I'd like to apologize to anybody that got mad when I said that this was a test run. Sorry if you felt like you were used. I wanted to see what people thought about it as a real story and i didn't think the results would have been the same if i had started it off with "this is a test run".

Now that thats out of the way, I've hit a bit of a snag (in the form of writers block) while writing the real story (which is going to be close to twenty pages). I got stuck at the part that leads up to climax of the first chapter so it will NOT be out this week, and for that I apologize.

All progress reports about this story will be on my profile page from now on so that I don't have to upload a new chapter every time I have something to say.

And yes, the story is still going to be called Archmage. (it will, however, be divided into different parts)

thanks for your time