We vampires…try to fulfill our longings by drinking another vampire's blood…

Life is pointless...

I want to be relieved of this pain.

I want to be relived of this throbbing hunger…this need in the back of my mind that echoes through my veins.

I want that release.

I want…him.

"Do all purebloods not know when to quit?" Zero snarled, clutching his gun tightly with one hand, bracing himself against the wall with the other.

He was trapped, forced into a corner; at a seemingly undying standstill with him.

"Your body is honest…you see blood and your eyes tell me you desire it." The other boy shrugged.

Him, the alpha of all vampires, a pureblood. Kaname Kuran's power filled the room to the brim with an icy breeze, surrounding Zero like a chocking cloud.

The tension of violence and something more was drowning. Neither boy yielded an inch.

"Drink from me, Kiryu-kun"

"…Don't joke." Zero scoffed.

"Why would it be a joke? Within my body flows the Kuran pure blood…which will surely lengthen your life."

"…The shadows of insanity will become distant," he whispered into Kiryu's ear. Zero stiffened against the wall. He could feel the pressure of the other boy's body, trapping him against the wall. Feelings of confusion and pure blood-thirsty hunger overwhelmed him, engulfing his senses. He dropped his gun; his reasoning vanished.

Fangs flashed, bodies clashed; in the blink of an eye, Zero fixed his lips against Kaname's neck. He moved his tongue along the pureblood's neck leisurely, licking the target region with care. His lips were so deliciously warm, his saliva so hot and wet against Kaname's cool skin. A small sound escaped Kaname's lips as he fastened his hands against Zero's neck and lower back. The pureblood's fingers danced along the brim of Zero's neck; moving gingerly along his spine.

Kaname sighed blissfully, "He's enjoying it, that sick bastard." Zero bit down, slow at first, then ravenously needy. He sucked furiously, as if he would bleed every orifice of Kaname's body dry. Blood flowed like a torrent from the pureblood's neck, gushing into Zero's ravenous jaws and trickling down his torso. The alluring scent of crimson liquid filled the room, awakening mixed emotions of primal hunger and physical lust. Zero could no longer control himself or his body, and firmly pressed his erection against Kaname's warm inner thigh.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, making this feast so grossly sexual. But he felt such an impeccable desire to drink Kaname's blood, so much…thicker, richer, sweeter than Yuki's.

Zero frantically clawed at Kaname's shirt, which soon fell to the floor, and struggled to find a more compromising angle. He needed to stand on the tips of his feet, and in doing so he slid his length along Kaname's bare abdomen. Zero whimpered as he felt the rise and fall of the pureblood's breathing against his hardness. He needed more friction.

Gulping, sucking, gasping, it tasted and felt so magnificent…he wished this moment of unbridled ecstasy would last for eternity. "Enough Zero…" Kaname growled, pushing the aroused and unsatisfied boy off of him.

"I-It's not enough…" Zero panted wiping the excess blood from his face, and realized he was thinking aloud. He furiously blushed afterward, fixing his gaze anywhere but the face of the gorgeous pureblood.

"Then tell me what you want, Kiryu-kun." Zero backed away and Kaname pursued, gently gripping Zero's chin, forcing his blood-tinted eyes upon his own. His face was beautifully unreadable.

"…You," Zero whispered huskily.

Their gazes melded, mirroring looks of hungry desperation. The spark was nearly palpable. Licentious instinct crashed its way into the forefront, shoving aside all reason.