Love's Crusade

Chapter 8

Chi-chi's head was slump on Goku's right shoulder and he couldn't help but wish he could fly instead of sitting in the cramped quarters he was in at the moment. Ever since the whole 'gravity room' incident, he had been sitting on the strange airship that Master Roshi piloted. A soft moan every now and then confirmed that Chi-chi was still alive, but Goku still had fear that she would end up just like the boy did.

'Why am I thinking back to what happened in that village?' Goku thought silently to himself, so absorbed in his guilt and mind to not even realize that the ship had landed. 'I don't want her ending up like that boy though and end up 'dead' or whatever that means...'

"Goku, Master Roshi said we made it to Korin's Tower," Krillin explained; snapping the champion out of his musings.

"Korin's Tower?" Goku repeated; unsure why they were here in the first place.

"Yeah, this is where Rin can get healed."

"Really? That's great news!" Goku picked up the female in his arms and walked off the airship before noticing a tall tower. "Looks big..."

"Yeah, but he's all the way up there and... Goku! You can't fly up there!" Krillin yelled while the champion floated slightly off the ground with the female in his grasp. "If you don't climb, then you won't pass his first test!"

"How else will I make it up there?" Goku questioned.

"You have to climb my boy," Master Roshi explained. "Then, you need to make sure you bring him an offering in order to pass his second test."

"An offering?" Goku looked at his master unsure. "What does he need?"


The strange and slimy creature squirmed in Goku's grasp and he held on as tight as he could without maiming it. A small cooler rested upon the ground and he gently set the flopping creature within the device. It was capsized before he was handed the strange pill-like object.

"So I just throw it and the cooler will come out again?" Goku asked in a confused tone while studying the instrument he held in the palm of his hand. He had witnessed how the airship came out of a capsule similar to what he was holding and assumed it was the same method.

"That's correct, now get going," Master Roshi slapped the warrior on his back. Goku picked up Chi-chi in his arms and gently tied her to his back. He insisted on taking her up with him despite protests that she might not survive. A thick blanket wrapped around her form and he steeled himself for the climb that was to come.

Hands grasped the marble column; finding holds before he began his slow ascent heavenward. He had no idea how tall the tower would be, but he knew it wouldn't be an easy task. At that moment, nothing else mattered besides making it to the top of the tower where she could get healed, but time was of the essence.

Hours seemed to drag on and the air started to get thinner. He glanced back at Chi-chi and noticed her eyes were barely open.

"Goku, its cold..." Chi-chi muttered softly.

"I know, but we're getting closer to the top," Goku reassured.

"Top? Where are we going?" Chi-chi asked, completely delirious of what was happening at the time.

"To see this 'Korin' person so you can be healed," Goku promised.

"Korin..." Goku noticed Chi-chi's eyes shut again. A tense breath seemed to escape his throat and he turned back to face the pillar he had spent hours climbing. His arms burned from sheer exhaustion hauling himself and the princess up the vertical incline, but he had no intentions of stopping once.

'Chi-chi, hang on, I promise I will make sure you recover...' Goku mentally vowed.

A circular shape started to appear and Goku glanced back to check up on Chi-chi when he noticed how pale she was. Ignoring the pain that vibrated throughout his body and sore muscles, he climbed faster and slipped. His tail quickly grabbed the ivory surface before he lost his grip on it. He held on and caught his breath before continuing the last leg of his climb. Upon reaching the top, he climbed the ladder hanging just below a hole and climbed up.

A small circular living area greeted him, but he saw no one within the place. Gently, he set Chi-chi down upon the couch and checked her pulse. It was weakened, but she was still alive. He glanced around, confused and wondering if this was all a trick or if someone really lived here or not.

"Hello? Is Korin here?" Goku called out in question.

"Yes, but tell me, who are you?" a voice cryptically called out.

"My name is Son Goku and I am here because Rin needs healing..."

"Is that the truth?"


"You're hiding something. Try again."

