The paring here will be Karin/Hitsugaya Toshiro.

These short storiesare rated M for a good reason – so if you don't like Lemons, limes and all connected with those – you better not read this.

Hi! As a slight warning – I am human and I do make mistakes – so please if you see any – spelling or grammatical mistakes –write them down and point them out – I will gladly correct them.

Of course I do not own Bleach :P

Hope you like it :) I promise not to flood you with author's notes (I dislike that when reading) – so what you see is what you get - simply my story. Hope you leave a review after reading – even if it won't be positive I would still like to know how many people liked it and disliked it :) Without criticism it's hard to develop – and that's my main goal to develop my writing style. So if you write something good or bad please state your reason – It would really help me to avoid those mistakes in future writings.

Thank you very much for taking your time and reading!


Lady Bardock


Roofs were never a good place to sit when trying to observe her. She would either notice him herself. Or worse Matsumoto would find him and loudly comment on her most recent and favorite topic, about how her little captain was finally turning into a man which was evident from his stalking on poor little Kurosaki…. Or worse a hollow would come and he would step in time to save her, which she hated because she preferred to fight hollows herself, especially since she became a Shinigami several years ago….

She always knew when he was there, but she never commented. She didn't have to. It was enough that she glared in his direction that he jump and ran off. Sometimes weeks or months would pass before he would come back. But she didn't mind it, having him around for too long was frustrating. Her friends would ask stupid questions like why was she so tense and looking at some rooftop all the time, or why she would get mad without any reason. She hated questions. Because some were impossible to answer. Why did he come back? Why would he just sit there are watch? Why wouldn't he let her handle hollows when he was around? It was infuriating… all those unanswered questions. Then came her stupid friends questions like, would she go out for a date and why she declined? Why didn't she have a boyfriend? Was she a lesbian? She grunted her teeth. No she was not a lesbian that was for sure. No she did not want to go out on dates because they were boring and useless. And no she did not have a boyfriend, but not that she didn't have the opportunity, but simply because she considered holding hands and being all fluffy and mushy even more useless and annoying then going on dates. And no! She was not a boy but a girl!

He was doing it again! He could feel his eyes follow her every move. It was annoying. She kicked the ball harder then she planed and hit a nearby tree. The ball bounced off and hit her back. Her bad luck. Get hit by her own ball in front of everybody. She growled and quickly got her things and ran off before anyone could comment about how clumsy she was today.

He did not hesitate and ran after her. Not coming close but keeping his distance as always. Suddenly he stopped because he lost her from sight. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He almost fell off the roof when he looked back to see a very angry Karin armed with her football standing so close behind him.

"Don't you ever come after me again." She told him and retreated to her home.

And he just stood there dumb folded. He looked at her back disappearing in the trees in the park and made up his mind. Jumping to the ground he ran as fast as he could. When he caught up to her, she looked even more mad then before. "What are you doing Cap-tain To-shi-ro Hit-su-ga-ya!?" She burst in outrage syllabising his full name.

"This" He whispered grabbing her by the hand and pinning her down to the nearest tree. She squeaked as his lips brutally claimed hers and as his body pushed her hard against the tree.

She kicked him but since he was no longer a child but a fully grown man, it had little effect on him and his bidding. He grabbed her hands and pushed her harder against the tree his lips silencing any sound of protest.

She knew she had to stop this insanity right there and then. But somehow she couldn't… His body felt so warm and his lips were so demanding and possessive… As if he needed her… As if he needed the women she was despite her tomboyish clothes and harsh attitude… Instead of struggling anymore she gave in, into his touch, into his wild actions… To think that Toshiro has a wild side!She thought and giggled. Hearing her laugh he stopped the kiss and looked questioning at her. She just smiled and wrapped her arm around his neck pulling him down. "Don't you think I'm going to let you go now…" She whispered into his ear and pulled him even closer. She kissed him at first gently and insecurely but then with all her eagerness and passion. And that was all he needed.


First one is light – just as a warning. Others will be much more…. Huh how to say it…. Hardcore….