I absolutely loved writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it as well.
Of course you know I don't own any of these characters. Logan is best the new character to ever appear on GH in a long time and his death was the biggest mistake GH has ever made, bar none. I wish Josh Duhon a long and successful career. He deserves it. Go Josh!
Like Father, Like Son
A Logan Hayes fan-fiction
Chapter Nine: New friendships
Georgie returned to Kelly's shortly after noon to find the diner packed. Every table was occupied and Logan was in the middle of taking an order at the counter.
He looked up at the chime of the door and his face lit up when he saw Georgie. Thank God, he mouthed to her as she approached the counter.
With a smile, Georgie rounded the counter and tied her apron around her waist. "Looks like it got busy, huh?" she joked.
Rolling his eyes, Logan whispered, "just a bit."
Georgie laughed out loud. "Well, I'm back now. Thanks so much, Logan," she said, sincerely. "You can go now. I've got this covered."
Logan shook his head. "I can stay to help you with this crowd," he offered. "I'll cook, you wait tables."
Georgie looked at him in surprise. "Are you sure? I mean, I can do this myself. You've done enough."
Logan gently turned her around by the shoulders. "Go...tables one, two, four and five need iced tea, table three wants coffee and," he pointed out Spinelli sitting alone at a table in the corner, pounding away on his computer, oblivious to the chaos surrounding him, "you know what Spinelli wants."
Georgie nodded her head. "Gotcha." She grabbed the coffee pot and made her way toward table three as Logan escaped to the relative quiet of the kitchen. "Coffee?" she offered, as she turned over their cups and began pouring.
"Thank you, sweetheart," the elderly woman said. She took a sip of the hot liquid and smiled over the rim of the cup. "That's a very nice young man you have there, dear."
Georgie turned her head toward the kitchen. "Logan? Thank you, but," she said, "he's not really my 'young man'. We're just friends."
"Must be really good friends judging by the way he looks at you," she replied.
Georgie blushed involuntarily and smiled. She returned to the counter to replace the coffee pot and deliver the rest of the drinks. As she passed Spinelli's table, she called out, "the usual, Spin?"
Spinelli looked up momentarily. "Wise and generous Georgie always knows what the Jackal desires. Thank you."
Georgie smiled at him briefly before looking out the window and spotting Maxie sitting down at a table outside. Excusing herself to Spinelli, she stepped outside. "Maxie? Are you okay?"
Maxie looked up at her. "I just saw Coop. He still doesn't want to talk to me."
"Oh, Maxie." Georgie's heart went out to her sister. She could read the pain and heartbreak all over Maxie's face. Before she could sit down, though, she spotted Logan inside waving his arm at her, signaling a food order was ready. "Listen, Maxie, I have to go back inside for a minute, but wait here and we'll talk, okay?"
Maxie sighed. "Whatever. Go, do what you have to do."
Georgie hurried inside to retrieve the order. As she delivered the plates to its' appropriate table, she saw Maxie get up and walk away. Georgie was about to go after her sister when she was flagged down by another customer.
An hour later, the diner was empty, except for Spinelli, and both Logan and Georgie sat down for a well-deserved break.
Georgie pulled out her tips and began dividing it evenly. "Thank you so much for staying, Logan," she told him. "You earned half of this money, fair and square. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you today."
"I don't want your money, Georgie," Logan said, "you need that for your trip next year. Keep it all."
"Logan, I can't do that," Georgie insisted. "I have to give you something." She paused to think of something. "How about we work out a deal? If you won't take my money, then let me do something for you. Like, I don't know, we go to Jake's. My treat."
"Isn't it a little early to be drinking at Jake's?" Logan questioned.
"We don't have to go drinking. We can play pool or whatever," Georgie replied, "after I get off work. Which won't be for a couple of hours when Lulu comes in."
Logan shrugged. "Okay, it's a deal," he said, as they shook hands to seal the deal.
Two hours later, Georgie was wiping down the counter after another mini-rush of customers when Lulu walked in. Logan and Spinelli had left together an hour before so Georgie was alone in the diner.
"Hey, sorry I'm late," Lulu said. "The Quartermaine's were totally in my face this morning about Logan."
