Chapter 19: Hiding in Closets

Disclaimer: I don't own anything DBZ. You know that! :p

A/N: Sorry for any typos! I just need to post it and keep going. As much as I love working with these characters, I'm a busy girl and I've just gotta this blasted thing finished once and for all.

Burter hadn't been initially concerned when Jeice was late for their rendezvous. Yet as the minutes ticked he started fixating on the brain damage and the overwhelming hallucinations. He kept expecting to see his friend approach and with each person who passed he became more worried. After a full hour had passed, Burter finally decided to check his friend's quarters and their local haunts. No luck.

So he went to find Jeice's former doctor – the one that was still alive. He was blanking on her actual name, but it didn't matter. She was easy to find and she would likely know if there had been a medical emergency.

Perhaps Jeice had collapsed or something! Perhaps he… Oh man…

So Burter figured out where Vallen resided. She didn't know of any medical developments, but she agreed to help him search as Jeice likely needed medical attention. The kid was undergoing some sort of… well, brain failure…?

"I wish he'd come to me!" Vivica lamented, fully expecting disaster.

"I told him to see a doctor like twenty times." The racer mumbled fretfully. "Now who knows what's happened to him. He's probably dropped dead somewhere."

"Hopefully it's not too late. I need to determine the cause of the hallucinations immediately. Especially if they're becoming debilitating."

And then they saw a suspicious looking man creeping about the hallway.

"Wha…?" Burter stopped hurrying.

Vallen stopped beside him, eyebrows raised in confused surprise.

A pale soldier with shaggy black hair and a green scouter was tip toeing… and then sliding along a wall cautiously… and then peeking around a corner dramatically. He was trying so hard to be sneaky that he looked downright bonkers.

There was something ridiculously familiar about the man's movement and expression.

"Excuse me…?" Burter ventured cautiously.

"AH! Burter! Jeice's doctor!" The man jumped, very startled. "ERRR – I mean – Strangers! Strangers I've never met before… What do you want?"

"Captain, is that you?" Burter blinked.

"NO. I'm – I'm someone whose name I don't know…" Ginyu trailed off.

"Captain!" Burter quickly understood. "You've escaped!"

"How could they possibly have fallen for it? And weren't you sedated?" Vallen gasped.

Ginyu stared at them blankly for a moment. Then he scowled, "Why do my disguises never work?"

"What are you doing now?" Burter asked, obviously confused.

"Jeice needs help!" Ginyu declared. "Where is he?"

"We can't find him." Vallen informed the captain gravely.

Clearing his throat, the Captain ordered, "Burter – Get Recoome and Guldo. Everyone split up and search everywhere! We've got to find Jeice immediately! Freeza's intends to kill him."

Burter's eyes widened visibly.

"I know." Ginyu scratched his head and mumbled confusedly. "They should just let nature run its course at this point."

And then he turned to Vallen – "You search too. He's orange."

"I know what Jeice looks like. I'm his doctor." Vivica's eyes narrowed impatiently.

"Gotta go!" Ginyu raced away unexpectedly.

"What do we do if we find him?" Burter called after his leader desperately. They needed proper instructions. What were they supposed to do? Resist Freeza's wishes? What was Ginyu advocating here?

Unfortunately, Ginyu didn't answer. He was long gone, a door swinging in his wake.

Vallen looked alarmed, "What the hell? What do we do?"

"What the Captain said!" Burter snapped, visibly upset. "Find Jeice and warn him… or hide him or something… Just be subtle so you don't get yourself killed!"

Vivica grumbled sarcastically, "Coz Ginyu slinking around like a lunatic is subtle. He's going to get us all—"

"I'm getting Racoome. We've gotta hurry!" Burter barked.

The two set off in opposite directions.

Burter called after her – "NO Guldo! He'll probably turn us all in as traitors!"

Jeice, suspecting Freeza's men would never think to look for him in Minny's quarters, was hiding in a closet and trying to think of a much better idea. How could he possibly escape the planet? He was thankful he was wearing civilian clothes with nothing on his person that could be traced.

A freaking closet… He thought to himself grimly. This is how it ends…

He heard the front door open. He froze rigidly. His stomach plummeted and he could feel his heart beating violently in his throat. His brow was instantly wet.

