Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha or any of the characters if I did Shessy and Kagome would be together forever.

Here is the new chapter.


¨okay how soon will they leave? ¨

¨tomorrow he is already after in his training¨

¨TOMORROW! ¨ then she remembered that Shippo hasn't been having any training at all. ¨okay I will make sure that he is ready¨


Shippo leaves/Kagomes kidnapped/Sesshomarus weird.

The next day Kagome sadly follows Shippo to Ah Un that will take them to their training places.

¨bye mama¨

¨bye Shippo, Rin hope that you will have fun¨ Sesshomaru just stood there watching when Kagome hugged both Rin and Shippo. As soon as they had left she stopped smiling and started crying.

'No she is crying go comfort her. No this Sesshomaru don't do stuff like that.You're such a jerk'

Before they had argued enough Kagome ran in to he forest leaving Sesshomaru left.

He triad to run after her but she used her demon speed making her faster than Sesshomaru but he didn't give up.

Suddenly Kagome hit something hard.

¨Huh? ¨

¨Kagome now your mine¨ He hissed making her realize that she had just ran into Kouga that had triad to rape her before. He picked her up and ran away.

Sesshomaru could smell the wolf and got worried that he had taken Kagome and he got it confirmed when he smelled that Kouga had picked Kagome up and run away.

Kouga toke Kagome too his den he started rip her clothes of.

¨Kouga what are you doing let me go! ¨

¨No your mine and you have to be punished for what you did last time¨ when she was naked he chained her to the wall and picked up a whip and started whipping her. After that he undressed himself and but his semi large cock in her moth making her suck it.

When Sesshomaru got too Kougas den he saw Kouga making Kagome suck his cock that made him furies.

¨Kouga what do you think you are doing kidnapping Kagome from my lands and then force her to suck you cock! ¨ Kouga sensing the mad lord took of running while making a quiet promise on having Kagome.

As soon as the wolf had left Sesshomaru dropped his emotional mask and ran up to Kagome and released her. Putting his haouri on her and pulling her in to a close hug.

Kagome shocked that to se fear and relief that she was not hurt. When he pulled her in to a hug she started crying so happy that he had saved her.

Sesshomaru smelling the tears kissed them away making her legs like jelly.

¨don't be afraid I will protect you¨ he said before kissing her comforting.

¨thank you Shessy¨ Sesshomaru liking his new pet name didn't do anything but kiss her once more.


ye I know I am evil fore ending it here.

please review i get about 100hits and only 3 reviews per chapter and i really whant to thank does that are reviewing.