I don't own Megaman / Rockman Zero, Capcom does.
The characters might be OOC, but I had tried my best to keep them original.
This fiction is done after I finished all four Megaman / Rockman Zero series, watched the trailer and information of Megaman / Rockman ZX. I really wish for a better ending than the game and was trying my best to get this work done.

Wedding Present – Extended Finale • Protect!
By Shirogami

The guardians start getting exhausted and losing their advantages, as their energy tank are reaching limit and they don't even defeat one of the copies. In their mind, the enemies' strategy of setting up a winning battle against their weakness just discouraged them to fight with high spirit, not forget to mention the chaotic situation from inside of the church even ruffles them.
"I don't believe this! We, the guardians will actually lose to our copies!" Fefnir curses for the situation. Their communication are back online since Copy Zero had reached his target.
"Seems like it, but I am not going to admit until I am totally shut down!" Harpuia answers while he tries to break the ice that immobilies his left arm.
"I don't know you guys, but I am missing 'him' right now." Leviathan's cheek blush when she speaks out her thought.
"What is it, Levi? Missing your favorite hero again?" Fefnir teases Leviathan, which surprises his comrades. "Well, so am I, what do you think he will do if he is here right now?"
"Isn't the answer obvious?" Harpuia stands up again with his trembling body, along with the other guardians, "he will fight until his last breath."
"I thought so." Fefnir lifts his knuckle busters again and stares at the Copy Harpuia.
"But how can we win against them in such situation?" Leviathan supports herself with her weapon.

All of a sudden, their prespective radar beeps repeatly in warning code, telling them that a new presence is around, but, instead of weakening their inner strength, the shown data starts encouraging them to fight.
"This data? No way!" Fefnir and Leviathan are shocked in disbelieve, but joyed for the information projected by their radar.
"Looks like it is too early to give up hope, huh?" Harpuia smiles before he slides his visor back into his helmet. "Leviathan, Fefnir, can you guys move?"
"If 'he' is here and fight, so am I!" Leviathan laughs after she recognises the presence from her visor, coded Z. "And you, Fiffy?"
"No kidding, not until I give that bastard a taste of my improved buster!" Fefnir grabs both his buster knuckles and his passion is burning once again.

"Well then..." Harpuia starts using his emergency subtank.
"Let's…" So as Leviathan who smile in unison with the others.
"Party!" Fefnir fires his buster as a signal for the rematch.

Meanwhile, after Ciel recovers her breath from the smokes causes by the energy blow in front of her, she looks at the figure before her surprisingly.

Ciel, believe in me, as I believe in you too…

The words starts echoing from the deepest of her heart again, as blonde hair start morphing out from the back of his helmet and flowing along with the wind. His armor is exactly the same from the last time she saw them. She just wished this is not a dream, no, even though this is, she hopes that she will never awake.
You are back. Ciel whispers softly with both her hands cover her smile and tears start flowing without her notice, as she has been missing him for the whole four years. .

Copy Zero stares at his opponent in anger. He will not let a sudden appearance ruins his plan, especially when it had come so far.
"You dare point your weapon against me!" Copy Zero holds his Z-saber hardly and slashes at the standing figure. The protector blocks it with a shield boomerang channeled at his left arm fearlessly and stands against the force steadily. At the same time, with his free hand, he gives a quick Z-saber slash and scratches his enemy's chest armor. As soon as Copy Zero leaps away, he keeps advancing faster and more deadly.