"Really? I thought they didn't like him," Georgie stated.
"They don't," Lulu affirmed, "they were trying to make sure I don't get back together with him."
"Do you want to?"
Lulu sat down heavily at the counter and blew out a sigh. "I don't know," she said. "I just feel guilty. I didn't mean to make him think I didn't believe him." She looked up at Georgie. "I heard about what you did for him, by the way. I can't believe Maxie switched the first test results."
Georgie shook her head. "She had her reasons," she said simply, not wanting to reveal Maxie's pregnancy to Lulu. "We don't have to like them but my sister didn't do anything worse than what you yourself did last summer."
Lulu was taken aback. "I can't believe you're bringing up last summer."
"I'm not, Lulu," Georgie told her. "I'm just saying, you are not in any position to judge my sister." Taking off her apron quickly, Georgie grabbed her purse from under the counter. "Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you later."
She left the diner, with Lulu still sitting at the counter, stunned into silence.
Logan sat at the bar at Jake's waiting for Georgie to arrive. Coleman wandered over and offered him a beer.
"Thanks, man," Logan said, after taking a long pull from the bottle.
Carrying his bottle over to a table where Spin sat nursing his orange soda, Logan turned a chair around and straddled it. "So, Spin, I never got the chance to thank you the other day, for your part in discovering what happened in the lab."
Spinelli shook his head. "The Jackal appreciates the Commando's kind words but alas, he did not have a part in discovering the manipulative machinations of the bad blond. The credit goes to the lucky lab tech."
"Whatever," Logan waved his hand. "You didn't have to believe in me. In fact, I've given you enough reason in the past for you to doubt my word so for what you did for me, I thank you."
"Your sincere gesture is duly noted and whole-heartedly accepted, Commando," Spinelli told him. Raising his orange soda, Spin proposed a toast, "let bygones be bygones. Here's to a new start and hopefully a new friendship."
Logan clinked his bottle with Spinelli's and they drank to their newfound peace.
The funny thing was, Logan didn't find Spinelli all that weird after all. Sure, he talked funny and said a lot of big words that Logan didn't comprehend all the time but in short, Spin was a good kid.
Shortly after, Georgie walked in the bar. Coleman saw her and protested a little. "You are so not getting anything stronger than Spinelli's orange soda. I don't need your father, the commissioner, to come busting in here and closing me down."
"Don't worry, Coleman," Georgie told him, walking over to Logan and Spin's table. "I just want a soda and to beat this guy in a few games of pool."
Logan laughed. "Oh, you think you can beat me, huh? I have to warn you, I practically grew up in pool halls back home."
Georgie waved him off. "You don't scare me, Hayes," she said, grabbing a pool cue from a nearby table. As she began racking the balls, she added, "oh, by the way, I called Serena when I got off work. She's on her way to join us."
Spinelli's eyebrows shot up. "Sweet Serena is going to be here?"
Logan noted the tone in Spinelli's voice. "Watch it, Spinelli, that's my sister you're drooling over."
As if on cue, Serena walked in. She made her way over to the three of them and joined Spin at the table. While Logan and Georgie played the first game, Serena and Spinelli watched them and cheered on their friends.
Georgie had the first game won until she inadvertently sunk the cue ball.
"Scratch!" Logan announced triumphantly. He went about sinking all of his balls and when he got down to the eight ball left, he set up his shot and then looked over at Georgie and winked as he set the cue ball in motion. The four of them watched as the eight ball fell swiftly into the pocket.
"Yes!" Logan pumped his fist.
"Yeah, whatever, you got lucky," Georgie insisted.
"That was a good game," Serena said, "you should have made a bet or something."
Logan and Georgie looked at each other and said, simultaneously, "no more bets!"
...to be continued...
A/N: well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter half as mjch as I enjoyed writing it. I think I've reached the end of this story. I just need one more chapter to tie up Logan & Scott's timultuous relationship into a neat little bow. of course, it won't be resolved completely because that's not how these two characters operate. They're ornery and they're too much alike to get along famously right away and all the time but I think you'll like what I have planned. thanks for reviewing my story so now go review for what will be the second to last time.