Hello, faithful readers! I just want to get one thing straight! I have gotten reviews saying that I write short chapters. I know that they are short I am doing everything in my time, power, and writing ability to make them longer and more detailed. I know that write now I am failing but the more I write the better I get so please bear with me. Also I only got one review saying this but it might help more people who don't review. Alright the reviewer said I jumped into the friendship between Sirius and the other Marauders. Alas, dear reviewer, I did not. I am merely foreshadowing that they will be friends by stating that the other Marauders are merely showing curiosity that will later make them friends. Now that that is hopefully cleared up I present the next chapter!



Bellatrix woke up from the memory the next morning, only to find her cousin asleep in the cell across from hers. 'Well that would be one reason he could hate me.' She thought glumly.

She thought tat talking to her cousin might help, actually no she didn't she was just bored. So, she started throwing random crap that she found around the cell at him until he woke up, which didn't take very long because he was always a light sleeper.

'"What do you want woman? Can't you let a man sleep?"' Sirius said. He was never one for mornings.

"How did you sleep dear cousin?" Bellatrix asked while trying to stifle her giggles.

"Very nicely. Thank you for asking." he said eyeing her warily. "Are you alright? You look, oh how to put it, insane."

"Well thanks." Bellatrix said sarcastically. "How so?"

"Well, to begin with, your hair is all ratty and frizzy and crap like that. And your eyes are blood-shot and in the striped uniform we have to wear you look anorexic." Smirking Sirius continued. "and your completely filthy and your nails are chipped and my darling that nose of yours still looks horrid."

"Great to know. I get to spend the rest of my life talking to some gay dude. Well at least I can count on you to tell me the truth. Except for the whole nose thing. Where on earth did you get the idea that my nose looked horrid. And who even says 'horrid' anymore?" laughing she said, " I'm just glad I didn't have to get fashion advice from your mother. Walburga. She hated me you know. One time she slapped me."

"My mother slapped you? I mean it was obvious that she hated you ,but to hate you so much to slap a child who wasn't even hers! And you of all children! You were the one who always grasped on to everything so quickly. When did she slap you?"

"Your mother slapped me when I yelled at her for yelling at Druella. I think it was when Druella suggested that we would adopt you. And she called Druella an incompetent, meddlesome woman who didn't deserve to bear the Black name. And I told her that even though my mother was married into the Blacks and wasn't born with the name that my mother was more worthy than her. And then she slapped me and Druella cast a Stunning charm at her and sent her away." Bellatrix then turned to Sirius and said to him with tears in her eyes, " I miss Druella so much! I miss her Sirius! I want her to be here now!"

"Bella. It's ok. You still have me." Sirius said.

"No I don't! You hate me remember!" Bellatrix said, now weeping.

"I could never hate you. I just despise you. You're still the prettiest girl I know." He said softly.

"Really?" Bellatrix said drying her eyes.

"Well, right next to Lucius Malfoy." Sirius said with a bark of laughter.

Bellatrix then threw a rock that hit him in the middle of his forehead. 'Same old Sirius.' she thought.

A couple of hours later, Bellatrix was lying awake on the floor holding something that was around her neck thinking of her husband. When suddenly she heard her name being called, by Sirius.

"What is it Sirius?" she asked boredly.

"Want to have some fun?" he asked while pointing at the Auror that was about to walk down their hallway.

"How?" she asked.

Smirking at her he said, "Follow my lead."

And he started to yell at her.

'"Why do you always have to assume that I'm just trying to be mean! Maybe, I just like to tell people the truth!" Sirius yelled. "Maybe, I think your nose just looks like some little elf gave it to you!"

Bellatrix saw what he was doing and immediately followed the directions. '"Fine! Maybe my nose is two small for my face, but at least I don't have those huge things you call lips! I remember when you were at school you couldn't get anyone to kiss you!"' Bellatrix said this because anyone that went to school with them would say that Sirius was a good kisser and that Bellatrix was lying. But then Sirius brought something in that was truth but it made the fake argument turn into a real one.

'"Well, at least I didn't have to resort to kissing Severus Snape! I mean could you pick anyone more disgusting? With that giant nose and greasy hair! Ugh! He makes me want to puke!"'

'"Severus wasn't that ugly even now he's better looking than you! And his hair wasn't greasy it just looked that way! His hair was very sleek and he is an amazing kisser!"' Bellatrix was furious, she still had feelings for Severus and she wasn't about to let anyone insult him. '"Goodnight!"'



Well that's it for now!