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Silence: Misunderstandings happen a lot, eventually a Yuuri&Wolfram fic
Disclaimer: We do not own the ink we use nor do we pay for the large amounts of paper we waste used to print out fanart of Yuuri and wolfram and that concludes that we definitely do not own Kyou kara maou because we are cheap we don't own any of these things besides the less appealing drool we leave from falling asleep.
Summary: Yuuri Shibuya is a normal highschool student he's always dreaming of a mysterious 'girl' from his childhood who never speaks. His first day in his new school is horrible when he tries to save Wolfram, the school outcast, from humiliation but doesn't get a thank you back. His horrible day improves, however, when he sees Elizabeth who he thinks is his dream girl. But is she really or is it the person who's been overlooked? Is it even a girl? YuuRam, AU, School-life
Dru: You writing a story?
Eden: a school life fanfic…
Dru: Can I be in it?
Eden: its yaoi
Dru: are their any hot chicks in it?
Eden: its yaoi...which means boy love, didn't I tell you this before?
Dru: …is that a yes?
Looking from afar have you ever wondered when staring off at another window nearby, if that window were to be open what breathtaking sounds would echo through?... it might be sounds of fear or maybe excitement of families or couples, drug dealers or simply just children.
It was a soft murmur in the distance but if you were to listen carefully they were the sound of children happily enjoying the morning. The sun smiled at a distance as it peered through a class of twenty optimistic children who eagerly took out their books ready to start the day. The children excitedly formed a circle and started to hum tunes that polished the air fresh. Even if it would start to pour with rain the smiles that broadened on their face would not disappear, today was one of those special days where they were expecting a visitor.
It was a special occasion for the children and they would dress their best and put on an act that screamed out 'angel'.
They tightly held each others' hands and sang and sang and sang, the wind would visit and carry a part with it, as the children would silently pray and hope it was their voice that was heard. It was a day that brought the children overflowing with new hope, as they fervently waited for the visitor to step through the door…except one. Under a painting of a weeping man, one little blonde boy sat alone away from all the rest as he just enviously gazed at them; he was the only one that wore no smile and spoke no words.
"They're coming! Can you hear their foot steps?" yelled a petite girl.
"Yes they're coming, I hear them." replied the boy across to her excitedly.
As the children continued to sing filling the room with their sweet voices, the sound of foot steps grew louder. The blonde boy that sat alone turned his head away, little did he know a boy with jet black hair just happen to glance his way and before long the blonde boy was tapped on the shoulder. He flinched at the contact.
The black haired boy stared at the lone wolf who looked like he was on the verge to tears, but as quick as it had emerged on his face, it was rapidly replaced with a horrendous glare that forced him to take a step back.
"S-sorry, I'm Yuri and this is my second week here. I've noticed you're always sitting alone. Why don't you join us?" asked Yuri and waited for a reply, he received none.
"Hey Yuri, they'll be here soon. Ignore him, Wolfram never talks. Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall" yelled a tan boy across the room.
"Oh so your names Wolfram?" Yuri asked but received no reply.
"Don't you ever talk? By your lack of speech, it's making everyone think you're arrogant and that is making everyone here—"
A cold stare came his way, cutting the words that were about to escape his lips. Maybe Wolfram was in his own little world and Yuri wasn't allowed to enter. He felt it when that glare drove through him and when the silence loomed. It was intimidating but even so an unseen force told him he could not leave this boy sitting here alone, he didn't know the reason why, but the boy's presences sitting their alone just made him want to take care of him. So he stayed and tried to engage a conversation with Wolfram.
"I haven't been here for long but everyone has been so gentle and kind towards me, I'm really happy. I've started to get use to life here and I'm slowly getting to know everyone. But at the end of today one or two of us will be able to lead a new life. I'll be happy for them and maybe in the near future we'll meet again. Wouldn't that be cool?"
Yuri waited for a replied, but instead was answered by a silent nod from Wolfram. He took this as a sign to keep talking and so he did.
"Are you excited? Even though you may not look like it, you're dressed awfully well today. You just might be the lucky one and get chosen; you should join the other kids and sing. Want to go together and join them?" asked Yuri, cheerfully extending a hand towards Wolfram, waiting for him to accept.
Wolfram just stood stoned as he stared at the hand in front of him like it was going to bite and quickly slapped the hand away. He hid his head between his legs and replied by a nod to the side.
The silence overwhelmed them both, with Wolfram the first to react. He narrowed his eyes and timidly motioned his hand to point at Yuri and then to the other kids. Yuri grazed back and fourth to where Wolfram had pointed too and a small laughter escaped from his lips. Yuri found this as an opportunity to try pry the door open.
"Lets go together, I want us to sing together. I've never heard you speak, but it'll be a waste to let that voice rust"
Wolfram was standing to leave, but he wasn't eyeing the circle of children. He had his eyes on the door and before taking any action he turned to give a menacing glare at Yuri. From those glares to his reaction it was like his words had pierced Wolfram in some way deep down, like it had left a scare. Wolfram was about to leave until he heard some very unexpected words escape from Yuri's small lips.
