The Phoenix and the Blossom

By thenarutofanfreak22

A SasukeXSakura Fanfiction

Hi Guys, Welcome back, I hope you've enjoyed my DeidaraXIno Fanfiction, My Goddess and Angel and my ShikamaruXTemari Fanfiction called ShadowWind, I am terribly sorry for having to remove Hazy Moon, but with the lack of people wanting to read the story, I had no choice, so forgive me for having it taken down. There may be a chance in the future; I will bring it back when I have the muse for it, a very seldom chance though. This will give me more time to hopefully work on my hopefully more popular fanfictions and this one.

So On with life, this is my, again, First SasukeXSakura fanfiction, so please forgive me if I don't do them justice properly, I'm more of a NejiXTenten fan, DeidaraXIno type fan you know, though I do love these guys to bits at times. Hehehehe.

Warnings:Rated M for Graphic Lemons, violence, bad language and anything else I can think of. Oh yeah possible spoilers of Shippuuden as well. Oh yes, this will be also a slight emotion wrenching story as well. It could also be claimed as a Dark type of story also.

Preview of the Story: 5 years from Shippuuden ending, and yet Sakura and even Naruto had not been able to save him, nor bring him back. This had left a certain pink haired kunoichi depressed and longing to bring back the handsome raven haired one that had always been the focus of her life.

He had managed to avoid being captured after his brother was killed by his own hand, by the only two that still cared about him. Why did he have to knock them both out? Why couldn't he just return with them? He had other things he wanted to do perhaps. With Team Hebi now disbanded and his companions gone, he was alone to do what he pleased.

Will the Pink haired one ever find her long lost raven haired friend, or will he kill her when that day finally does come?

Please Read and Review nicely, and I mean I need a lot of reviews here people! I don't want this story to end up a flop like Hazy Moon did. Thank you.

I do not own any of the Naruto Characters, nor will I ever be able to in this life time, they all belong to his Holiness, Kishimoto Masashi-dono.

So without further ado…Alright, who is sneaking around there, come out and talk to the audience….

Sasuke:Hn…so you finally decided to make a story about me hmm? Took you long enough, oh look your in love with Neji –starts making kissy faces and doing many annoying silly things at the Writer-

NarutoFanfreak-Chan:-Eye starts twitching in anger at Sasuke- SASUKE! Stop that right this instant, just because I'm more a Neji fan then I was of you, who I was for the longest time, and if you hadn't harmed Sakura and left the village, maybe I'd still be an Otaku of you right now.

Sasuke:Everyone loves me more then that white eyed freak show! And you know it, I think it's my eyes they like the most, and I had no choice but to leave the village in the first place duh.

NarutoFanfreak-Chan:Grrr….-Rushes at Sasuke and punches him extremely hard with a Rock Fist Taijutsu styled punch, sending him flying a few meters- THAT'S FOR CALLING NEJI-SMEXY A FREAK!! HE'S NOT A FREAK GOT IT?!

-No Response from Sasuke, seeing right now he's knocked out now-

Neji Hyuuga: Someone say my name? -peers out from a corner, smirking when he sees the knocked out Uchiha Heir on the ground, knocked out, crosses his arms as he speaks- You pissed off NarutoFanfreak-Sama again didn't you Sasuke Uchiha?

NarutoFanfreak-Chan: EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! IT'S NEJI-SMEXY! –Fan girl squeals and giggling can be heard, and starts drooling- Err…ON WITH THE FIRST CHAPTER! –Dreamy eyed look as she watches Neji for a few minutes more-

Chapter One: Loneliness and Heartbreak

Someone's POV:

I am now 20 years old, and a Jounin ranked Medical Ninja. It's been 5 years since that day, the day that we totally lost Sasuke Uchiha. When I mean us, I mean myself and Uzumaki Naruto.

Let me explain what happened. It had been the final showdown between Sasuke and his Team Hebi; we had finally managed to track him down, to find that his hands were covered in blood, the blood of his brother, as well as the rest of his body. Lying on the ground in front of us and him was Itachi, dead from what looked to be a Chidori strike right through the spine and directly through his heart.

