Hey, sorry i didn't put this up before.

I don't own Twilight or any of the caracters. I do own the characters i did creat, so... don't take them 'k!

Hope you like the story, and i will try to keep the updates coming.


50 years. That is a long time to see your friends, family…. Life, die before your eyes. It is hard when you see your friends are aging, going on 60 while you still look 18. 50 years is a long time to think, hate…heal.

Oh, I still hate him. After what he did to me, how he hurt me, how can't I? How can I forgive him after he left me in those woods, told me he didn't love me and that he had moved on?

He was my life, made everything seem better, brighter. In short, I loved him. Heck, even to this day I still love him. I will always love him, and yet he left. My whole being wants to be with him forever, to never leaving his side. Yet he left me and with him, part of my heart left too.

But as I said, 50 years is a long time to heal. I have put him as far behind me as I could bear. Slowly the whole in my chest stopped hurting as much, but it never truly went away. Sometimes something will remind me of him and the pain will come back. But with the more years that pass, the shorter those moments last.

I find something ironic, though. I know now that Edw…he probably left me to keep me safe, but with him gone I was in more danger than ever. It didn't take me long to end up hurt, changed permanently. I always wondered if he really thought I would be safer with out him. I mean, did he even know me at all?

And that is how I find myself here, getting ready to start my 6th time through high school. Stepping out of my black BMW, I stood waiting for my family to arrive. Pushing my long brown hair back, I thought about my family. They were the ones to except me, to help me through the hard times. I don't know what I would have done with out them.

Just then I heard the tires squeal as my families VOLVO pulled into the small schools parking lot. Ever since they had bought that car, I had refused to drive with them. It reminded me to much of him.

Waiting for them to come over, I looked at our latest high school. It was a nice little school, in a very small town. Here the weather was either foggy or snowy, with very few nice days. This was very lucky for us. When they had finally caught up (human speed was so slow) we headed towards the front office.

People stared and it wasn't only because we were new. Thinking about my first impression of the Cullens, I understood why. We looked like angels or supermodels to them, but little did they know it was to look appealing to our prey.

Noah, pretending to be the oldest this time around led us into the secretaries' office. As Noah was asking for our class schedule, I looked at the secretary. Her hair was in a tight bun and she had a slight blush on her face. It was then I noticed her name: Mrs. Muffin. What a weird last name, I thought as we headed out of the office. With our lists in hand, we stepped into the hall, preparing to yet again play the "new kids"

So, R&R. PLZ