He could hear someone moving about the unit. Probably searching.

It wouldn't be long before they started opening closets…

This is it. This is it. This is it.

"Minny?" He heard a familiar voice call. "Minny, are you alright?"

Jeice refused to risk his life by peeking through the illuminated crack of the door to see who it was. He envisioned an eye glaring back at him like in some horror flick!

He heard the male check each room without even trying to be quiet. And then he heard the rustling of paper by the table. He'd left the note out there, fortunately. Hopefully they would read it and just leave now.

"Oh… no…" The voice sounded utterly crestfallen.

Jeice crinkled his nose adorably, beginning to suspect it was Captain Ginyu. Yet his commander was imprisoned and it could easily be a trap. A coward at heart, Jeice decided he couldn't risk his life revealing himself to someone who might not be the Captain at all.

So he sat in complete silence… waiting…

And then he heard a funny sound. It sounded a bit like sniffling.

"Where the hell are the tissues?" The voice sniffled as it opened the closet door.

Jeice recoiled, throwing up an arm at the blinding light.

"AHHHH!" A black haired soldier jumped back in alarm.

Jeice, using what little strength he had, sent the stranger sprawling backwards into the wall. A cupboard and some décor were knocked to the ground.

The orange warrior raised his hand in self-defence: "Move an' I'll blast ya!"

The stranger was unimpressed, "Way to trash the place, Jeice. If Minny is alive—"

"It really IS you!" Jeice lowered his hand in shock.

"Of course it's ME!" Ginyu picked himself up, clearly very irritated, as though it were old times. "Here I was about to have a theatrical moment of sorrow over a lost loved one and you have to go and ruin it with your weird closet games. What's wrong with you? Springing from closets like a deranged jack-in-the-box. Didn't I teach you better than that?"

"Captain…" Jeice tried to interject.

"I nearly had a heart attack! It's coz'a guys like you that I have to check behind the shower curtain all the time!" The Captain reprimanded him.

"Captain…" Jeice repeated.

And then Ginyu did a complete double take.

"JEICE!" He cried in extreme relief. "You're still alive!"

"Can't… breathe…" The kid wheezed, unable to break free.

"Oh right. On the verge of dying. Need to be gentle." Ginyu released him.

And then Ginyu blinked, "A closet, kid? Really? You suck at this fugitive thing big time. You're lucky I found you before they did."

Jeice's worst fears were confirmed, "So I am a fugitive?"

"Well… I assume so… I got a vibe…"

Jeice did a very loud face palm. Ginyu and his freaking vibes… oy…

After a long pause, the Captain just couldn't resist. He slapped Jeice across the back far too hard, literally winding the kid and causing him to lurch forward in a loud choke.

"AWWWW, kid…I'm glad you're not dead yet." Ginyu was warm and affectionate, oblivious of the fact he'd just winded a sickly, dying person.

Jeice managed to smile weakly, "Good to see you too, Cap."

Zarbon, also seeking Jeice, saw Dr. Vallen rushing through a common area. He decided to question her, suspecting she'd know something of the youth's whereabouts. So he chased after her. Lacking power, she was incredibly slow and he had her by the shoulder in a few seconds.

"Oh!" She actually looked relieved to see him. "There you are! Thank goodness! We need to find…" And then she trailed off, realization dawning upon her suddenly.

Zarbon kept his hand on her shoulder, his eyebrow raising skeptically.

"Can I help you?" Vivica quickly changed tactics. Uh oh.

"Sounds like we're both looking for the same fella'…" Zarbon glared. "I hope you weren't thinking of aiding a fugitive."

Vivica didn't dare answer. Unfortunately, she was unable to hide her anxiety.

"Look." Zarbon frowned uncomfortably. "I don't like this anymore than you do, but I've gotta hand him over to Lord Freeza. There's just no choice. I have my orders."

"What does Freeza want with him?" Vivica asked very quietly, glancing about to be certain no one was anywhere near them.

Zarbon also glanced about and then matched her low whisper cautiously, "Keep this top secret, got it?"