"I'm not at all excited…I miss my parents, I'm not sure I'm ready to leave with a new family yet…" It was a mere whisper, but Wolfram had heard it loud and clear.
Tears threatened to spill from Yuri's eyes as he constantly repeated to himself in his head, "I'm a man and dad says men don't cry". Not long tears came pouring out like a waterfall, unable to stop.
Wolfram lifted up his head in question, his eyes lurching upon the source of the noise. He bit his lower lip and wondered if this was right in means of comfort, as his hand reached for Yuri's shoulder. Fingers almost touched him, but Wolfram suddenly froze midway. It just froze…
"Yuri's crying, he made Yuri cry!" the petite girl shouted, while she pointed a finger at Wolfram.
All the children stopped their song and turned to what the commotion was. They too started to point at him and accuse him, when they saw the scene. He felt caged like bird surrounded by cats; he clinched his fist in agony. He wanted to yell out the truth, he wanted to say something, anything!
"That's too cruel; you need to stop thinking your better then everyone else here. Yuri was just trying to be friendly, but you just had to make him cry." said a small girl holding a teddy bear.
All Wolfram could do was furiously shake his head.
"Then prove it, tell us the reason why his crying. You liar!" yelled a little boy.
"It's not—"
Before Yuri could finish his sentence, he was dragged away by two twin boys that insisted he get away from Wolfram as far as possible. They dragged him all the way to the other side of the room and forced him to sit.
"You've got it all wrong" said Yuri.
"Then why isn't he saying anything? Yuri you're too nice. If you hang out with someone like him you too might turn into an outcast." said one of the twins.
No matter how much Yuri tried to tell the twins that it wasn't Wolfram who made him cry, they wouldn't listen.
"Stop! Are you listening to me? Look you're frightening Wolfram" yelled Yuri.
The world appeared to be dead; no one paid any attention to his words. Wolfram was pushed against a wall and the children hovered over him and demanded an explanation. They surrounded him and pointed their fingers grudgingly; his heart pounded a million beats per second.
He silently cursed in his mind, "It's over!" as he trembled under the hideous shadows that the children produced and he wondered whether he had seen hell. To him it certainly felt like the devil had come and was going to rip out his heart in any minute. What could he do? The children no matter what he did, they didn't believe him and what could he had said? Nothing, it just wasn't possible.
Then suddenly an unfamiliar voiced asked, "Oh my, what's going on here?"
A tall boney gentleman approached them. The gentlemen swirled his way through the den of hungry cats and retrieved the frightened bird. He caringly held Wolfram's hand and led him to his wife.
A child gasped, "It's them, they're here. They're here!"
"This here seems like he'll make a fine gentlemen, don't you think?" he asked his wife
"Him? Do you…really think that?" said the wife.
"Yes" he replied his wife.
"Boy, what is your name?" she asked
"He's Wolfram", the twins answered in unison.
"I wasn't asking you", she snorted.
"So what do you think? Wolfram that's a nice name." asked her husband.
"Wolfram…that name…it's familiar. No. No. No. No. No. Do you not remember what the lady with the green hair told us?" She questioned her husband, who rolled his eyes and gave a blank look.
Her nose was held far above the ground and with a high pitched voice she said, "Why would I want a mute for a son?"
Upon hearing those words the room filled with shock and whispers. Wolfram hurriedly ran out of the room slamming the door on his way. It was the moons turn to glance through the window, but all there was to see was a few drops of tears left behind on the marble floor where Wolfram had last stood.
Yuri gently knocked on the door, "Hey… Wolfram, are you in there? I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm really, really sorry! The other children are sorry too. Won't you come out? It's been days since you've locked yourself in there"
Liar! Why are you apologizing…I don't need your pity!
Get lost, just get lost!
It seemed like things were being thrown from inside, there were sounds of broken glass and the sounds of hard solid objects being thrown onto the floor.
I hate this place, I hate everyone here and…and especially you Yuri!
Yuri leaned against the door and whispered, "I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything, I couldn't do anything to help. I should have spoke up and I should have stopped everyone. I'm sorry… it's my entire fault…that I've caused you pain"
Then a promise was made…
"I feel so…useless. I promise if ever we get a chance to meet again…I'll be stronger, strong enough to be able to protect you. That no one will get hurt again because of me" were the last words of the day since there departure. The moon smiled gently as it glanced at the kid whose black hair covered his dark eyes.
The wind whispered,
"Oh poor children, what poor children
But I shall forgive you, because you're only children
You deserve a second chance.
Hold hands, hold tightly
Don't let go, don't let it slip
But if you ever do, that'll be the last chance."
Read and review! )
Dru: hmm… I see. So can you include hot chicks in it?
Eden: why? Its yaoi
Dru: after you do that can you include me in it?
Eden: are you even listening to me?
Dru: did you say something?
Eden… no nothing
Dru: can I take that as a yes?
Eden: no…