Summary: Shiori And Yoko Spend A Quiet Moment Together...

It was a cool, dim evening in the season of late summer. A human woman with long, black hair was perched on a creme colored porch swing, rocking silently back and forth as she listened to the crickets chirp. Shiori smiled softly, staring at the dimming sky.

"Musuko," she whispered, "Come sit with me." A mother always knew when her son was near.

A light weight settled on the space beside her, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the pale being smooth silver hair over his thin shoulder and off his neck. "Ne, Yo-chan...remember when we would sit out here when you were little?" She turned to him and saw the smile. "Of course," his own voice was softer, deeper than her own, but calming in it's own sense, "And you would sing to me until I fell asleep. I thank you for that by the way. It must have been difficult having a child who already had insomnia." Gently, the woman wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close to her.

Yoko rest his head on her lap, purring as he took in her scent of vanilla, the wood from the porch and the night air. The gentle rocking motion made his eyes heavy. A hand scratched lightly behind his downy fox ear and he purred appreciatively. "'Kaachan?" he whispered. A small noise of acnowledgment. "Can you sing the song again?" The tune was light, a high alto; no one aside from them would be able to hear it...

"Mon amour, je t'ai vu
Au beau milieu d'un reve
Mon amour, un aussi doux reve
Est un presage d'amour

Refusons, tous deux, que nos lendemains
Soient mornes et gris
Nous attendrons l'heure
De notre bonheur
Toi, ma destine
Je saurai t'aimer
J'en ai reve

Nous attendrons l'heure
De notre bonheur
Toi, ma destine"

She paused here, smiling and smoothing the white hair back, "Musuko, you know the rest, ne?" He looked up at her, golden eyes sparkling and glowing, hair like the moon and he did as she'd hinted, voice quieter, deeper than hers had been, but on perfect pitch.

"Je saurai t'aimer, tu l'as reve
Mon amour, tu m'as vu
Au beau milieu d'un reve
Mon amour, un aussi doux reve
Est un presage joli"

Kurama closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling silently. He took her hand in his own, stroking the back of it with his thumb and wishing the moment could last. "Je t'aime" (1) he whispered, voice a mutter as sleep embraced him. A warm wind blew Shiori's hair back and she looked at the moon. "Saiai (2) would be proud..."

At some point, Shiori joined her son in sleep, a sweet dream in their minds.

For just that moment...they were at peace.

1: I love you in french
2: My love [shiori was speaking to her late husband