Good Night and Good Riddance.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in or related to the WWE, besides my t-shirts, but I don't really think those have anything to do with this fic.

Full Summary: Lacey Guerrero is dating Adam, who has cheated on her numerous times, but she keeps taking him back. But his latest affair with her mother is the final straw. With some help from the Undertaker, she plans her revenge on him and Vickie. Edge/OC, Undertaker/OC.

Author's note: The song 'Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly' is owned by the band HIM.


Chapter 1: Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly:

"How could you do this to me, again?!?" Lacey screamed at Adam. She had just found out that he had slept with Torrie Wilson. And before her, he had cheated on her with Ashley Massaro, and back when he was on RAW, he had bedded Candice Michelle and Maria Kanellis. But, despite her doubts and her friend's warnings, she took him back each time. Because she loved him.

"I'm sorry, babe, but it gets lonely without you here with me!" he replied sadly.

"Adam, that's no fucking excuse! You think I'm not lonely without you?"

"Well… sure you are, but I'm a guy, I think with my dick." Adam said with a chuckle, he was trying to make her laugh, but it wasn't working.

"That's all good and well, Adam, but I just don't know what I'm going to do right now, okay?" She said as she turned her back to him and she put her head in her hands.

"Baby…." Adam said as he reached out to touch her.

"No!" Lacey exclaimed. "Don't you fucking touch me!"


Eventually, Lacey took Adam back. They had come up with a solution to his cheating and their loneliness. That being, Leanne moving from RAW to Smackdown! Of course, this required her giving up her WWE Women's Championship, and not being able to see her best friends Nicole, Beth, Mickie, and Melina every day like she was used to. But being with Adam every day made it worth it. And it definitely helped that she got to see her good friend Lisa (Victoria) now too.

Everything had been great the past few months that she had been on Smackdown! but Lacey couldn't help but think that it wasn't going to last for very much longer.

"You okay, Lace?" someone asked her.

Lacey looked up from tying her boots to see Lisa standing before her. She had been getting ready for her match against Michelle McCool that night.

"Yeah, I'm fine… why do you ask?" Lacey replied.

"Oh no reason, really, you just look very… dismal, tonight." Lisa said.

"It's nothing, Lisa… I just can't help but to think…" Lacey sighed. "It's nothing…"

Lisa sat down beside her and gave her shoulder a light, encouraging squeeze. "Tell me."

"Alright, alright…. This may sound stupid, but… everything with Adam and I has been going brilliantly, and, I can't help but think that…." Lacey's voice trailed off.

"You can't help but to think that something bad is bound to happen and mess everything up." Lisa finished for her.

"Yes! God, I'm being paranoid, I know, but my relationship with him hasn't been this good in a long time, if ever."

Lisa sighed inwardly and bit her tongue to keep from saying something too out of line. She was very against Lacey's and Adam's relationship, but she supported her friend, so she just kept her mouth shut and went along with it.

"But never mind it, Lisa… you should just go get ready for your match… I'm going to go see Adam." Lacey said as she stood up. Tonight was a big night for her and Adam. He had been injured for a while, and tonight he was coming back to Smackdown! She looked in the mirror before she walked out. She looked good! Lacey was clad in a red purple muscle shirt with black butterflies stitched into the fabric, growing in size as they went down to the hem of the shirt, baggy black cargo pants, black and purple Vans, and black Tripp arm pieces. The fronts of her curly black hair was tied up out of her face and purple streaks could be seen in it. Her pale blue eyes were outlined with heavy black eyeliner and she had clear lip gloss shining her lips. She wanted to be sure that she looked perfect for Adam tonight.

"You look fine, sweetie, you'd better go before the cameras start rolling. He's going to be getting scolded by your mother tonight." Lisa said with a small chuckle. She was definitely going to watch, and she was likely to laugh her face off.

Lacey smiled and walked out the door.


"So, you've got everything down, right?" Vickie asked Adam for the fifth time in the past three minutes.

