Love's Crusade


In what was considered the Heart of the Universe, a warrior race lived on the planet called Zen. This planet, with its size twice that of Jupiter itself flourished with life surprisingly enough. Upon this planet, only males lived and fought against one another in order to prove themselves in combat. None have seen a female in their lives due to the fact that they were shielded from death and they did not seem to know anything about reproduction and were denied the need for someone to love and cherish.

The kais themselves lived upon this planet and had granted these warriors immortality as long as none of the warriors ever decided to stray from the planet. If a warrior was hurt, they were healed within hours to fight once again. None ever perished in battle and there were many battles that were held either in the grassy fields or within the coliseum where the warrior that won was blessed with whatever they desired.

Out of all these powerful and muscular warriors though, one was originally sent to destroy this world called Zen when he was still yet an infant child. However, the kais had made it so he wouldn't dare do such a thing and the warrior turned out to be the best and was the purest of heart among them. His name was derived of a legend and his name was Son Goku.

Due to his fame upon this planet, this champion was granted anything his heart desired if he truly sought it out. Yet, not even the riches or the glory that he was showered gave him what he truly wanted deep inside of him. He hated the idea of trying to deny this feeling and always seemed to follow his heart no matter what. The need he had was different from the other warriors; one that he could not voice or even explain without finding himself tongue-tied. He assumed that the kais would be no help to him and he never voiced his need to them knowing he would probably be given something else instead.

While others fought against one another to improve themselves for the upcoming tournaments or to gain favor, Goku found himself walking along the cobblestone paths in this utopia-like world. He yearned to know what was out there despite the warnings that the kais gave. He knew nothing of sickness, of death and suffering. On this planet, he was shielded from many a things others were faced with daily and it seemed he was truly ignorant of the outside world.

'What I need is not here at all,' Goku thought quietly to himself while looking in the violet skies above. His tail, strong and silky, twitched with aggravation on what he did not have in life. He had to go out there within the heavens he came from and search for the thing he could not find on this planet. He had to escape the planet he considered a safe haven.

If not, then he would never be at peace within himself or have what he desired the most.

"Are you serious?" A male's voice yelled while Goku packed what little he needed for his journey. The Saiya-jin warrior did not expect that all of the riches of this world would be needed wherever he were to go, so he had planned to leave all that he had earned behind on the planet. "If you leave this planet, then there's no guarantee that you'll ever be able to return!"

"I'm sorry King Kai, but I need something that not even you can give me." Goku answered. He knew that there was a need beyond anything that they could give him and he wanted it with all of his soul.

"What is it you need though? You can have anything and everything!" He pleaded for Goku to stay. Truth be told, King Kai treasured this magnificent Saiya-jin warrior to make the other kais jealous. If he were to lose Goku, then he would be considered the laughing stock of the entire world, save the very galaxy they stood within.

"Look, I won't find it here and it's best if you let me go. Otherwise, I… I'll always feel alone." Goku admitted. That was the closest word he could express how he felt.

"Alone? The last time I checked, there are hundreds of fighters waiting to challenge you!" King Kai countered; feeling that he was losing this verbal spar with this Saiya-jin.

"They do not give me much of a challenge like they did when I was younger. I need something more, something I can't find here…" Goku walked out of the house he was in and crossed the courtyard.

"No!" King Kai yelled in sheer panic while chasing after the Saiya-jin. He did not wish for him to leave; however, it seemed this restless Saiya-jin's mind had been made up before they could even dare try to change it. "Olibu! Stop him! He's crazy for trying to leave!"

"If I did that, he'd just beat me up again!" Olibu winced. He recalled the fight that spawned between the two days ago. One minute, he was putting up a good fight while the next, he awakened within the medical ward hours afterwards almost healed from the wounds he had gained from the battle.

"But…" King Kai twittered in pure dumbfound shock that he wouldn't stop Goku from leaving.

"You of all people should know that it's not a good thing to keep a Saiya-jin caged," Olibu commented by adding his own input. "He's been longing for this and if you keep him from going, he'll continue acting so jittery."

"I know, but…" King Kai noticed the warrior was on the other side of the field where the ships were. He was almost ready to board. "Wah! No!" The chubby kai ran as fast as he could after the Saiya-jin in order to stop him from leaving. If he lost this warrior, he could never be replaced.

"So, you're leaving?" A masculine voice asked Goku before he could take one step on the ship that provided his escape from the planet he grew into a warrior upon.

"Yeah Pikkon, but I'm sure going to miss having you as a sparring partner though." Goku admitted while looking down at his feet.

Pikkon smiled and saluted the Saiya-jin with a smirk on his face. Goku noticed this and looked back up. "Well, good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for."

"Thanks." Goku grinned before the doors of the ship closed with a hiss behind him. King Kai reached the ship and attempted to open the door to no avail. The engines came to life and the ship blasted off into the skies. King Kai flew backwards from the aftershock and looked up in disdain. The warrior he raised was gone and he knew that he was never coming back ever again.

"NOOO!!!" King Kai wailed. It was too late to go after him and he knew it.

To Be Continued…