She nodded with great sincerity and for some reason he fully trusted she wouldn't stab him in the back.

So he explained, "The base is under attack. It's unclear who or what the enemy is, but it's made one clear demand. It wants Jeice killed."

"Why? Why do they care about him?"

"We have no idea." Zarbon admitted.

"What if you're playing into their hands?" She looked alarmed.

He interrupted irritably, "I know, I know. We have no idea if we can trust them… or what game they're playing at… but I've got to obey Lord—"

"Killing Jeice may not end this. In fact, what if they want this kid dead because he's the only thing that can stop them?" She was getting frightened.

"Jeice? Stop them? Unlikely." Zarbon was incredulous. "Besides, even Ginyu's visions said Jeice has to die."

"We can't just cater to an unknown enemy's demands. We have no idea what the consequences will actually be. If we don't understand what's happening why are we just blindly taking action and hoping for the best?"

Zarbon glared crossly. He was intelligent and absolutely hated being made to seem… otherwise. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about these issues beforehand. Unfortunately, his job was to obey Lord Freeza, no questions asked.

"I've stayed alive this long because I know Freeza's moods and now it not the time to be questioning him!" He whispered fiercely.

"But…" She trailed off hopelessly.

He snarled, "I just present Freeza with the facts. It's his decision. My concerns, my opinions, my theories – they don't matter. I follow orders to stay alive. Coz at the end of the day, I personally am in no position to battle either this enemy or Freeza."

Vivica's eyes dropped. His position made sense. He was a survivor. He was trying to navigate through deadly terrain as best he could.

Finally, she said very carefully… "I understand why you're doing this. I really do. As a doctor healing these soldiers, I'm just as much a cog in this machine."

He moved to interrupt her and she stuck up a hand quickly, continuing, "We're at a very significant crossroad here. Freeza's undoing may be upon us. Are you going to go down with the ship? Or if we're victorious – are you going to continue like this until you die as canon fodder or at the master's hand one day when he loses his temp-"

He covered her mouth roughly. "Dangerous words, doctor. For your sake, I'll pretend I didn't hear them."

Then he pushed her away.

After a silence he said awkwardly, "Listen… Whatever you do, don't help Jeice. He's a fugitive and anyone who helps him will be branded a traitor. It's suicide to get involved at this point. Just… just don't do anything stupid."

Vivica didn't speak. Her gut told her that catering to the enemy was dangerous. The advantage was clearly with the totally unknown attacker. Freeza had no idea what was going on. WHY did the enemy want Jeice dead?

Zarbon started to walk away.

"I bet his illness has something to do with this." She called after the officer sadly.

"Don't throw your life away. You will get killed." He warned her severely as he left.

Stepping onto the elevator, he felt very stressed and displeased with his orders. He had already been uneasy about this whole mess and now the doctor's disapproval just made things that much worse.

She had voiced all his private fears. Things he didn't dare say to Lord Freeza when the great master was in crisis. Freeza didn't handle crisis well. Zarbon was frightened to take a wrong breath in his presence right now. It was absolutely terrifying!

Hopefully he lived to see another sunrise… but between the enemy and Freeza… well, it all looked very bleak right now…

As the elevator climbed he found himself wondering if that doctor would help Jeice evade him. He hoped she did the smart thing and stayed out of this disaster. Yet after that reckless little speech of hers… well, he had an unpleasant feeling she wouldn't live much longer…

He already hated the idea of having to kill Jeice. Having to kill that idealist doctor would be equally… well… distasteful. The thought of killing the pair made him sick inside. They were two of the only people he'd connected with in any way in many years.

Wait, when had he started worrying about others? It was hard enough to keep himself alive. He wasn't sure how he'd make it through the next day! He couldn't be worried about some punk or some pretty doctor. That was ludicrous thinking. He was a survivor and he was going to do whatever was necessary to weather this storm. They were expendable. He just had to drill that into his head. He was going to survive this.

Burter had found Racoome eating in the cafeteria with Guldo. It had been difficult to get the giant to quickly finish eating and leave with him without making the toad suspicious.

Finally, Racoome rose to leave, tossing a napkin back on his tray.

