A Glimpse

By: Rikku Himura


Hello fans! Thank you all so much for the awesome reviews!! inugomefiend I'm glad that you think I'm managing to keep Sesshoumaru the tough guy while being a big softy with kids' lol. phoenixoffireluvsanime Kiya has you wrapped around her finger huh? Lol just teasing. Anyway thanks for the idea phoenix I might use it not sure yet though. wonders if she's embarrassed inugome again lol, of course I have to give credit to my reviewers. And now dear readers, please read on!


Chapter 20


Sesshoumaru's amber eyes widened, of all things this was the least he had expected. Kiya was sound asleep in his lap refusing to move. Any attempted to dislodge her from her uncle resulted in growls and more clinging, even if she was unconscious. However, that was not what had Sesshoumaru shocked. He watched with mild interest as the little pup's silver hair gave way to black and her ears disappeared. Her claws retreated showing normal human nails. The hanyo pup had turned human for the night.

Frowning Sesshoumaru realized that if this pup changed his brother was in danger. As far as he knew the battle was still going on. Kiya had been with him for two days since her arrival on the fire cat. After he sent Kilala away he had sent two of his best soldiers to help his brother. Sesshoumaru realized that under no circumstances could they leave Kiya alone. If Naraku knew about her, he would seek her out while drawing them into battle.

"Little one," Sesshoumaru said softly, "you have a little more then a week left with us."

-With Inuyasha-

"Tch stop waving at them," Inuyasha growled. Growled as best as he could in his human form anyway.

"Do you think Kiya is okay?" Kagome asked anxiously. She turned to face Inuyasha as she stopped waving goodbye to the aide lent to them by Sesshoumaru.

"She's fine," Inuyasha stated. "Sesshoumaru, even though he's a jerk, wouldn't let anything happen to her nor will he leave her alone."

"You two can go after her," Sango offered. "We'll be fine."

"We can't," Kagome said softly. "Your wounds need bandaged. It wouldn't be safe for Kiya to be with us right now."

"Hn," came Inuyasha's usual reply as he sat against the far wall in Keade's hut.


Moonfrost-InuKag-7768 thank you for the comment, sorry about the delayed update. FFXI has consumed me XD PinkCatsy I hope I'm still doing a good job with the foreshadowing you saw, if I get off course let me know and I'll try to correct myself. Babyboo294 glad you caught the humor of monkey XD lol! VampiressE12B I know Shippo isn't usually mean but now he has a little sister, and we all know how brothers and sisters get along. Sorry if I offended you. Please readers leave some love!!
