Disclaimer: I own nothing…sadly. So as you ALL know, time turner fics are soooooo overdone, but as the author of my favorite fic said, it's like a rite of passage. So here is mine. Enjoy. (And my fav fic can be found on my profile…it's called This Time Around… highly recommend it!)
September 8, 1977-1:25p.m.
Dear Journal,
My name is Hermione Granger and this is my first entry in what Dumbledore calls "a window into my true self." I think the whole idea of writings one thoughts when they are so temporary and fleeting is quite silly, but Dumbledore is usually right in most cases. He says this journal will help me organize my emotions better than I have been doing lately.
True, I've not quite been myself, but when I have my best friend's dead parents and godfather and ex-professor all about to call me Jane and being thrust into the past, it's rather hard to get a firm grip on reality. In all honesty, I want to keep my distance from the whole lot of them, for fear of destroying the future. Well, allow me to begin at the beginning.
I was running late to class due to some Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products I found on a few second years (honestly they should know better) and thanks to the wonderful staircases, I wound up in a corridor I didn't recognized. I didn't want to walk down it, but something pulled me. It was very strange. I was reading in Hogwarts: A History that sometimes the sorry, (stick to what's relevant). Anyway, I continued walking when an odd sensation, like I was floating, came over me and I got extremely sleepy. I couldn't even hold myself up. I slumped against the wall and closed my eyes. Being Head Girl, I would never stoop so low as to sleep in the hallway, but the feeling was so hard to fight. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, surrounded by strangers, and I only recognized Dumbledore, but as sure as I was that I'm Head Girl, I knew Dumbledore was dead! Needless to say, I thought I had suffered a similar fate, but my reasoning skills quickly stopped that notion. So the newly revived Dumbledore told me that I had been sent into the past…twenty years no doubt. I may come across as calm as I write this, but at the time I was hysterical
So after Madam Pomfrey gave me a calming potion (which no doubt is still kicking in), Dumbledore explained to me that he knew of my coming. That in itself was irritating because he could have told me back in my first year that I would be pulled back in time during my seventh. But that's beside the point really. He said that there is a "Headmaster Handbook" that has beenhanded down from one to the next since Hogwarts had been established. In it is all the secrets to Hogwarts and its mysteries, and apparently I'm in it. As fascinating as I found that fact to be, I was still confused. Dumbledore went on to tell me that I am not the first student to travel back in time (the list of who and when is in the book I presume)
The point of travelling is that when a moment in time has become so dangerous to all involved and there can be no good outcome to the situation, there opens a portal. Now, in this portal lies the opportunity to set the perilous moment in question right.More often than not, that involves travelling to a previous moment in time to right the wrongs. If this sounds confusing, don't worry, it took about three hours before I understood it. Dumbledore told me that the rules stated that once the mission was completed, the portal would open once more, allowing the traveler to return home. He also said that few had ever succeeded in completing the mission given to them, ultimately resulting in the person being sent right back to the exact moment they left, changing nothing.
Of course, I asked Dumbledore why the portal chose me and he said that the portal only opens to one person and to them only opens once. He said it was a wonder I even found it. He told me that I was chosen for a specific reason and that I alone could figure it out. My first assumption was that the moment in time that needed to be righted was the war against Voldemort and that I have to save Harry's parents and keep Peter from betraying them, but I'm finding it all more difficult than I imagined.
So, here I am an exchange student from some random wizarding school (that apparently closed before I was born because I've never heard of it. Nectulia…or something) and going by the name JaneRandall. Dumbledore said it best to change my name, so that when I meet the same people in the future, I will just seem like a familiar face…but as far as Harry's relations go, well, I'll have to tell them eventually, otherwise the mission is pointless. I've been keeping my distance from them, not knowing how to approach the situation. I mean, how do you tell two people they will die, another he will go to prison for twelve years, and another he will join the dark side, and another he will lose everything he now holds dear. You see my dilemma no doubt. Well, journal, my hand hurts, and I think now is the time to stop being that girl who sits in the corner and reads and become an unofficial female member of the famous Marauders.
Wish me luck,
Hermione closed her new journal and looked out across the lake. She had only been in the year 1977 for a few hours, and had yet to do any damage, but thinking about all the things that could go wrong she couldn't help but begin to cry. She felt bad because she would be able to be with Harry's parents whereas he would never get the chance that is unless Hermione changed it. It was her responsibility to set the future right. She didn't know how, but she had no choice. If she failed…she didn't even dare think it.
September 8, 1977-1:47p.m.
Dear Journal,
Tonight, I'll start my plan into action tonight. I'll officially introduce myself to them all and start it then.
Again, Hermione closed the journal, picked herself off the dirty ground and headed towards the castle. She was nervous about meeting them all, and hoped to all things holy that the mere shock of seeing them wouldn't ruin everything.
Hmmm…where is this going?????? Just kidding, I totally know, you don't though –evil laugh- but just let me know what you think!!