Chapter Eight: Connecting the Dots

'Crying, crying,
tears keep a-falling
all night long.
Waiting, waiting,
it seems so useless,
I know it's wrong
to keep on...
...crying, crying,
waiting, waiting,
hoping, hoping,
you'll come back baby,
someday soon
things will change
and you'll be mine.'

- The Beatles 'Crying, Waiting, Hoping.'


Dumbledore smiled, relief flooding his system as he watched the young family reunite. He really wasn't sure what to expect this time, but having Rose returned so soon, or at all, was not one of them.

Frowning, the Headmaster looked above them, towards the gates. Something was moving in the shadows beneath the low hanging trees. He was not as senile to think it just an animal. No, there was definitely a being there. As far as he was aware, animals did not wear cloaks.

Next question; confront or observe?

Sensing no sign of a threat, the Headmaster chose the latter. Besides, while they were inside the Potter's gates the wards would hold. Only those of Potter blood, or otherwise requested, could enter. He had set the wards himself, spending many relentless months checking them. Never again would they have a repeat of that dreadful Halloween all those years ago. Not if Dumbledore could stop it.

The shadow in the dense forest edge disappeared, leaving behind nothing but mere memory it was there. Deciding to forgo the happily united family with the news, he stepped forward and took his turn to hug little Rose.


James was standing nearby with the camera, waiting for the perfect moment. Dumbledore paid him little attention, instead focused on little Harry.

The boy had not made a sound, or smiled in the half hour they had been together. Usually the little tyke giggled at his clothes or asked about 'Fawk', his fiery familiar. Today though, he just starred, right into the Headmaster's eyes. Even Fawkes who usually couldn't resist teasing young Harry was sullen, and also staring, but at Harry.

Something gripped at him then, just like it had when he read the prophecy, little over a year before. His grip on the tot unknowingly tightened, but Harry never stopped staring.

Dumbledore noticed a flash go off somewhere, but paid no attention. Something was going to happen, and somehow Harry knew it too.

James hobbled over and gently took Harry from the Headmaster. "I think it's time for a nap, don't you think so, Harry?"

Harry just starred at Dumbledore, unfazed. James frowned.

"Strange." He said. "He hasn't been this docile since, well, birth."

Dumbledore nodded, not taking his eyes off the boy. "He's probably just exhausted."

James shrugged, and then juggled for the floo pot. "We'll stop by tomorrow for the feast as usual." He nudged Harry in the Headmaster's direction. "What do you say, Harry?"

Without blinking those green eyes of his, Harry reached out a tiny fist.


That was the last time Dumbledore had seen him.

-End Flashback-

He shook his head. Rose was not going anywhere – not if he could stop it. Just like the wards, he checked the Potter's on a weekly basis. After a hundred or so years of living, the paranoia seemed to just creep up on him now.

He tightened his grip on little Rose.

'I won't let you down, too.'


Harry flunked back on his bed, subconsciously wondering if this was how he was doomed to spend his time; flunking on his bed. It sure seemed to happen an awful lot.

"I have a sister."

The word sounded foreign on his tongue, like a heavy cloth was weighing it down. For as long as he remembered he'd basically been on his own, and now…he had family. Sure the Weasleys treated him like one of their own, and he was positive Molly would have adopted him if given the chance, but it just wasn't the same. Just seeing his parents alive and in the flesh was something he would never forget, and to add a sister to that pile…

A knock came at the door. Instantly Harry'shand itched towards his wand.

"Come in."

A heavy set man in his mid forties stood in the doorway, a tray of delicates visible on a pulley. Harry's stomach rumbled, remembering the last time he ate which was…he couldn't remember. He was famished.

"Food from the trolley, sir?" The man asked.

Harry nodded, digging through his moneybag, only to produce a generous two galleons for a sandwich. The man starred at his payment with wide eyes.

"Ah, the sandwich is two sickles sir."

Harry stuffed the sandwich in his mouth, closing the door on the shocked vender's face. Mmhm, when was the last time he had eaten? He suddenly recalled his first day there, and the sandwich he'd had while stalking his parents. That was what, two days ago?

He frowned at his now empty hand. There was something else that happened two days ago…something important…his eyes widened. The note!

Digging through his robe pocket he withdrew the hastily scribbled note that none-other than Sirius Black had given him. And unless he was very much mistaken, it was a very, Uhh, 'subtle' invitation to his bed. Blushing Harry scanned the note once again.

I do not believe we've had the chance to get properly ah, ' acquainted' with one another. On the back is my floo address – don't be afraid to stop by, say, eight O'clock Friday night?

- Sirius Black

Instantly the heat rushed to his face…among other places. But no! Harry quickly straightened his robes, chucking the note back into his pocket. He couldn't do that; it was his Godfather for Merlin's sake! It was wrong on so many levels.

Not here it isn't…and just think of that sexy smile…

Groaning Harry slammed his head against the wall.

"Why me?"

'Because you're Harry Potter.'

'Oh shut up. I don't need voices to add to the long list of things wrong with me.'

Deciding to think on it, Harry grabbed his cloak and headed out. He really needed some fresh air.

'And a good wank.'



Lily paced the kitchen, checked her watch, and then paced again. She checked her watch; ten O'clock. James was due back any moment now.

It had been bothering her since she met him – since day one, you could say. Those eyes, those gestures, those subtle lies…She just couldn't believe she had not put it together sooner; it was so obvious! How could they all have missed it?

And if it's not him? Another voiced snapped. Then you'll just look like the idiot bird that missed the freaking canary.

"But I couldn't be mistaken…his eyes!"

Are the only thing you really noticed about him, aren't they?

Growling she slammed a random cup onto the counter, intent on making tea. It always seemed to soothe her nerves. Just like potions, sometimes going through the precise calculative motions helped her see things more clearly.

Half an hour later found Lily sitting at the table, sipping cold tea and watching the floo.


And waiting.


Whatever James was expecting when he got home, it wasn't to find Lily practically beside herself jabbering about something. He couldn't be positive, but he thought she said 'green eyes' and 'lunch meeting' in the same sentence. Frowning he put a hand to her mouth.

"Shh, slow down." She flushed in embarrassment. "What is it?"

"The boy – the one we met at lunch a few days ago? – He's the one."

James quirked a brow. "The what?"

"The one. He's the one." Seeing his confused look she huffed. "Oh honestly James. The boy we met for lunch with Sirius, James Evans I believe. He's the one from the prophecy. The boy we are all looking for, but is sitting right under our noses!"

It took another full minute before this sunk in. When it did James wasted no time setting things into motion; something that came from much Marauder and Auror experience.

"Floo Dumbledore, tell him to request another meeting immediately. I'll contact Sirius."

She frowned. "Why Sirius? Surely Albus will."

He smirked. "Because he is the one with the crush."

To Be Continued…