When both saber fighters are far enough, Cerveau takes the chance and go near Ciel to secure her safety. Ciel asks Cerveau happily, hoping that she is not dreaming of Zero's return.
"He is Zero." Cerveau's statement joys Ciel at first, until he continues, "But yet he is not fully Zero, he is a device which has his knowledge and skills in it."
Ciel is totally missing in such explanation until Cerveau continues.
"Ciel, after the fall of Ragnarok four years ago, we were only recovered Zero's helmet and some weaponry he used. You were informed of that report right?" Ciel responds with a nod and continues her listening.
"From the data analysis we ran on Zero's things, we found out that there was actually information left within his helmet: part of his memory data, back up data for his knowledge of weaponry and skills, and also the battle experience he had with his enemies. I transferred those information into the computer and locked it with a password so no one else will use them for bad."
Cerveau opens Axl's armor and starts fixing him before he continues.
"After helping the engineering crew rebuilt Phantom, I leaves the easier task to the others and started planning on making Zero's knowledge in use again. After long discussion with Harpuia and Phantom, we decided to make a device which the user can use Zero's ability with his permission."

"But Cerveau, why didn't you just rebuild Zero like you did to Phantom?" Ciel asks curiously as she knows that with all the help of the intelligence she has, her idea will be possible.
"We tried, Ciel. But there is a main problem. We were able to rebuild Phantom because we were able to recover detail blueprints of his structure and a back up memory data within the ruined Weil's lab in Neo Arcadia. But we don't have Zero's, either a neat and detailed blueprint or the full data of his memory." Cerveau closes Axl's armor plate and waits for the bridegroom's system runs again.
"We're afraid to disappoint you and we knew it hurts you if I told you about this, that's why I hid this from you and told all the personals who involved in the project never mention a single word about Zero's data to anyone." Cerveau asks Allouette to help him escorting Axl and Ciel away from the church.

"Then, that Zero is the result you get?" Ciel asks with in defeated tone. A moment ago, she really wished the Zero she saw is actually the one she is been waiting for but Cerveau's explanation really hurts her heart.
"Actually, I am also not sure about this, Ciel. For your information, that device never respond to any test we put on it, we almost lost hope of it. I have it with me today because I forgot to put it back in my lab." Cerveau brushes his head for his clumsy behavior, and yet his nonsense surprises Ciel.
If 'Zero' never respond to the test he said, then why…
"But it seems like it turns out to something unexpected. At the moment Mister Axl was malfunctioned and you were crying, the Biometal, for the first time ever, activate by itself and the reading is high. Phantom noticed it just now and decided to put himself into test, since he is the only one who can fight here." Ceveau hides themselves behind the altar and watching the fight. He activates his visor and starts recording the progress of 'Zero'.

"But, I thought you just said that it is just a device with his incomplete data?"
"That is the reason I said 'I am also not sure', Ciel. A biometal is nothing more than storage of data, but it looks like it only responds to you: your emotion and the danger you are facing."
"Cerveau, you are not meaning that…" Ciel cannot hide her joy for her wild idea. As a scientist herself, she believes everything only after she ensures it with her own eyes and logical explanation, but this time, her personal feeling just makes her forget all those trash behind, just in order to accept the fact before her eyes blindly.
"Yes Ciel, that biometal… Zero lives in it." Cerveau maintains his observing job and continues his talk. "And I can tell that he never forget you. Even his body was gone, he always look after you and protect you when in need."
Ciel does not even listen to Cerveau, her concentration is fully onto Phantom, who is wearing Zero's armor now. All his saber-arts just the same he used to secure her safety from the pantheons in the first time they met.

"You pathetic fool, why don't you just die like you should four years ago? You don't belong here, ghost!" Copy Zero gives another slash and the shield boomerang blocks it again.
"Whenever she needs me, I'll always be there for her." Strangely, Phantom's eyes are unlike his. He, among of the guardians, has the coolest character that even surpasses Harpuia, he does not know the meaning of fear or dying, and only duty matters to him. But now, his eyes are telling his opponent about his passion of protecting, caring of someone he loves deeply.
Unknown to anyone, although Phantom is the one who uses the power of the Biometal, but the side effect of this untested prototype is Zero's memory data can affect the user's mind and control him. Therefore, Phantom is not himself anymore.
Now, he is Zero, and he is given another chance to protect Ciel.

