Ino bit her lip. Another new school, another set of boys to love, another set of social problems to face. The Leaf Boarding School. Her luggage lay in a huge pile beside her.

A speaker phone announcement said, "Will all girls please stop swarming, we are afraid of injury, Sasuke has just returned."

Ino cringed. Was fan girls such a problem here? She switched her weight from one foot to another.

"I'm supposed to have two girls come and show me around." She muttered to herself.

"Tenten we're late."

"I know I know Sakura, get off my back, I'm trying to fix my hood."

"Don't worry about that, come with me! We have to show the new girl around!"

"Ow! Don't pull on my ear that hard."

Ino smiled as she saw two girls coming from the school doors and stepping out the gate. One had cherry blossom pink hair and the other had….brown? She was wearing a dark green sweat shirt with the hood up and dark green long pants. All was baggy.

The cherry blossom haired girl smiled. "Inu right?"

"Ino." Ino corrected.

The girl stared down at a clip board. "Oh that's an 'o'!" She said smiling. "Sorry, a little dyslexic."

Ino nodded.

"I'm Sakura Haruno and this is…" She held up her hand and looked at her partner, she wore a black beanie under the dark green hood that nearly covered her eyes. She didn't even move.

"Tenten." Sakura finished. "Don't ask her to read something because she's really dyslexic." Sakura smiled as if it weren't a disadvantage.

"Sakura, Tenten." Ino said. "Mind showing me around?" Sakura smiled again.

"Yeah, oh sorry. I guess we should." She smiled. "This way."

Ino looked at Tenten, expecting her to talk. Tenten only smiled. "This is The Leaf Boarding School, grades 8 through 12."

"What grade are you two in?" Ino asked.

"Tenth." Sakura said. Tenten nodded. "Eleventh." She said.

Ino raised her eyebrows. "I'm in tenth grade."

"Good, good." Tenten said. "Now, this is the main hallway," She opened the door and let the other two in.


"Hey Tenten!" Ino called. "You should audition for the talk show thing.

Sakura stifled a laugh.

"What?" Ino asked.

Tenten stopped walking. "I don't do auditions or anything where more than 2 people would be looking at me."


"You and Sakura, those are the only people I talk to, only people I express myself in front of. I would rather remain invisible to everyone else." Tenten replied.

Ino jumped back. "You mean, you don't want to do anything where people are looking at you?"


"Are you shy?"

Sakura stifled another laugh.

"Far from it." Tenten replied

"Then what?" Ino aked.

Tenten shrugged. "I just don't like being paid attention to. I've noticed that life goes a lot easier when you're always overlooked."

There was something off about this Tenten girl. She was awesome, but not wanting to be heard and seen by the world was just…weird.

Sakura stopped. "We should take a different hall." She said. She suddenly grabbed Tenten and Ino and pulled them into a branch hall. Ino was amazed at how big and modern the school was.

"W-what? What is it?" Ino asked, trying to divert back to the main hall.

Sakura lead her to the edge and pointed at a huge swarm of girls. "Second most popular guy in school, smartest too, the only girl in our group old enough to date him is Tenten."

"Like I ever would."


"Neji Hyuuga.