This coming from a Medical point of view of course, I was extremely disgusted and yet shocked as well. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen there. He was staring into my eyes, with those black pools of his, as if staring right into my soul.

Suddenly I heard Naruto beside me begin yelling at him, calling him names, and then the next thing I knew, I was being awakened, saying I had suffered from a severe injury to my right side, and had been under the influence of a Genjutsu, undoubtedly I knew it was he, who did this. I had then remembered Sasuke had attempted to kill Naruto, Hinata and the others had split up, to fight off Sasuke's companions, I had managed to get in the way of his attack, and that was the last thing I remembered before being awoken by Hinata, and Kakashi-sensei.

Naruto had been knocked out, but still alive. What was the terrible news was that Sai, our replacement had not been so lucky; he had been killed by Sasuke, moments after I had been knocked out. Kakashi-sensei as well as Yamato-sensei helped get me, and the others, Kiba having suffered a bad concussion during his battle with Juugo, lucky for Akamaru's quick actions; Hinata had suffered a few bad cuts, one of them being on her thigh which limited her mobility, during her battle with Karin alone; back home.

Shino, Kakashi-sensei, and Yamato-sensei had been the only ones to not suffer from injuries, had managed to knock out Suigetsu.

It would take me a few weeks, to heal up, but other then that, I had recovered fully. But the wounds might have healed, but not everything had healed up fully, there was a scar, a long one that ran across my heart, and the heart of my friend Naruto's. We knew we had failed miserably, failed to bring back our best friend.

Oh you ask who I might be. Who knows about all this? My name…well its Haruno Sakura, I was the female kunoichi on Sasuke Uchiha's team, that of Team 7 long ago, the one that I truly was in love with the raven haired hunk.

This is the story of how my life had lost all meaning, at least until the day he returned to us, to me at last…

-End Sakura's POV-

'SAAAAAAAAAAKURA-CHAN!!!!!" yelled a voice, which had startled the pink haired one out of her deep sleep. Sakura grunted and looked at her clock, which had read 6 am.

Why was he bothering her at a time like this? Shaking her head she threw a pillow over her head and attempted to go back to sleep. She knew today was her day off from working at the hospital, as the head of one of the Wings there was today, and the Rokudaime…who by the way Naruto had become, the idiot had managed to finally achieve his dream that he had ranted on and on about; had made sure she had the day off from Shinobi missions.

She then blinked and felt a familiar presence now in her room. Sakura peered from under her pillow, with one pretty emerald green eye to see him standing in his Hokage robes and hat staring at her, his arms crossed as he watched her, standing in front of her bedroom window.

Sakura's eyes widened as she had remembered she was naked, and had slept naked as well. Sakura screeched, "NARRRRRRRRRRRUTOOOOO!! BAKA YORU!!!!!!!!!" She then got up and punched him with one of her monstrous strength like punches, sending the Hokage out the window. Sakura huffed and quickly got up out of her bed, and placed a house coat around herself before going to her window, and shouting at him, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE THE HOKAGE OR NOT, YOU DON'T COME INTO A GIRL'S BEDROOM WHEN SHE'S NAKED!?!"

She knew he could have her arrested for attempting to murder the Rokudaime Hokage, but this was always the way the two of theirs banter ended up going sometimes. She then looked to see Naruto was hanging by a hand on the edge of her window sill.

Naruto sputtered, "Gomen Nasai Sakura-Chan…I meant no harm…" He was obviously hurting from the punch she had given him. Sakura frowned and quickly aided her Lord and best friend into her room, now that she was a little more appropriate.

"It's me who should be saying sorry to you Naruto-Sama…you startled me, and I wasn't fully dressed to accept visitors. Gomen Hokage-sama…" Stuttered Sakura as she bowed her head.

