Disclaimer: One look at this piece of writing, and you can tell I'm not Stephanie Meyer, so I guess I can't claim I am.

I never pictured myself as someone who is easily pushed around. But then again, I never pictured myself getting pregnant in high school either. As if my life wasn't complicated enough with the deranged phsycopath Victoria just recently deceased and all, someone just had to throw in a half-vampire-half-human baby into the mix. And to make things worse, I'm on a plane to Florida that Charlie forced me on and Edward doesn't know about his father-to-be status. Oh yeah. Whoever's holding the reigns to my life is seriously twisted and in need of therapuetic help.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Probably because it was. I was puking my guts out into the toilet, and Charlie happened to hear and came to check on me. While staring at my supper from the night before, it dawned on me. Oh. Shit. I'm pregnant.

When I looked up into Charlie's face, I could see that he had come to the same conclusion as me. I believe the saying goes, 'and then, all hell broke loose,' and that's exactly what happened.

Charlie yanked me up by my arm, and steered me to my room, where he pulled my suitcase out from under the bed and immediately started throwing my clothes into it. I didn't even have time to react.

Two hours later I was standing in the airport terminal, permanetly attached to Charlie, checking flight times. And I was out of luck. A plane was scheduled to leave for Florida in forty-five minutes.

Charlie raced to a desk, dragging me behind him, and asked a lady with a bun on the top of her head how he could get me on that plane. Ironically enough, she said we were in luck, there was one seat left, and that it was in first class.

And so here I was, sitting in a comfortable leather seat, with plenty of leg room, crying my eyes out, and trying to convince the attendant that I was, indeed, alright. Through this whole eventful day, I had not once protested against Charlie. I had let him do with me what he wanted, and now I was headed hundreds of miles away from my family, and my love.

The only explanation I could come up with as to why I had been so cooperative was that I was scared. I didn't want to have to face Edward and the rest of the family. I didn't want to tell them that I was pregnant with God-knows-what. I didn't want to tell them that I had no intention of keeping this baby.

Hope you like it! More soon!