"Hiding something? I really came here to have Rin healed..."

"So you claim this 'Rin' needs healing? I do not see her. All I see is a woman who's hiding who she really is. If you tell me her real name, I might be more willing to help..."

"Her real name? It's Chi-chi..." Goku answered. Footsteps were heard and Goku saw a chubby white cat descend the staircase. "Are you...?"

"Yes, I am Korin, the keeper of the tower," the white cat confirmed. "You have told me the female's true name despite the secrets she wanted concealed."

"I had to though..." Goku admitted. "It's my fault Chi-chi ended up like this..."

"You are not of this world, are you?"

"...that's true... I came from Zen... a planet far from here..."

"...and you are an alien that's seeking something that you are starting to discover..."

"Discover?" Goku blinked in confusion. "But..."

Korin walked over to one of the large jars before pulling out a strange green-covered bean. The champion stared at it in confusion, but the cat had yet to give it to him. What kind of strange medicine did this creature possess?

"There is one more thing I ask: the offering," Korin explained while holding the tiny object between his claws. "Otherwise, I cannot give you this..."

Goku's eyes widened when he heard it and he uncapsuled the cooler. Presenting the fish, he handed it over to the feline while he handed her the strange bean. He held it in his hand; wondering if this was the fabled cure that would heal her.

"Now what?" Goku asked.

"You put it in her mouth and let her swallow it."

Gently, Goku pried open her mouth and set the bean inside before allowing her lips to seal again. He carefully tilted her head back and a small lump ran down her throat. Tense seconds passed before Chi-chi's eyes opened in shock and she sat up unaided and looked around confused.

"W-where am I?" Chi-chi gasped, taking in her surroundings. The color had returned to her cheeks and despite the slight shiver, she seemed to be alert and breathing.

"You are in my home," Korin answered.

"Eh?" Chi-chi glanced at the feline in a confused manner. "Are you really talking?"

"Of course Chi-chi," Korin replied. The princess looked at Goku with a frightened tone.

"Why did you tell him my real name?"

"He wouldn't take 'Rin' as your name," Goku guiltily answered.

"It was part of the three-part test to ensure he was honest, strong and kind." Korin walked over and picked up the tea kettle before pouring himself a glass. "He was strong enough to climb the tower instead of flying like he normally did. He managed to tell the truth after I prodded him a bit. Lastly, he was kind enough to bring me a fish so he could receive the Senzu Bean you needed."

"Senzu?" Chi-chi repeated the word almost though it was in a foreign language.

"It is a powerful medicine that can keep a normal human full for ten days and can also heal any injuries sustained."

"Well, thank you very much." Chi-chi respectfully replied with a slight bow.

"As for you," Korin's attention turned to Goku, "I know you went through a lot to save her, so here..." Goku was handed a Senzu Bean and he ate it. The minute he swallowed it, he felt all of the pain he obtained while climbing the tower vanish almost though he never went through the difficult effort. A grin crossed his face.

"Thanks Korin!" Goku grinned.

"Oh yes and one more thing," Korin lifted his paw. "Might I suggest you do me a huge favor?"

"Favor?" Goku looked at him almost though he was prepared to be given a huge task that only he could handle.

"I want you to sort these pots," Korin motioned to the various pots, "from large to small."

"Sounds easy!" Goku began pushing the pots carefully around while Chi-chi watched.

"Why are you making him move the pots?" Chi-chi questioned.

"Because of their placement," Korin replied before he silently studied him. 'It seems he's far stronger than he appears. Yet, he has a pure heart and does not seem to be a threat to this world despite his alien origins...'

"There!" Goku wiped his brow before smiling again. "Is that all?"

"For now, yes," Korin walked over to the rail of the tower. "Let me reward you for your work..."

"You don't have to..."

"I insist..." Korin looked out before yelling, "Kinto-un!"