Naruto shook his head and waved her off with a slight hand as he crossed his arms, "Its fine Sakura-Chan, over the years I'm kind of used to the treatment by now…" He smiled at her. He then said, "I've come here to talk to you about your recent lack of concentration on some of the jobs you've been assigned to Sakura-Chan." "Quite Frankly I'm concerned…"

Sakura frowned and attempted to speak, "Naruto-Sama, I apologize, it's just the recent events coming up soon, have been distracting me a little that is all really, I promise I'll work harder tomorrow at my duties…"

Naruto looked slightly sad at that moment; he knew what was coming soon, the day Sasuke had left the Village Hidden in the Leaf, to go be with Orochimaru in the Sound Village. It was bringing him painful memories, of 5 years ago as well. Suddenly Naruto looked happy; you could say Naruto had gotten over it pretty quickly, since becoming the 6th Hokage.

Naruto then said, "If you need an extra day off, I can spare you that, take the time you need Sakura-Chan…I know what is coming soon, I want all my ninja in top form…especially Konohagakure's second best Medic Ninja."

The first had been Tsunade of course, the old woman had recently passed on, but before doing so, she had given her political powers up to Naruto, saying that he had worked hard enough to achieve his dream. Tsunade had died peacefully a few days after the inauguration of the 6th Hokage in her sleep. Tsunade had fallen ill from an extremely rare and deadly illness that affected one out of a million people, the Hokage had done her job, she had protected the Village in her days, and she had gone to her death knowing this.

Sakura smiled sadly at Naruto and said, "Thank you Hokage-Sama…but I will return to my duties tomorrow immediately, I want to go on an S Class mission as soon as one's available."

Naruto looked at her for a few minutes; he knew she was just being stubborn at this moment. Naruto sighed and slowly, he stood up and reached over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace against his chest.

Sakura blinked for a few minutes, but returned the comforting hug; he knew she needed one of these. She suddenly heard him softly say,

"Sakura-Chan, I know you're thinking about him still, I'm sorry I failed you, I failed our team. Please for the sake of our sanity, we have to sooner or later put him out of our minds…he refused to come back with us, he killed Sai, almost killed both of us." "He'll never be forgiven even if he does return now, the rest of us think its hopeless cause."

Sakura frowned at his words, she knew he was just trying to ease her broken heart that she still had not fully healed in the 5 years that had past. She bit back a sob and also held back her tears as she nodded, then looked at the floor while pulling out of the warm tight hug he was giving her.

"Hai…Hokage-sama, I understand." She said softly. Naruto looked at her for a few minutes more before sighing once again and said as he began walking to her window,

"Sakura-Chan, take it easy today, I'll have an S Class Mission for you tomorrow then." Without another word Naruto made a fast handseal, and disappeared in a gust of leaves and wind, his signature Body Flicker Technique's style; leaving a sad and depressed Sakura to think to herself alone.

Sakura wiped at the tears that threatened to fall down at the corner of her eyes, she had almost broken that rule again. Shinobi were never to show emotions, she had accepted the fact that Sasuke would never return to them, and no manner of persuasion would make him return.

Sakura sniffled, "I miss him…so damn much, why did you have to leave Sasuke…why did you have to kill Sai-San, and hurt everyone that ever cared about you?" She mumbled miserably to herself, as the tears began to pour down her cheeks.

Sakura then collapsed onto her bed, sniffling and crying for awhile, before she wore herself out, and she couldn't cry anymore. Sakura decided to go to Tsunade's grave site today, seeing she had the day off today, for once. Slowly she got up off her bed and got dressed, in a white strapless top that left her belly exposed, red shorts, and a long deep hot pink trench coat like shirt that went to about her hips leaving it undone.

She then put her kunai and shuriken holster on her leg, just to make sure she felt safe, and the last part after brushing her short cotton candy pink hair out, her Hitai-ate headband, on the top of her head, like she had always left it over the years since becoming a Shinobi.

She checked herself to make sure she looked okay in the mirror, then she headed out her door of her apartment and locking the door, she began walking outside.

15 minutes later, Sakura had arrived at the gravesite of the Godaime Hokage, she had been given a special burial site, seeing Tsunade had been the Hokage and all, unlike the other ninja, who died in battle or what not, where their names would be forgotten on the Memorial Stone that Sakura had seen Kakashi at one time standing at, praying or whatever it was he did there.

