My mother was really into wrestling entertainment. Her and me would watch it every single time it was on and would buy the pay-per-views. Monday was the day that the both of us always looked forward to. That's because Monday was when WWE Raw was on which was our favorites. I mean, Smackdown was okay and ECW was okay as well but all the good wrestlers were on Raw, and that was the one that most of the trouble happened. The joy of DX and the humor of Hornswoggle as well as many other things made the show when Smackdown pretty much only had Finlay and Matt Hardy to their names. The one thing that I didn't understand was that my mother would always cry when wrestler Ken Kennedy was on. I never really asked why but it was still a constant thought. One day though, my curiosity got the better of me.

"Mom, what's so special about Mr. Kennedy?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded.

"It's time." She murmured. She turned off Raw and looked at me.

"Your father isn't dead." She whispered.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"Your father isn't dead dammit!" She answered. "John, your father is alive." I could tell what was going to happen next.

"Mom, is my father Ken Kennedy?" I asked her.

"Yes, Ken Anderson is your father. Kennedy is just his ring name."

"Then why doesn't he live with us?" I asked her.

"John, I already told you the biggest secret in the world, please, just give me some time so I can decide what to tell you and what to have him tell you." I nodded and looked at the screen to see my father go up to Shawn Micheals. It was the episode of Raw from November 19, 2007 when he was telling Shawn Micheals that it was his turn to try for the title against Randy Orton.

To a fifteen-year-old boy living in this age, knowing that my mother had me out of wedlock wasn't really a big deal. The big deal was who my father was. It was no other than the loudmouth of the WWE. I couldn't wait to get to school the next day to tell my friends what I had found out. My girlfriend, Rayne, would be so amazed. I looked at the clock, it was around ten thirty and then the code that had been on the television for the past month or so came on. The rumors was, it was the return of Chris Jericho or Y2J and today was the rumored day that he was going to come back. I don't remember going to sleep that night. I was way too busy looking out the window from my room in an apartment building in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

"John, wake up!" My mother said. I woke up and looked at the clock. It was five thirty, time for me to take a shower and go to school. "Do you want anything to eat?"
"No… hey mom, does Ken know that I'm his son?"