AN: Hey everyone! This is my first fanfic. Please feel free to criticize it, I'm not a really good writer or anything anyways, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hannah Montana.

Lily Truscott let out a yawn. It was the last of class of the day and it was a Friday. She looked around the classroom, everyone was either talking quietly or sleeping. Mr. Gold was talking about how the Roman Empire fell, he had just said something about religious views when Lily thought.

Who cares how the damn empire fell? In fact, do you want to know why it really fell? Because it bored people to death, that's why.

Lilly was thinking about the day she had planned with her two besties; Oliver and Miley. They had planned to go to the movies and watch a thriller. Of course Oliver had picked. He still had a crush on Miley and he thought if the movie scared her enough, she'd be burying her head into his chest. Lilly was jealous, she always had been, Miley was perfect, she had everything, her singing talent, her beauty, her smarts, the way she moved and the way how everything stopped when she walked into a room; she was what every guy ever wanted. Lily wasn't jealous cause Oliver liked Miley, Lily was jealous simply because Miley was perfect.

Bbbbrrrinnggg, the bell rung.

Lilly snapped out of her thoughts, "Finally!" Lilly exclaimed.

She began to walk out of the classroom say her goodbyes to her fellow classmates and was just starting to walk down the hall when a familiar voice from behind her said, "Hey Lils,"

Lilly didn't even need to turn around to see who it was. She could recognize that voice anywhere. She continued walking towards her locker while talking to him.

"Hey Ollie, you ready for tonight?" she asked him.

"Yeah, you?" Oliver replied.

"I just can't seem to figure out which movie we should watch…I'm between 'A Walk to Remember' and 'Red Eye'"

"I am not going to watch another chick flick so we're going with 'Red Eye' and plus, if Miley gets scared enough, she'll be holding onto me" Oliver said dreamily.

Lilly rolled her eyes, "'Red Eye' it is then"

When they got to their lockers, Miley came up to them.

"Hey you guys, got some bad news," Miley said. "I can't make it tonight to Movie Night a Hannah thing just came up."

"It's ok Miles," Lilly replied. "Although that would mean that I'd be spending my night with donut over here."

Oliver had been daydreaming and snapped back to reality when Lilly mentioned the word donut.

"Wha?" he asked

Lilly rolled her eyes, "Miley can't make tonight's movie night, so it's just gonna be you and me. Oh, and you've got to stop with the daydreaming, I swear your starting to drool now" she joked.

Oliver looked a bit disappointed but then he managed to say, "Oh haha Lilly, you're so funny"

"I know aren't I?"

"Okay stop it you two!" Miley said. "I swear if you don't stop now, for all I know you could be standing her tomorrow morning still going on about this. But anyways, I'll make it up by taking you two out for pizza tomorrow 'Kay?"

Lilly and Oliver nodded, "Sure." They said in unison.

Miley giggled, she wondered how long it would take the two before they realise that they were meant for each other, "Okay you guys, I've got to go now, try and have fun without me, I'll see you guys at noon for pizza tomorrow alright?"

"I'll try to, although I doubt that Lilly here is much fun," Oliver joked.

Lilly elbowed him, "Ow!"

"That's what you get for being a donut,"

Miley rolled her eyes, "See you guys tomorrow!" she waved.

"Bye!" Lilly and Oliver said in unison yet again.

Then they started to head off over to Lilly's house…

AN: Tell me what you thought about it! I'm ready to take criticism, so go review!
