Memo: This takes place nine months after the engagement. The marriage takes place in Konoha and the season is spring. Enjoy the ending of Wind and Deer!!

Chapter 18: The Big Day!

I woke up and gasped. I was getting married today! I rushed out of bed, only to find someone knocking at the door. "Come in!" I yelled, as I jumped out of bed.

Tenten stepped into the room, smiling her head off. "Good morning, princess. Are you nervous?" I snorted. (Inner me: If only you knew!) "I'm scared out of my mind!!"

She made her way over to me, and I looked over at her left ring finger, which now had a wedding band instead of an engagement ring. "How did you do it, Tenten?" I asked, pulling my wedding dress out of the closet.

She laughed and smoothed her bride's maid dress, which was a pale lavender, exposing a rounded tummy. Tenten was six months pregnant, an also married to Neji for seven months. "It was nerve racking, and I acted pretty much the way you are now. Once I saw Neji waiting at the alter, I was fine and I knew I could do it."

I sighed and plopped down next to her. She placed her hand on my shoulder. "You'll be fine, Temari. Trust me. You're one tough cookie, and Shikamaru loves you. There's nothing to worry about. It's time you should be getting rady. I will not allow the bride to be late for her wedding!"

I nodded and got up. I took a quick shower and pulled the beautiful wedding dress on. The dress was pure white, with a bell shaped skirt that had light ripples in it. It was strapless and was a perfect fit on me. Shikamaru wanted me to pick out which ever one I wanted, saying that nothing I could pick would be to troublesome for the small amount of money we both had saved for the wedding.

After Tenten zipped me up in the back, I took a quick glance in the mirror. "You look like a beautiful princess, Temari." She said, smiling at me. I wiped the small tears I had, and placed the veil on my head. Tenten adjusted it and sighed. "Guess I should be off. Kankuro should be here shortly."

She gave me a quick hug and left the room. I slipped on a comfortable pair of satin ballet slippers, refusing to fall and trip in heels on the most special day of my life. There was a quick knock on the door, and I knew that it was Kankuro. "Come in." I murmured, looking at the door.

Just as I predicted, Kankuro stepped through the door. He was wearing a black tuxedo and tie set, with a small purple flower attached to his tuxedo pocket. He smiled as he saw me and I got up to give him a hug. "You look beautiful, Temari." He said as we let go.

I smiled and nodded. "You look very nice, too." He laughed and scratched his head. "Today's your day. Stop flattering me and think about how pretty you look." I blushed and cried. "I'm going to miss you , Gaara, Baki, and the whole village!"

Kankuro just shook his head. "You have no idea how much I'm going to miss you, sis. It'll never be the same at home without you." A small tear rolled down his cheek, but was quickly wiped away by his hand. This was really hard on him.

He cleared his throat. "Well, if you're ready, we should be going. You don't want to be late for your own wedding, do you?" I sighed and he handed me my bouquet of purple lilies and white roses. We made our way out of the hotel and he linked his arm with mine.

We made our way through the street to Nara Park. Some people were in the street, and they stopped to look at me. We walked into Nara Park, and it was strangely quiet. We walked through the path until we got close to the waterfall.

Through the small clearing, I could see the massive group of people that showed up for the wedding. (Inner me: I can't do this!! Aaaahhhh!) Kankuro leaned closer to me. "I love you, Temari. Everything will be fine. I promise."

I nodded. "Thanks Kankuro." We made our way to the flower arch and the massive crowd got quiet. The crowd stood up and smiled at me as I made my way down the aisle.

I saw Shikamaru waiting at the little wooden alter that he constructed just for our wedding. We locked eyes and he gave me a loving smile. Kankuro let go of my arm and stood next to the groom's men. Gaara, Choji, Neji, and Kankuro were all groom's men. Sakura, Tenten, Ginger, and Ino were my bride's maids. They all smiled at me, and I knew I could do this.

Shikamaru took my hand and we made our way to th alter. Baki read the wedding vows and I was glad that he could make it. I kind of hazed the first part of the vows, until he turned to us.

"Shikamaru Nara, do you take Temari to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness or in health, in sadness or times of great joy, and until death do you part?" Shikamaru's face got all serious. "I do."

Baki turned to me. "Temari, do you take Shikamaru to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness ir in health, in sadness or in times of great joy, and until death do you part?" I gulped the saliva

that was clogging my throat. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Shikamaru. "I do."

Baki smiled and I swear that he was about to cry. "Now, with these rings, we unite you two." He motioned and little Larxene brought up the wedding bands. Shikamaru slid my ring on my finger and smiled.

I took his ring and slid it on his finger. We turned back to Baki. He smiled. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." Shikamaru turned to me and lifted the veil. We kissed and the crowd erupted in applause.

I turned to see Gaara and Kankuro crying, but trying to man it up. Baki was crying ,too. I was going to miss them all so much!! I went over and gave Baki a hug. "Thank you so much, Baki." He let go and smiled. "Go on, your husband is waiting."

I smiled and made my way to Shikamaru. He held my hand and I knew that the future was going to be bright as Mrs. Nara.

AN:-wipes the tears away- Awww.. I loved writing this story! I hope that you all enjoyed this fic! I have a Neji/Tenten one up right now, so go on and read that one if you like my writing! Thanks to Jimu and Temari.fl for constantly reviewing! You rock! Plus, if Selene98 is reading, thanks!