A/N: Thank you for all the reviews. I really appreciate them. Most likely I will be writing a sequel called Arrilian Island.

This is the last chapter for this story, unless my mind goes crazy, but even then I will probably just put it in the sequel.

So thank you for all of you who have read and reviewed, it means a lot to me.

Disclaimer: It's all Stephenie Meyer's.

Bella's Point of View

It was final; we were staying on the island, at least for a while. After Carlisle had looked me over the family exited the room leaving me alone with Edward.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked, looking at me intensely.

"Nothing." I sighed, bowing my head. The truth was I wasn't happy about my power. While the family was in the room I acted happy, but underneath it, I was disappointed.

Edward slid his slender finger under my chin up, forcing me to look into his eyes. He was wearing a sad expression.

"Do you regret being changed?" He asked carefully.

"No!" I replied immediately. His eyes brightened up considerably.

"Do you not want to stay on the island?"

"No, I want to stay on the island. I like the idea of basking in the sun." Edward knitted his face in concentration.

"Um, do you wish you needed blood?" He asked, knowing that wasn't really the answer.

"Heavens no. I don't have to worry about harming innocent people now."

"Could you please just tell me what's wrong?" He begged.

"No." I stated simply.

"Why not?" He asked quizzically.

"Because it would make me sound ungrateful."

"Bella…" Edward stated exasperated.

I tried to look down again, but Edward put both his hands on my face, holding my head in place.

"Baby, tell me." He cooed softly. Gosh, even as a vampire he could still dazzle me. I wondered momentarily if it was any harder for him…probably not.

"I don't like my power." I pouted. Edward's straight, concerned face was trying to hold back a smile.

"And why don't you like it?"

"Several reasons." I continued to pout.

"Like…" Edward pushed.

"Well what good is a power that I can't use since we're living in seclusion? Not to mention, all of your family's powers are noticeable to the public eye. Mine would be." I explained quickly.

"Bella, it's a wonderful power. You can end someone's suffering, and if you got hurt, you could heal yourself."

"Who cares? Vampires already heal quickly."

"Okay, so what power would you like to have?" We sat in silence and Edward just sat there smiling.

"Well I don't know, but why can't I have a cool power?"

"It's all in the eye of the beholder. I personally think your power is wonderful." I sighed heavily.

"Come here." Edward said while wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me towards him. I looked up into his dazzling eyes.

"Have you seen yourself?" He asked staring at me lovingly. I simply shook my head no.

Edward stood up, pulling me along with him; he took me to the mirror. As I looked at myself, I gasped. I looked…I looked…

"You look beautiful." Edward said, simply finishing off my thought.

As I continued to stare into the mirror, I ran my fingers through my hair, and found it to be silkier than it ever had been. My skin was flawless, and although I was extremely pale, I still managed to have some color in my face.

"Edward…why are my cheeks still pink?"

"It's one of your special talents."

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"We really aren't sure how you kept some color in your face, but you did, so just be happy about it."

Edward was standing behind me, his head resting on my shoulder, and his arms wrapped securely around my waist. We were both staring at the mirror. We stood there for at least five minutes in silence.

"Thank you Edward." I said quietly.

"For what?" He asked while knitting his eyebrows.

"For changing me, I know it was hard for you, but I really do appreciate it, and I'm sorry for complaining about the power. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but be slightly disappointed."

"You're welcome. And don't worry about it. I understand." I nodded and rested my head against his chest, while closing my eyes. Edward swiftly lifted me up and carried me back to the bed.

He placed me carefully in the center of the bed. I could feel him carefully hovering over me, and opened up my eyes, to see him with his head bent towards my neck. He was placing soft, slow kisses along my neck. I tried to squirm under him, so that his lips would meet my own, but he wasn't having that, instead he chose to continue torturing me with his assault on my neck.

"Edward." I gasped.

Slowly he moved his lips upward. He took his sweet time getting to my lips, but once he did, it was like magic. There wasn't any hesitation. He wasn't holding back, and I was happy about that. He wasn't worried about breaking any barriers. Suddenly I felt his hands gliding along the skin of my back, and right when I thought we were going to take our relationship to the next step, he pulled back, and rolled to the side, lying next to me.

"Edward, why did you stop?"

"We aren't married." He claimed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Uh." I breathed heavily and threw my head back into the pillow.

He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"You too."

A/N: Okay so this was it. The end of the story! Review please!
