The old man in the gas station was just looking through the latest bag full of valuables when a young girl walked in. She was wearing a baggy purple hoodie, which hid most of her pretty face, a black mini-skirt, and black boots that went up to her shapely thighs. The main thing that drew his attention, apart from her odd style of dress, was the gun holder tied inconspicuously to her belt, barely concealed by the folds of the hoodie. She walked up to him, determination on her mostly hidden face.

"Where are they?" she asked curtly, narrowing her eyes at the man.


She let an impatient sigh, "Those people; I'm not stupid, there's been a lot of disappearances around here and I intend on meeting them."

"I don't know what your talking about." The man shrugged indifferently and turned back to the bag behind him. The girl growled at him and pulled out her Micro Uzi spring submachine gun, pointing it at him.

"Tell me, or you die," she stated simply, bloodlust in her eyes. He slowly turned back with his hands up in a sign of annoyance and apparent defeat.

"Okay, go through the hills and they'll probably find you," he told her, scowling darkly. Satisfied, she put away the weapon and left quickly without another word.

He watched as she drove away on her motorcycle in a swirl of dust. "Idiot," he muttered, returning to the bag of goodies.

After following his instructions, Luna, the girl, sat cross-legged on the ground next to her bike, drawing shapes in the sand, bored as hell and hot from the sun beating relentlessly on her back. She decided she'd gone far enough and now she would wait.

Looking around with mild interest, she saw cliffs, sand, and nothing but wide-open desert. And the best thing was, there was hardly anyone here, save for the hill dwellers she was hoping would find her. She heard footsteps approaching fast behind her and quickly pulled out her gun. Luna stood up and turned around to see a young woman in a tattered dress staring back at her incredulously.

"You leave!" the woman shouted at Luna. "They'll kill you!"

Luna laughed mockingly. "I have a gun," she said, holding up her prized weapon. "Is Lizard around?"

"He kill you," the woman replied, forgetting to question how this girl even knew him.

"I'm like you, I'm different," Luna said, pulling her hood down and revealing her face to the woman. Luna was none the worse for wear. She had pointy teeth with slightly yellowed top canines poking out of her mouth, a somewhat deformed head shape, bright golden eyes, and a pair of slightly rounded horns sticking out of each side of her skull. The horns kind of resembled cat ears because of the triangular shape of them. Her white blondish hair was tied into two long, neat pigtails.

"You come with me!" the mutated woman declared, grabbing Luna's hand and making her run with her. Luna tripped over her own inward turning feet and landed on her stomach.

"Ouch… sorry," Luna mumbled, standing up and letting the woman lead her. They ran for what seemed like hours, with Luna huffing and stumbling the whole way.

The mutated woman silently ran up a steep hill with Luna in tow. They entered what appeared to be a mine shaft and ran through the darkness until they reached an opening with bright sunshine pouring in.

Luna gasped as the light blinded her. She turned her head, grimacing. But what she saw next made her gasp even harder.

Down the hill stood a village. There were several houses in disrepair and looked abandoned. The woman snuck beside a house and peered cautiously around the corner, spotting two mutants, Cyst and Pluto. They waited for the men to walk further down the road before making another move.

The mutant woman nodded silently at Luna, signaling her to follow, and Luna followed her swiftly and silently across the wide road to a big, nasty-looking house. They had miraculously sneaked past the two men unseen and managed to get inside her house.

Luna stifled a cry of surprise as she looked at an obese bald woman, Big Mama, seated comfortably on a chair, watching a show that came in fuzzy on an old black-and-white television. The large woman turned around and opened her mouth to greet whichever family member had come in, but when she saw Luna standing there, looking lost for words, she simply stared wide-eyed at her.

At first, the fat woman was panicking that her daughter, Ruby, had brought a person who should be their victim and next meal anywhere near the village then she saw the girl's mutation and was completely confused.

The little mouse in her head, also know as her brain, died of shock.

"Who's she?!" Big Mama yelled angrily, finally able to find her voice and pointing an accusing chubby finger at Luna and looking ready to beat her senseless.

"I'm Luna, and I'm looking for Lizard," Luna replied casually as though this was an ordinary occurring thing for her.

"What do ya want with him?!" the fat woman yelled, now more confused than ever as she stared at Luna.

Luna took a deep breath. There was no going back now. "He's my dad, and I want to meet him."

Ruby's little mouse died of shock.

A stunned silence followed. "How can he be your father?" Big mama questioned, willing herself to calm down a little.

"My bitch mom came here fifteen years ago and he raped her, and I killed her last year...She was bugging me too much." Luna shrugged, uninterested in the matter of her mother, who never cared for her anyway. "Stupid people like her deserve to die!"


Cybil- Ok Shay-piratess rewrote this for me, and is helping me! And I've seen the movie, well most of it, so HA