Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. It belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Summary: "...and what exactly are these, Luna?" Harry will try anything if it will help him beat Voldemort. Even Luna's 'magical shoes'. Many crossovers fic.
Harry Potter and the Shoes of Another: Prologue
"...and what exactly are these, Luna?"
"They're shoes, Harry, I'm sure you can tell. You wear some everyday though I can only fathom why. You have very beautiful feet."
"Er... right. What I meant was, why did you give them to me?"
"Well, I was told that you seem to be a bit of a bind when to that Voldy character so I thought to help you out."
"...with an old pair of shoes?"
"I borrowed these from Dad. They're called the Shoes of Another. They transform you into your counterpart from another dimension. They only last for five minutes though."
"Oh... kay... Well, what the heck, I'll try anything these days."
And thus begins the adventures of Harry Potter and the Shoes of Another.