Hello everyone!
So after a very very very long silence (looks as last publishing date sideways) I am glad to inform you all that I have re-acquired a Laptop!
For those who don't know one of the main factors in my long, uh, shall me say publishing absence was the fact that my laptop died, and I can only stand so much trying to write from a phone. Now I'm not promising anything at this point in time (cringes at imagined reactions), but I will be getting back into writing. For those that care there is a poll up on my profile for the time being while I attempt to get back into the swing of it.
Also again for those that care, stuff irl is very hectic as of 12/18/18 my father has terminal metastatic colon cancer, my mother just had what was basically spinal reconstruction surgery, my siblings and their significant others have birthed all the drama llamas, and I myself have anxiety and am a high-functioning suffer of depression. So as you can probably guess it's going to be awhile before I am all caught up and in my stride.
So all I can ask is for your patience. Until next time