"I can not believe that this time next year we are going to be graduating from Hogwarts!" Lily Evans said to her two best friends Murphy Potter and Sarah Harris as she put the finishing touches on her newly made bed. There was only a week left in their 6th year at Hogwarts and the most popular group of girls were more than happy to take a break for the summer. These girls were known as The Trio. Anyone who went to the school for at least a day knew the Trio, who was in, and everything about them.

Sarah Harris: blond, beautiful, skinny, smart, and sweet. She had strait blond hair that reached just past her shoulders and was parted on the side. Her eyes were a light blue color almost gray. Although she wasn't the head of group, all the boys in school still noticed her. Still, only one boy in her class had caught her eye. Remus Lupin! Although she would never admit it, she had been in love with him since the first time she met him in first year, but she was to shy to do anything about it. Sarah had met Murphy and Lily in 4th year and they had been best friends ever since. She was also one of the two beaters on the Gryffindor Quititch team.

Murphy Potter: Flirty, tall, beautiful, smart, and witty. Murphy had been best friends with Lily since 1st year, and Sarah since 4th year. She was second in the Trio, but had the most boys after her. She had long, amazing black hair and big hazel eyes. There was no doubt she was beautiful! Although she hated to admit it, she was James Potters twin sister. There was no hiding the fact that they were twins, they were practically identical. All her life she had to deal with her brother's obnoxious best friend Sirius Black. She hated him! She was also one of the Gryffindor chasers on the house team.

Lily Potter: Smart, beautiful, the leader. She had beautiful red hair that went down her back and amazing emerald eyes! She was also the head of the Trio. Not only was she tied for best in her class, she was muggle born. In first year she had met her best friend Murphy, and her archenemy JAMES POTTER! SHE HATED JAMES POTTER!!! He had been after her since first year and wouldn't give up. Every day we would ask her out, and everyday she would turn her down. No matter how much screaming or yelling she did he never stopped. He was the reason she didn't have a boyfriend. Whenever another boy would try to ask her out, or even try to talk to her, James (or as she called him potter) would pop in. In her opinion Potter was stupid, arrogant, and a right foul git! SHE HATED HIM!!!

The Marauraders were the most popular boys at Hogwarts. They were also the hottest and smartest boys of Hogwarts.

Remus Lupin: HOT, cute, handsome, and bookworm, prankster. Remus was not the smartest of the group, but he was the most school obsessed. Keeping his head always buried in a book did not keep the girls away. He was the third most popular boy at Hogwarts!

Peter Pettigrew: Not Hot, Not smart, not a popular, and…Odd!!! No one knows why he is a maraurader, he just is.

Sirius Black: HOT HOT HOT!!!! Quitich beater, girl magnet, smart, prankster. Sirius was the second most HOTEST AND POPULAR boy at the school. He was constantly mobbed my girls, and was very flirtatious. He has long black hair that resembled a surfer or skateboarder. He had dated many girls in the past, but no one exclusively. Right now he was after one girl…Murphy Potter. Plus, James and Sirius had been Best friends forever!

James Potter: HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!! GIRL MAGNET, QUITICH STAR/CAPITIN, SMART, and PRANKSTER! James Potter was THE most popular boy in school. No one can deny his good looks, except perhaps Lily Evans. James had the same jet-black hair and big hazel eyes as his twin sister Murphy. He also had ALL the girls after him, but he only cared about one LILY EVANS! He had been in love with her since first year, and wasn't going to give up until they were together! He was also tied for the best in his class, with none other than Lily Evans.

"You two better get up or your going to miss breakfast," Lily told her two friends who were still in bed, "just because you guys finished all your finals doesn't mean you can just lie in bed all day!"

"Yes it does," groaned Sarah as she rolled over on her stomach and put a pillow on her head.

"That really sucks that you still have three days of finals left," Murphy said sitting up on her bed, but not bothering to get out of it.

"What really sucks is that all three of those classes are with your brother!" Lily wined. Just then there was a peck on the window. Lily turned at let in her owl Harold.

"What's that?" asked Murphy

Dear Lily,

Your father and I have been invited to spend the summer with Petunia and Vernon's family in Australia and we have accepted. We have arranged for you to spend the summer at the Potter Manor with Murphy and her lovely brother James. Sarah will also be staying with the family so you should feel right at home. See you at Christmas!



Lily finished reading the letter and then handed it to Murphy. "That great! I love my friends stay at the manor with us, now I won't be alone with my stupid brother and his stupid friends, minus Peter, he never stays with us."

"Yeah I guess, well I am going down to breakfast, see ya later!"

"Kay," replied Murphy, "ohh and Lily watch out for the boys, it's Marauraders Week!"

"How could I forget?" Lily said, and then she turned and walked out of the dormitories and the common room.

Marauder week was the most important week of the year for the group. During the last week of school, the boys pull their best pranks of the year on the slytherins and The Trio. It had been that way since the boys first year at Hogwarts, and was enjoyed by most.

Lily sat down at and the almost empty Gryffindor table and began to eat her food. She looked over to the Slytherin table and saw the rest of the Gryffindor laughing hysterically at the Slytherin who had all "Mysteriously" fallen asleep in their breakfast

"Another Marauder prank," Lily sighed. About halfway through her meal, Sirius, Remus, and James came rushing over to where Lily was sitting. Sirius on her left, Remus across, and James on her right.

"Hello my Lily darling," James said happily as he put his arm around her shoulders.

"Get your arm off me Potter," Lily screeched, and wiggled out from underneath his arm.

"Testy today are we Evans?" Sirius asked.

"You know you love me!" James said with a smile as he put his arm around her once again this time pulling her closer to him.

"That's it!" Lily announces as she got up, turned and walked out of the great hall. Before she even walked a few feet she heard a voice call after her.

"I'd be careful if I were you Evans, you know what this week is!" Sirius's voice rang.

Lily looked back at them, "I'm not afraid of you!" Then she continued her exit from the great hall. She walked only 3 feet before a pie came flying though the doors of the hall and headed toward Lily. She ducked as the pie flew inched above her head. Lily turned around to look at the boys, "I'm not that easy Potter!" she sneered. When she turned back around another pie came flying toward her, this time hitting her directly in the face.

"POTTER!!!!" Lily screamed so that all remaining students at the great hall turned to look at her pie covered, screaming face.

"Yes honey?" he asked with and innocent across his face. He then took and index finger wiped some of the frosting off of her nose and tasted it. "Hmm…blueberry, I always pictured you a apple pie kinda girl.

"This isn't funny look at me!" Lily screeched

"Oh I do every second of every day," James said admiringly


"I know…and it suites you."


"Actually," Sirius cut in, "I'm S…"


"Hear that Padfoot she thinks I'm pretty!"

"AHH!" Lily screamed as she stormed out of the great hall.

"Your right Prongs, the classic pranks are still funny!' Sirius sighed as he took a bite of Lily's unfinished Pie.

"What happened to you?" Sarah asked as Lily stormed into the girl's dormitory grabbing a towel.



This is my first fan fiction and I hope it's okay. I know there are a ton of grammar and spelling typos so I am sorry. If anyone wants to be my beta I would love it! PLEASE REVIEW cause if you don't I won't feel like anyone like it and I won't want to write more, so please review! I love constructive criticism so don't hold back. THANKS FOR READING: )Murphygirl