"I've got everything right here, Vick." He said as he gestured to his temples.

Vickie smiled. She knew that being with him was wrong. This was her daughter's boyfriend for god's sake! But, being with him felt so right!

"Well, we're on in a few minutes, I just want to be sure."

"Well you don't need to worry about anything." Adam said as a seductive smile played across his face. He reached out and cupped her face, planting a rough kiss on her lips. He didn't know why he was doing all of this with Vickie, why he was doing this to Lacey. He loved Lacey. Really, he did. But she's nineteen years old, just a girl. And it wasn't like he was getting any from her. And he was a man, dammit! He has needs!

Just than, the door knocked and Adam and Vickie quickly pulled away from each other.

"Come in!" Vickie called to the person standing outside the door.

The door opened and Lacey walked in. Her face lightened up when she saw Adam standing there. "Hey!" she said happily. "I'm in a match right after your promo, so I figured I would just come down here and hi really quick."

Adam smiled. "C'mere, babe…." He linked their hands together, pulled her to him and gently, he kissed her. He would not use a pet name on Vickie the way he did on Lacey; that was reserved for her.

A stage-hand knocked on the door and poked his head inside. "Adam, Vickie, you guys are on in two minutes." He left.

"Alright, well, I'd better head down to the curtain." Lacey said as she and Adam reluctantly let go of each other's hands. "I'll talk to you later, mom." She told her mother. Lacey smiled one last time in Adam's direction before she walked out of the room.

After a few moments of walking, the curtain came into Lacey's line of vision.

"Torrie." Lacey said coldly as she approached the girl.

"Lacey." Torrie replied, her voice equally icy.

They both glared at each other for a few seconds before averting their attention up to the monitor that hung there so that the wrestlers could see what was going on in the show before they went out, but the volume on it was turned down very low so it could just barely be heard.

Adam and Vickie stood there and were talking, but all it sounded like to Lacey was a bunch of mumbling. She looked away for a second, looking down at her shoes to be sure that they were tied securely so that they would not go flying off when she kicked Torrie's head off.

"Oh my God." She heard Torrie say.

"What?" Lacey asked, as she looked up. When she saw what was on the screen, she knew immediately what Torrie was talking about.

Adam and Vickie were standing there with Vickie running her hand seductively down his chest and in the blink of an eye, they were kissing. And it wasn't just an innocent little peck, it was a full make out session going on between her boyfriend and her mother.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry, Lacey." Torrie said.

"You're not sorry." Lacey said coldly. "You weren't sorry when you were the one bedding him all those months ago, you're not sorry now."

Torrie looked at her sadly just as her music began to play. The blonde took one last sympathetic look at the girl before walking through the curtain, her happy smile plastered on her face.

"No one cares." Lacey muttered just as her music, 'Rip Out The Wings of a Butterfly' by her favorite band ever, HIM blared through the arena. She burst through the curtain on her cue.

A smile played across her face as she was met with screams and cheers from the crowd. The lighting in the room was dark purple, and a bright white strobe light flashed in time with the guitar part in the song.

As Lacey signaled 'rock on!' to the crowd, she looked to Torrie. She knew how she would get her current state anger and aggression out. For now, that is. Her sedative would be kicking Torrie Wilson's scrawny ass!


This was seriously a spur of the moment thing. I was just sitting at my dad's house watching Smackdown! when I saw the Vickie/Edge thing, and I'm like… "What the fuck! Whoa!" And from than on the plot bunnies began raping my face… so, here's what a result of what happens when I'm bored at my dad's house and something big/completely disgusting happens on the telly.

Oh, and I'm sorry to any Torrie Wilson fans reading this, I know I was kinda harsh on her… I just couldn't think of any other "slutty" girls on Smackdown! But as you can see, I didn't make her too terribly bad. And, I mean…. She's not one of my favorites, but she's alright on occasion. But in this story, I think that I'm going to have her character turn around. You'll see.

The next chappy will be out as soon as I can get it out! Hope you all liked this!

Please review!
