Finally! I updated! Thank you to all who have been patient with me. I finally got my muse back for this story and know where I'm going to go with it. Please tell me what you think of this chapter. I'm going to start throwing in some flashbacks to give more info on what happened with Chloe and Whitney. Enjoy!

As Oliver lay beside her, he tried to think of her in just a very deep sleep. But he knew it was impossible. All he could think was that she was barely holding on, so close to death and he knew there was nothing he could do for her. Never taking his eyes off of her, he grabbed his laptop from his side table and began typing out a plan of attack against Whitney and Lex. He added in everything he knew of Whitney's power, Chloe's power and kryptonite. All while typing, never once did he take his eyes off of Chloe's form. He watched the slight rise and fall of her chest, afraid that if he took his eyes away, blinked even once, her breathing would stop. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but as the sun started to filter through his blinds he realized how early it must be getting. Saving his work, and placing the computer aside, Oliver stood from the bed and stretched his stiff muscles. Satisfied he could still hear her breathing, Oliver rubbed his weary eyes with this hands and tried not to focus on how tired he really was. Chloe would kick his butt later for not resting, but he would just smile all the while holding her close so he could finally sleep, knowing for sure she was going to be alright.

As Oliver cleared his vision, he looked upon Chloe's form once more. He smiled slightly, as he could see the color coming back to her skin. The bruises once marring her face were starting to fade. Her wrists didn't look half as bad as they did the night before. Oliver heard movement from the kitchen through his open bedroom door. On sudden alert, Oliver was torn. He didn't know whether to stay with Chloe or go see who had intruded into his home once again. He was saved his choice when he heard Clark, Kara and AC's whispered voices. Relaxing, Oliver quickly tossed on a new shirt and waited for one of them to come to him.

His wait wasn't long, as he saw Kara and Clark both standing in the doorway a minute or two later. Both with twin smiles starting to form on their faces. They too saw the improvement in Chloe's features compared to the previous night. Kara beckoned him over as Clark entered the room.

"I'll wait with her. Go eat something." He said to Oliver.

Oliver nodded and gave Chloe's forehead a peck. As he passed Clark, he saw his nose turn up.

"And maybe a quick shower too." Clark added.

Chloe's Mind/ Flashback

The sun shone overhead, with a light spring breeze blowing through the tree branches above. Chloe and Whitney lay on their backs, looking up t the clear, blue sky. Their feet in opposite directions, with their heads next to each others.

As far as first dates went, this one was high on the list of good ones. Whitney had packed them a small, but delicious picnic and the conversation flowed nicely. Chloe had no idea what she expected when she had agreed to go out with Whitney. She wasn't even sure if this was a date, considering he was exclusively with Lana. But when Whitney stepped into 'The Torch' office the day before and asked if she wanted to get together the next day, she couldn't help but agree. She's a flesh and blood woman, and Whitney is a great looking guy. Even though his history of being rude to Clark, he had never directly done anything to hurt her. And as much as she didn't want to admit it, she had had a crush on Whitney for some time. They ate, and talked. It surprised both of them that they didn't run out of things to talk about. Chloe felt so comfortable with him. She felt that she didn't have to watch what she said.

As they lay with their heads next to each others, their hands found their way to the others and wove their fingers together.

"I feel like I'm just seeing the real you for the first time." Chloe sighed.

Whitney chuckled. "I know what you mean. I know what you want everyone else to know but now I can see the guise."

As much as Chloe didn't want to ruin the moment, she knew she couldn't put it off any longer. She sat up and looked down into his eyes.

"What are we doing, Whitney? What am I doing?" She asked.

"I thought we were having a good time."

"No. I mean, you're with Lana. It's not fair to cheat on her. She's just starting to be my friend."

Whitney sat up and cradled Chloe's face in his hands. "Chloe, I like Lana. But I really like you too. I don't want to complicate things. But, I do want to be your friend."

Chloe looked into his eyes. She couldn't dismiss the kindness there. She nodded and smiled. Whitney smiled back and pulled her into a hug. Chloe prayed that their friendship wouldn't cause problems. But, things can change fast in Smallville.

End flashback

Oliver tried to keep himself occupied with business, but his mind kept drifting to Chloe. He knew Clark was sitting with her, and would know immediately if she woke up or something happened. He looked up at Kara as she wandered around his GA room. He approached the room and cleared his throat. Kara whipped around, startled.

"Oliver! I swear, I didn't touch anything." She said quickly.

Oliver tried to hide his amusement at the fact that this woman could kill him with a flick of her finger, but at this moment looked like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"Don't worry, Kara. It's fine. I trust with my equipment like I trust you with my life."

Kara smiled, warmly. The JLA had quickly become a new family to her. One that she treasured deeply.

"You know, you don't have to stay here. I'm sure you have better things to do."

Kara looked at Oliver and took in his scruffy and haggard appearance. Sighing, she made her way over to him in the doorway. She gently patted his cheek.

"Chloe's one of my friends and I want to be here when she wakes up. So, why don't you go shower, cause no offense, but you smell and I doubt Chloe wants that to be the first thing she smells when she wakes up."

He chuckled along with Kara and nodded.

Kara gave a little smile as she watched Oliver head to the bathroom. She was happy that she could help in some way. She really liked Chloe, and hoped she got better soon. An arm wrapped around her shoulders, and she turned her head to see AC standing beside her.

"Everything's going to be fine. Chloe and Oliver are meant to be. And nothing or no one can come between them. Their love is one to take notes from." He said, hugging her to his side.

Kara wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his shoulder as he kissed the top of her head.

"I know. I just hate that they're both such good people and yet they have to go through such horrible things. I'm glad that we can be here for them." She said.

AC and Kara stood like that for a few moments. After their first meeting, they had become fast but close friends. The League was happy both had found their confidant. AC seemed to get the blonde Kryptonian and Kara was intrigued by AC.

"Come on." AC said, pulling Kara towards the kitchen. "Help me make some food for Ollie. If I know him, he hasn't eaten since yesterday. And the last thing we want is for Chloe to wake up and starting yelling at him for not taking care of himself."

Kara chuckled and nodded. These people were her family and she was going to do everything she could to help them with this current problem. She wasn't going to lose the closest person she had to a sister without a fight.