o-0-o- This year I became a huge Buffy fan. I thought it was about time I gave writing a different type of story a try. Hope you like it! o-0-o

"Giles. Don't even. You don't get out of this one without me being majorly pissed."


"No buts. Just talk, tell me what I need to know. Is this major battle to the death in L.A. happening now. Or do I still have time to possibly help?"


"Giles, why didn't I know about this? Why didn't you tell me Angel and Spike were in the middle of another damn apocalypse?"


"Never mind. Just tell me, will I be able to help if I leave right now?"

"Probably," Giles answered.

"Okay then, I'm out of here," Buffy said quickly.

"Angel was running Wolfram and Hart, Buffy. Doesn't that mean anything to you? That company is evil."

"But Angel's not, Giles. You know he's not. And Spike's there too, he's not evil either," she said, annoyed and hurrying out the door.


"Giles if you're gonna contuine with the speaking I suggest you start moving because I'm leaving right now. You can talk to me on the way to the plane."

"You know what Wolfram and Hart is. It has gotten to Angel and you know it. There's shady operations going on there and you're perfectly aware of it."

Buffy was practically running down the stairs. "Giles, I love you. But what the hell don't you understand about Angel not being evil? I'm telling you he's not, and that's that," Buffy said angrily.

"How do you know?" he challenged.

"Here's a better question? In the grand scheme of things, who the hell cares if he is evil or not? We're talking about an Apocalypse, or THE Apocalypse. Slayer here. Remember what I do? I'm supposed to stop this kind of crap. Or have you forgotten that?"

Giles looked ashamed for a moment, but then he just picked up his walkie talkie and ordered someone to get there immediately to fly Buffy to L.A. and then sent a message for a group of the fully trained Slayers to get to the air strip immediately. They were going to head to L.A.

Buffy knew that was his way of apologizing.

"I forgive you, Giles."

"That's well and good, but don't forget why you're there. You're not there for Angel or even for Spike for that matter. It's the Apocalypse."

"Giles, don't tell me what to do. I know I'm there for the damn Apocalypse. I'm the one who brought it up. Whatever else I do is my business," she said, trying to be kind.

All of a sudden they weren't alone anymore. A group of about fifty slayers had just arrived, along with the pilot.

"Alright girls, get in. I'll tell you what we're up against on the way," Buffy said, as the pilot boarded the plane.

"I'll take care of the rest of the girls. I'll let Willow and Xander know what's going on... Buffy, I don't hate him. I really don't. Things are just always bad for you when he's involved, Spike too. But I worry for you where Angel's concerned. You have this weakness for him. I worry less about Spike because while I know you had serious feelings for him, he doesn't make you weak in the knees, and therefore slightly less rational than you would normally be."

"Okay Giles I'm saying bye now, before I really start to get mad. I don't want to leave like that. There's a good chance I'm not coming back, any of us. Just stop talking and give me a hug."

"Good luck Buffy," Giles said sincerely, hugging his slayer.

"Bye Giles. I hope I'll be seeing you soon."

And with that, Buffy boarded the plane.

Buffy and her Slayers were in the air in minutes.

"L.A. Here we come."