even noticing it, the shirts of Edward, Jasper and Emmett started to come off. Not even two seconds after that, those of Ben and my brothers started to do the same. All eyes were on me, but it wasn't until Edward and Emmett's belts came flying off that Ben rugby tackled me to the ground. With my control gone, Edward was off in a flash while the rest of the Cullen's stayed put, too stunned to do anything.

So I half stripped most of the male Cullen's, my husband and brothers, taken the belts off of two of those Cullen's, immobilized them then let them go—all within about a minute and a half. While recapping this in my mind, and hoping against all hope that I had helped Bella get away for awhile, I noticed that all eyes were on me. The blond—Rosalie, I remembered—looked furious, Emmett was amused, Alice fighting the urge to giggle, the rest of the Cullen's looked curious. My family......well, every single one of them was glaring at me.


hope you enjoyed.