After he ignites his emergency energy sub tank, Fefnir keeps firing his knuckle busters to where he thought Copy Harpuia was, as a result the place is full of bumps and humps and Fefnir still does not land a clear hit on his opponent. He seizes his fire after a while, knowing that he might destroy the church any minute. He pants heavily while watching Copy Harpuia flows in the air gracefully. His arrogant smirk indirectly insults Fefnir for his stupidity in wasting his energy for hitting nothing.
Copy Harpuia finally crosses both his arm blades and starts charging electricity to prepare his original's famous blade wave attack. After all, he notices Fefnir's weakening and dares that the fire gunner does not have enough energy to counter his fully charged attack.
But, he is wrong! He does not know that Fefnir had been improving his skills since the day he witnessed Zero's unpredictable power. He studied his battles in order to know Harpuia's, Leviathan's and his weakness. He may not able to surpass his other two comrades, but he does not manage to lose to anyone.

After Fefnir noticed Copy Harpuia's movement of charging his time-consuming attack, he immediately grabs the chance and starts sprinting towards Copy Harpuia. But it is really a life-on-the-line bet, as if he lost, he might not able to survive.
Since Fefnir is acting out of his expectation, Copy Harpuia quickly stops his charging and launches his first blade wave towards the running Fefnir. Fefnir's irises shrink upon the approaching blade wave and swears for its speed.
"Stupid original, think you can win me with your blunt strength?" Copy Harpuia laughs for Fefnir's stupidity as the blade wave hits its target directly and explodes.
All of a sudden, a shadow bursts out from the smoke and grabs the Copy Harpuia by his neck. The blade master looks surprised until he notices a shattered knuckle buster behind the attacker.
"Dodge this!" Without hesitation, Fefnir fires all his rounds with his only knuckle buster until it blows Copy Harpuia in pieces.

Meanwhile, Leviathan is having hard time to dodge Copy Fefnir rapid fire, which slowly causing the place becoming extremely hot and it is not a pleasant feeling to the ice lover.
Leviathan stores her energy in her spear's end and waiting for a chance to launch her Ice Dragon Attack. After Copy Fefnir is tired of shooting anymore, he decides to just catch up with the blue reploid and gives her a blast in close range. Knowing her opponent finally changes his strategy, Leviathan immediately launches her Ice Dragon Attack onto the approaching enemy with every ounce of her energy. The dragon dances through the flaming plain and freezes the fire within a blink.

As soon as he feels the pressure from her attack, Copy Fefnir quickly stops and strides away as fast as he can. He had memorized it, that this one-way-attack is only able to aim straight to the opponent once and never return, therefore, after he dodges the dragon successfully, he quickly advances to Leviathan without doubt and nails her on the wall behind.
Leviathan's cheek blushes impulsively and scolds after she noticed her chest is being grabbed, "Just where the hell you think you are touching, you pervert!" But it is responded with a harder rub and filthy grin from the Copy Fefnir.
"Come on! You are dying anyway, so why I have some fun on you first."
Leviathan stares at him with a blushing face at first, but then she smirks at him lustily and continues, "Well, then presume that this will be my farewell gift… before you go to hell!"
Just when Copy Fefnir is wondering her words and expression, a chilling wind is hitting him from behind. By the time he notices it, the Dragon that he thought he had dodged is coming after him!
"What the… this is… impos…" the Ice Dragon takes its bite before letting Copy Fefnir finishes his last word and continues its way up in the air. Finally Copy Fefnir is blown apart and crushes his landing along with his iced and disfigured body.

After studied her moves and attack pattern, Harpuia is able to foresee her movement and dodge all of Copy Leviathan's attack swiftly. As for the arrogant Copy Leviathan, Harpuia's prediction in her movement is totally surprising her, especially when she barely catches up with his speed and her aim starts hitting air. It gives her a feeling like chasing the wind - hard catch it, but it can get you anytime.
Harpuia strides around his enemy calmly with both his arm saber charged with electricity, he is going to end this match!
Stupid guardian, don't even know the electricity makes my searching for you easier.
Copy Leviathan observes the electric current that follows Harpuia like a tail.