Sakura stood at the Grave stone that had Tsunade's name, date of birth and date of death on the stone. Sakura noticed someone had brought flowers to the site just recently. Sakura would have to buy some soon also from Ino's Flower shop later on.

Sakura began to talk to the stone, "Shishou…Tsunade-sama, what can I say to you today? The wounds continue to open up in my heart, every time someone mentions his name, I wished you could have lived a little longer Tsunade-sama, maybe you could have given me advice to help me cope with my Broken heart."

Sakura looked around quietly for a moment to make sure no one was around watching her, before continuing talking, as she touched the top of the stone briefly, like she had on Chiyo's grave 5 years back,

"I still miss him, and love him, Tsunade-sama…I don't know why I could still love him, but I know he's now out of my reach…he'd never return to the Village now that he has avenged his Clan and all." Sakura began to clutch her chest with a hand for a moment as she spoke more, "I've saved myself, hoping he would come back, I've turned down so many guys because, I thought that there might be a slim tiny chance that he might come back Tsunade-sama, but I guess not…I wish I hadn't rejected their offers, they were only being nice to me, and all."

"I wonder how your doing up there in Heaven now, I'm in a way glad you were able to go to your final resting place though Tsunade-sama." "Everyone misses you, most of all Naruto-Sama…you made the right decision in making him Hokage, he's always defended it since then, oh by the way, the Grass Village decided they wanted to go to war with us, and so far they've been failing in their invasion attempts to destroy this Village."

Sakura sighed as she looked up at the sky, it looked like it was clouding over, and also meant rain was going to be in the forecast in the next few days or so. Sakura decided to wrap up her conversation and visit with a few last words,

"I guess I should go now, let you get back to your resting…another thing I want to mention to you, I refuse to give my body to any man for the rest of my life, because now I know, that no matter what, or who I fall in love with, I'll just end up being the one to suffer for it." "I hope your okay up there, I'll come visit after my S classed Mission tomorrow is finished."

Sakura wiped at her tears, she had made this vow of chastity, knowing no one now would have her, not even Naruto, he was with Hinata-Chan now, and they were apparently engaged to get married once Hinata became the Head of her Clan which would be in a few more years. Sakura had been happy for the pair, even though her own heart was still broken and would never fully heal.

Sakura knew she would have to fight the urges, whenever she was around men, but she knew this was the only way for herself to get her life back together, being unloved and lonely for the rest of her life was her punishment, and her punishment alone for being such a fool, and hoping that Sasuke had loved her.

He had told her right in front of Naruto, before he knocked out Naruto of course, and right before killing Sai and knocking her out as well, that he hated her, he never cared for her one single bit. She had taken his words to heart and to her unconsciousness as well.

Sakura made a small prayer just as she was about to leave the gravesite of Tsunade, hoping her spirit would be able to stay in whatever Shinobi went to after they died from a good long life, or from a battle of justice. She then began to walk away from the grave and remained silent the rest of the way home, knowing the vow she had just taken, would remain in effect, no matter how tempting a man's offer would be for her.

Someone Else's POV:

Loneliness, ha, it is something that surrounds everyone's minds, and sometimes makes people do crazy things. It is also humankind's worse fear of all, dying alone, living alone for all eternity, feeling that no one in the world cares about you, to name a few…

I have committed the greatest sin of all, and yet, why do I not feel remorse? I killed one of the only people's team mate, in cold blood, scarce minutes after the man that I had focused all my time and energies into killing at last, had met his untimely doom, with a quick and easy strike with my jutsu empowered hand, that had cared.

But yet again, why am I not happy? Why do I not feel remorse, or any form of emotion? I had severed all contact with the rest of the world, knowing that I am a monster now, and a murderer, even though it was my right to kill the man that murdered my family, my entire family.

I sit in this cave, going out only to find food, or do small jobs to get me by, while I mope and skulk around the many smaller villages and towns, that didn't even give a damn who I was. I have no emotions now; I am a hulk of flesh, with lifeless dark eyes, that show nothing for the world, but contempt and pity at times.