Jeice must die… Jeice must die…

The entire base shook with the words. They resonated through the wall and floors.

Everyone in the room froze.

"What the hell?" Spencer turned to Guldo fearfully.

"Come on…" Burter grabbed Racoome's arm. "We haven't much time."

Ginyu had cornered Jeice in Minny's bathroom and was physically trying to force makeup onto his attractive young face, convinced the kid could pass for a female.

"Trust me, kid…" Ginyu managed through gritted teeth, struggling against the youth. "This is life and death here, ok? … We've got to disguise you…"

"But Captain!" Jeice turned his face away. "That's lipstick! Don't put it on my eyes!"

Ginyu was painting Jeice's eye lids with shimmering plum coloured lipstick.

Suddenly, the entire bathroom began to tremble as though another earthquake was hitting.

Jeice must die…Jeice must die…

The earthquake continued for a moment. There had been many earthquakes over the past few months. In an instant things were becoming clear…

After an awkward silence, Ginyu muttered to himself, "Well, that's not good."

"Understatement." Jeice choked out, strikingly pale now. He was terrified.

Ginyu looked at the kid's bloodless face and blinked. "Wow. You need blush."

Zarbon's elevator stopped and the lights flickered forebodingly. Then words resonated through the walls around him…

Jeice must die…Jeice must die…

He was alone and momentarily frightened, his chest tightening. And then fear gave way to anger.

"I don't fancy being ordered around." He said calmly and dangerously.

As intimidating as this unknown alien power was, he shared Vallen's sentiments that just bowing to mysterious threats might be unwise. They really didn't know the consequences.

What was this enemy? Why did it feel so strongly about Jeice? He was just some random kid who was already dying anyway!

Yet who was he to challenge a seemingly powerful enemy? Or Lord Freeza?

What was the most likely route to survival?

The elevator thankfully started to move again.

Maybe he didn't have to challenge anyone. An idea slowly formed. Maybe he could use this drama as a cover for his own escape. As Freeza's right hand man no one would question his actions save Freeza himself... and the lord wouldn't find out until after the fact, especially amidst all this crisis…

So really… if he didn't turn Jeice over and deliberately angered the alien force… It would battle Lord Freeza and while they were both distracted… maybe he could escape?

It was a ridiculous idea. And yet it nagged at him.

He had security codes for absolutely everything. He had access and privileges and no one ever questioned him. Everyone would be too distracted for Freeza to do anything about it. He probably wouldn't even realize right away.

And if Freeza managed to survive, by the time he finally got around to action Zarbon would be long gone. He'd be far away with a new identity. He'd change his look.

Freedom. Safety. Life. Now there was something to get a haircut about. He could wake up somewhere free and happy, no longer frightened… no longer on the verge of a horrible death… and no longer needing to braid his hair to express his misery. His life would actually be his own… It was like some crazy fantasy that could never be. Escape.

Was it conceivable? The idea terrified him.

As the elevator doors opened… he didn't exit… He was lost so deep in his thoughts, he failed to even notice. The doors closed on him. He just stood staring blankly… thinking…

Was it actually possible?

Vallen, trying to read a little scrap of paper that indicated Minny's address, stood before the doors she assumed were correct. To her surprise they just opened automatically, unlocked.

The black haired soldier she knew to be Captain Ginyu was standing in the living room drinking a large glass of lemonade.

He was calling to someone in the other room – "Maybe we should just do a BUNCH of body switches so that you end up with a brand new body too. That would be a fool proof disguise."

Vivica cautiously cleared her throat for attention. "Captain?" She ventured.

Ginyu didn't answer her at all.

Recognizing how vulnerable she was around such powerful men, especially in desperate times, Vivica was afraid to actually… well… uh… Sometimes she really questioned her damn idealist streak. This was all suicide!

She crept a little closer and hoped he would just notice her.

And then the Captain unexpectedly turned and declared loudly: "Never let them see you scared!"

Vallen nearly jumped out of her skin. She literally leapt a few feet into the air.

Ginyu shook his head, "If we didn't need a doctor so badly I'd have to cut you from this escape mission."

And then he returned his attention to the other person – "Well, do you like my idea or what?"

No answer.