"Let's end this, shall we?"
Harpuia finally stops between the church door and Copy Leviathan. He crosses his blades in front of him and channels an electrified tornado to cover his presence. The tornado bursts towards her like a hungry beast and its power is assured as it destroys anything in its path.
With her eyes locking onto the dark silhouette within the tornado, Copy Leviathan thrusts her spear with all the strength she had. Surprisingly, although her weapon hits the target as she saw with her eyes, the feeling from her grip tells her that she missed Harpuia – the edge of her weapon hits nothing but the void, as another of fact, she loses traces of the blade dancer.
I'm here.
A voice hears from behind tell Copy Leviathan that she lost the fight, before she is cleaved in half by Harpuia's normal arm saber.
I know my weakness better than anyone, girl.

The clash between the energy Z-sabers keep flashing until Zero roars and pushes his copy away. The loser leaps backward and returns a stab at Zero. The attack is repelled immediately with Zero's another saber. (For your information, Zero actually has two sabers in his weaponry, notice the white pad by his legs? that's the place for the hilts!)
Copy Zero circuits around the legendary warrior by keeping himself away from Z-saber's reach. At the same time he is finding a way to strike him by surprise. Unfortunately, he does not know that Zero still able to wield another weapon that exceed Z-saber's attack range.

Just when Copy Zero tries to slash at his opponent's back, a force has stopped him. He tints his head down, only to find out his chest armor is being pierced and the weapon's energy blade is connected with a rod under Zero's hair. The half-lunged Zero looks behind from his side, knowing that his counter attack was successful. He pulls back and disarms the triple rod, then turns against the kneeling Copy Zero.
He is staring at his copy mercilessly and pointing his saber's edge at the loser's throat. But, the Copy returned his treat with a arrogant behavior.
"Ha! You might have defeated me, but the others won't stand a chance against my generals, they would be died by now and you will join them soon!" Copy Zero shows him a mad expression with his blood trailing by his mouth and laughs loudly until three silhouettes appear by the church's entrance.
"You can say that again, punk. To your so-call-generals… in hell!" Fefnir shouts at their direction, his body is damaged perilously and lost one of his knuckle busters.

"No way! My generals, they're killed!"
"Let's say that they are… too weak." Leviathan answers with her trembling and smoking body, Harpuia is supporting her as she
might collapses by any second. "Wait a minute, is my lens damaged or something, I see… two Zero?!"
"No, you are not, Leviathan. I see the same thing too." Harpuia answers with a smirk. "And the copy is losing."
Copy Zero grimaces when he heard the insulting words. In his mind, he is proud as he has all the fighting abilities and he is even confident enough to outdo the original Zero. But now, it proves that he is wrong as now Zero is pointing his Z-saber on him.
"Now, tell me who you work for." Zero demands an answer under his deathly sight and emotionless tone.

Copy Zero peeks behind secretly, grabs one of the destroyed pews nearby immediately and throws it to Zero. Impulsively, Zero slashes to the distraction and lets Copy Zero has a chance to escape by sliding away. Instead of fighting, Copy Zero rushes backward towards the altar where Ciel is hiding.
"I may die here, but I will take her along, HAHAHA!!!" Copy Zero had lost his cool and his face changed to wildness and craziness, his body also starts generating huge amount of energy and getting hotter.
He is going to self-explode!
The scene catches the guardian's attention and they are far too weak to stop Copy Zero with their body condition, even Harpuia does not have enough energy to fly.

But, not the one who swore to protect Ciel until his last drop of energy.
From a hurry stagger until his high-speed-slide, Zero rushes himself towards his copy and grabs him just before the dirty hands gets Ciel. The red knight, without giving his enemy a chance, continues his force and burst through the wall before them. As soon as her eyes able to catch up with the the collision of the fighting reploids, Ciel cries out his name immediately.