"Kinto-what?" Goku saw a yellow cloud appear before his eyes before it stopped before the cat. It silently hovered there while he stared at it in confusion.

"This is Kinto-un... only those who possess a pure heart can ride it," Korin explained.

"A pure heart huh?" Goku stared at it almost though he half-expected the cloud to attack him. Carefully, he gingerly reached out and set his hand upon the strange and tangible cloud; half-expecting to fall. When he saw no movement, he jumped onto the cloud and his eyes widened when he realized that he was sitting on the cloud. "Wow... this is neat!"

"Yes... and I feel you will need it soon, so I entrust Kinto-un to you. If you need it, you only need to yell."

"Alright," Goku jumped off the cloud and walked back to Chi-chi's side.

"Y-you really sat on that thing?" Chi-chi stared at her fiancé in shock.

"Yep! Come on Chi-chi! Goku smiled before pulling the princess towards the hovering cloud. She clutched the blanket while he gently sat her down upon the yellow cloud. She found that she too could ride it and smiled.

"It's so soft..." Chi-chi's fingers went through the translucent wisps that stemmed from the cloud itself.

"We should head back down and let them know that you're better now," Goku admitted. He climbed on the cloud behind her before it descended from the heavens; heading earthward where they had come from. As the ground grew closer, Goku noticed the aircraft and a strange circular hut resting upon the ground. Curious, he jumped off and walked towards it. Kinto-un flew off until it was needed again.

"Wonder what this is..." Chi-chi asked.

"Not sure..." Goku looked at the object before hearing a sound. He saw Krillin appear in a doorway and it was then he realized what it was.

"Hey Goku, is Rin feeling better now?" Krillin asked.

"I'm feeling a lot better thanks to him!" Chi-chi smiled happily. She kissed the warrior on the cheek and he set her back on her feet.

"Great! Master Roshi's gone out to get some dinner, so we should stay the night here."

After everyone retired for the evening, only one person was still awake and that was the warrior from Zen. Ever since the scare, he had felt something towards this female; something he could not deny for her. It was much stronger than words could ever describe and he couldn't imagine his life without her.

'Why am I feeling this way about Chi-chi though?' Goku watched the soft rise and fall of her chest. 'Hours earlier, I was worried and scared that I would lose her, but now, I feel something else... like happiness, but something else is attached to it...'

He brushed her light red locks framing her face. A soft sleepy moan escaped the princess' throat before she settled into a deeper sleep. For months, he had played the masquerade of being close to her, but now, he felt something towards her that he knew he couldn't have with anyone else.

'Oh Chi-chi... I think maybe... I... I love you...' Goku admitted mentally. 'I mean I never felt this attachment towards anyone else, so it must be... it has to be...'

He felt a longing; a longing to hold her. Carefully, without waking her, he pulled her into his arms where he felt the warmth and comfort of holding her close.

'I love you Chi-chi... I want to tell you that when I wake up in the morning...' Goku vowed silently to himself.

"...and what is your name?" Ox-King questioned the male who had come to him courtesy of Nadir's recent advertisement. The duke had made quick plans to recruit fighters in an effort to reward them if they won the tournament.

"My name is Hercule Satan and I wish to join the tournament for fame and fortune," the male boasted. "I can give you examples of my strength if you wish..."

"There's no need," Ox-King stated. "I will only pay you if you win the tournament."

"Well, I'll definitely do that!" Hercule proclaimed. He walked out escorted by the guards afterwards while the king rubbed his forehead.

"My liege, there is a message from the kingdom to the north of us..." a soldier replied.

"What is it?"

"They are offering an allegiance in exchange for the princess' hand in marriage..."

"Even though he's making such an offer, we would have to decline due to the fact that I rather the bloodline remain as pure as possible..."

"Of course my liege..."

Ox-King went back over the lists of names. Each of these fighters had something to offer him, but until the day of the tournament, he would have to wait patiently; wait until the final sands of the clock were through the thin waist of the hourglass.

To Be Continued...