Ginyu furrowed his brow. "Hello? … I know you can't have died yet!"

Still no answer.

The Captain scowled and stormed into the bedroom. Jeice was hiding in the bedroom closet now… "What the hell, kid? We haven't got time—"

"Who's out there?" Jeice whispered. "We can't trust anyone!"

"It's your doctor!" Ginyu hissed impatiently.

"You were imprisoned and missed the whole part where she was exposed as an evil quack who was just experimenting on me." Jeice whispered feverishly.

Ginyu blinked. "Oh."

"OH?" Jeice snarled and then realized he was being too loud. "Oh?" He repeated quietly, but still very irritably.

"Well, we need her medical expertise. And her womanly fashion sense. She can help disguise you. I bet she does hair and makeup."

"Captain!" Jeice looked absolutely horrified. "She authorized your imprisonment!"

"That was a misguided attempt to help. Besides, we need her."

"Captain, NO, this—"

"Jeice?" Vivica stepped into the bedroom hesitantly. "Jeice, are you ok?"

Jeice didn't answer. He covered his face and was just so stressed out.

"I need to examine you." She informed him, hiding her own anxiety. "Burter's told me about the debilitating hallucinations."

Jeice sighed, leaning against the back of the closet. He needed a doctor... and yet they couldn't trust her...

Vivica continued, "You know that treatment was saving your life. We never experimented on you. Whatever forces are working against you, Jeice… they shut down your treatment in the hopes of killing you... and in the hopes of turning you against the only doctors willing to help…"


"That would suggest an inside job." Ginyu crossed his arms.

"They've infiltrated the system. They've tampered with all the records." Vivica informed him. "They're clearly behind all the strange natural disasters… the crippling nightmares we're all experiencing… This attack has been a long time coming. They've planted deep roots amongst us."

Ginyu listened to this perfectly logical explanation and nodded, "Hm."

And then he turned to Jeice, "You're a lot smarter than you seem, eh?"

Jeice ignored the Captain's randomness. As did Doctor Vallen.

She continued, "I have no idea why they want Jeice dead… but Freeza is attempting to comply to see if it pacifies them. His officers are hunting Jeice as we speak. Zarbon has already questioned me. I'm blatantly suspected as an accomplice already."

Jeice couldn't see her, but he could see his leader. Captain Ginyu looked perfectly comfortable. He trusted her… or at the very least he wasn't threatened…

UGH… Jeice knew that any action from hereon out was a great risk. Yet inaction was the greatest risk of all. He really did need a doctor. And the Captain was here. Jeice knew without a doubt the Captain had his back – in his own deranged sort of way, of course. Either way, Ginyu was a deadly powerhouse. His protection was the only blessing left.

Jeice tried to read Ginyu's eyes. Even though they were new eyes… he could read what they wanted of him…

So he sighed and stepped out of the closet – "Alright. Whatever." He tried to mask his sheer anxiety. "I'm dying anyway, right?"

The entire building was shaking violently. Thunder was cracking threateningly outside.

Zarbon and Dodoria were organizing the troops to do a room by room sweep of the entire compound. Every single closet in every single room. Every crevice was to be searched at top speed systematically.

It had been announced several times over the announcement system that the fugitive Jeice – with a detailed description of the lad – was to be turned over immediately. Anyone assisting him in hiding or escape would be put to death. The entire base was on high alert. People were panicking. Surely someone would hand over the blasted punk!

As the building lurched a large crack broke across the floor…

"How much time do you think we have?" Dodoria asked Zarbon, sweat on his brow.

And then Freeza suddenly entered… transformed so that he was taller and more dangerous…

Without hesitation he snatched Zarbon by the hair and spoke darkly into the pretty young man's face, "What's taking so long?"

Zarbon had no answer. He couldn't mask his fright.

Freeza slammed him painfully to the ground. "I can't fight a formless enemy, gentleman. Kill this boy now!"

Zarbon tried to get back on his feet. His was aching all over already.

"I SAID NOW!" Freeza slammed him across the face murderously.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Not sure when the next chapter will be posted. Please let me know what you think. Reviews always motivate me to keep plugging away at this monster of a story. :)