"Very well! Then I shall take you, the legend into my grave instead."
Within the forest under the heavy rain, after both Zero stride and create an open path of fallen trees, Copy Zero grabs his enemy but his act is returned with a flashy saber dance that cleaves off his arms and a strong penetrate into the trunk. Knowing that he is totally lost, Copy Zero does not hesitate anymore and triggers the self-destruct system in his body. The bright light covers their surrounding like a dome and blinds every witness's sight.

Ciel covers her crying face and kneels on the carpet. The explosion just crushed her believe in his survival. The rain falls through the destroyed roof and soaks her wedding gown; her face is drenched, as the water flows along her eyes and mixing with her tears before it drops on the ground.
Until she hears footsteps and her eyes are gazing into the forest.
A silhouette slowly walks towards her, his armor is heavily damaged but his system is still functioning. Ciel's gloomy looks starts turning to a smile. Her sad emotion is totally lightened up when she notices his long, blonde hair waving behind his caring eyes. He finally stops and his hand slowly reaches her face to her tears away. Her crying eyes slowly closing in half, as she is gazing at his warm smile.

"It's been a long time, Ciel."
In instance, his word is returned with her quick and passionate hug. Ciel just wanted to hold Zero and feels him in her arms for real, not just a fantasy or a dream. She keeps saying his name and welcoming his return.
But, instead of returning a hug, Zero holds her shoulder and gently pushes her away, swinging his head and says, "Ciel, I am not the one you should hug…" Zero turns his sight to Axl, who is looking sad and a bit of jealous upon them.

"Now, you are Mrs. Axl and only he will grant you happiness, not me." Zero stands up, guides Ciel's hand to Axl's and holds them together.
"Take good care of Ciel for me, will you? Please bring her happiness and aid her as you can."
While Ciel is wondering Zero's act, the red warrior suddenly reacts like been electrified. His appearance starts getting snowy and mixes up with Phantom's body.
"My time is up, huh? That explosion sure did a good job." Zero observes his changes and looks at everyone around. All of them, including the guardians, are feeling happy to see Zero again after whole four years, but yet, they are feeling sad when they know this is only a short reunion.

Suddenly, Ciel hugs him from behind and hoping that he will not disappear, not in front of her again. Her hand is reaching his chest and she leans her head onto the back by side. Zero, with his sorrow hiding within his heart, turns around slowly and smoothes her head gently. Ciel tints up her head and looks into his window of souls. They are full of love and tenderness, but also sadness for their fate.
"Don't worry, Ciel. Even I might be gone, but my heart and soul will be with you, like I always do."
Zero smiles at her and hugs her close to his chest for a whisper.
Just believe in me, okay?
Finally, after he smiles to his lover for one last time, Zero's snowy appearance flashes in bright white and bursts into digital particles. They eventually reform the small, silent but now grey-coloured Biometal. It falls along with the unconscious Phantom on the floor and catch all the attention.

Ciel hides her face from the others and slowly takes the Biometal. She observes its surface that represents Zero's face. As she smoothes the Biometal gently, she slowly lost control of her tears and finally crying, but her lips curves up a satisfying smile at the same time, as she knows her hero had fulfilled his duty again, either as her caring bodyguard, or as a man who loves her endlessly.

Thank you, Zero. For keeping your promise. (Yakusoku wo mamorutte, arigato, Zero.)

The End

Author's word
So, how is this fiction? I tried hardly to finish this work in a week or two, mostly in the process of grammar correcting, proof-reading and correcting as many mistakes as I can.
Firstly, I managed to make this story to be merrier: wedding ceremony, lots of blessing, and living-happily-ever-after stuff. But then, to make Ciel love to Zero as true as I always like this pairing (come on, you will feel the same after you saw their dialogue in the game!), I decided to mix the origin of Biometal (self-created though) in this fiction of Megaman / Rockman Zero. Hope you guys won't hate this.

By the way, after I received most of you like the CielxAxl pairing, which I came out accidentally, I may manage to write a prequel for this fiction. Therefore, I would like to ask your opinion if you don't mind me to write this pairing, regardless to my poor English.
Anyway, please kindly R&R. Many Thanks and see you in other fiction.