This is going to be a long story so hang on and enjoy. Remember to R&R, Constructive criticism is welcome.
Chapter 1: Pain

In a small town on the planet of Katina a lone lupine stood outside his house watching the numerous clouds in the vast blue sky roll and change. His name, Fang Reynolds, a timber wolf of medium build with a glossy coat of silver gray fur and deep brown eyes. A quick learner and excellent marksmen he lives in one of the few towns on the otherwise desolate planet. Wearing a royal blue t-shirt emblazed with the company's logo, khaki shorts, and tennis shoes.

As he stood there he thought about his life and wondered whether there was something more for him to do except to live the life of a civilian on a planet that no one even believes can sustain life. There were a couple of paths that he could take. He could go to flight school and become a pilot or he could become a mercenary and fly about the system doing various jobs, some legal and others not. Fang pondered these ideas a moment but stopped as he received a very strong urge to go to the cliffs that were just outside of town. The trip wasn't easy but at the end he was rewarded with an excellent view of the surrounding land.

Even though there was not much to the land but dirt and rocks. Fang sat there, with his legs dangling off the side of the cliff, for what seemed like eternity thinking of his life and whether he was living it to its extent. Being consumed by his thoughts Fang did not notice a swarm of black dots materialize on the horizon. It wasn't until they got closer that Fang noticed them and saw what they truly were, a squadron of fighters.

This troubled him. "Why are fighters all the way out here, the Cornerian bases are on the other side of the planet?"

Other questions similar to this one swam through his mind. But all of those questions were answered as soon as the squadron passed over the town.

When they were directly over the town each released a number of bombs that exploded on contact with the buildings below. A scream tore from Fang's throat as he helplessly watched the destruction of his town. The entire town was reduced to a smoking pile of rubble within a matter of moments, at such time the squadron turned around and returned from wince they came. As they turned around they passed by the cliff where Fang stood transfixed. From his vantage point he could see the symbol of the Venom Army on each ship tat passed him. It horrified and sickened him to see the meaningless and senseless destruction of his town.

Only after the fighters that dispersed did his body finally react to the commands his brain was screaming. He ran as fast as he could back to his town but was met not with the energy filled community that he was used to, but a lifeless husk. He ran down the ruined streets to what was left of his house and started to claw through the rubble in search for some sign that his family was alive even though he knew there was no hope in doing so. Finally as he gave in to the sad fact of his family's death an angry like no other rose within him and he howled towards the heavens. His emotions flooding out lake a torrent of water Fang cried and screamed to the sky. Whether he was crying to some great deity or not no help came, physically or spiritually.

The next few days were a trial in among itself for the wolf as he fished his family's broken bodies from the ruins of their home and layed them to rest in proper graves.

He then searched the now lifeless city for the necessities of life such as food, water, and shelter. Fang found all these things and even found some weaponry in the remains of the police station, which included a charge blaster, a few grenades, and the most magnificent weapon Fang had ever seen, a fully customized sniper rifle. After finding supplies Fang decided to wait and see if any Venomian soldiers returned to check their work. He relished the thought of reaking even a little vengeance on those who had caused him so much pain.

Sorry about the short chapter, just need to get the ball rolling