Another Sin I committed was that I severed all ties permanently, with those who cared about me. Those who had risked their life and dreams to come to get me back, but I had refused, to return with them. I did it as quickly and as sharp tongued as I could; to make them see that there was no going back.

What? You ask who I am. Shouldn't you already know this by now? I guess I could reveal my name to you all. My name is Uchiha Sasuke, the Avenger, the One who killed his Brother, the one that is now hated all over the world, because of my ambition to kill Itachi. They wanted to interfere with my revenge; they had to suffer the cost for their idiocy. I am now 20 years old, and a full adult now, in the eyes of many.

Yet, why should I care to say how old I am now? I do not celebrate my birthdays, ever since I finally managed to avenge my clan. They are just as meaningless as love and compassion is to me. I grow one year older, each year that passes by.

I look at myself, at times, my own reflection; I see the monster in me, the person that should have died along side my parents and the rest of my Clan, instead of being alive today, with no purpose in my life now. Perhaps suicide is the last solution that I should do right now, no one would want to bear an Uchiha Heir, after what has happened.

I feel no guilt, no compassion, no hatred, nor anything inside me. I am cold, as cold as the deepest winter. Those who see this coldness in my dark onyx eyes, are freaked, or attempt to stray away from me as I walk down streets or roads or pathways. I am truly alone now, those who had been my 'friends' had given up on me that day I disappeared, leaving carnage in my wake, knowing I had fulfilled my duties as an Uchiha, and avenged my fallen family members, by killing my only brother.

Had I know this was going to happen you may ask? Perhaps, perhaps not, who knows, you can't really foresee the future it is always constant and in motion. This deadness inside of me, looks bleak and blackened, like a black hole has sucked all feeling into this hole.

All things come and go; it is the way of all things. Once my task had been completed, my companions and I had decided to split off and return to our normal lives, or as normal as one may think. I had even released Juugo from being his 'prison' saying Juugo had no more need of me. I had in my own way, wished them all good luck on their own journeys that was the way of the Shinobi and life itself.

All in all, loneliness is the only thing that keeps me company in this world of wars, stupidity and among other things, emotions. I do not know what to do with what is left of my pathetic existence, I have fulfilled it and now there is nothing but the deadness in my heart and mind.

Loneliness would remain with me, probably until the day my heart stops, and I stop breathing. This is my punishment, the end to my existence and the price for leading a life of revenge, and this is the punishment that would remain constant in my mind for the rest of my days…

-End Sasuke's POV-

Sasuke was cooped up in a small abandoned building, somewhere in Swamp Country. He had lived here for over a year, since running away from Naruto, from everyone that had cared about him. Sasuke had grown into a beautiful adult man; his raven locks had even got longer and were now down to his shoulders.

His eyes were almost soulless, haunted by the ordeal he had faced and removed from his life over the past 5 years. He had no regrets at all, for doing what he did. He probably had done Konohagakure a favour by riding the Village of the ANBU Root member, who was under Danzou's leadership and guidance.

Sasuke muttered to himself as he slowly stood up from the couch that he had been relaxing on, having found it in a storage room, in the building itself,

"Hn…serves him right for getting in my way, once a looser always a looser." "I think its time to move away from this area, before Hunter Ninja attempt to find me, knowing the Sand and Leaf, they'll have someone attempting to look for me today."

Oh he had known Sunagakure and Konohagakure were working as a team, to finding him, and bringing him back to the Rokudaime, who he knew Tsunade had passed away, it hadn't been a secret that the Godaime died from a fatal illness that had been spread by the Otogakure Ninja renegades that had been captured.

Orochimaru had made sure to inject a certain few Nins with the deadly disease that had apparently no cure for it as of yet. The disease was contagious through touching an infected person's blood; it would immediately absorb into the person's blood stream, and start killing the person over a period of a few years. A piece of work that apparently had been affective, for the Godaime when she probably had attempted to heal one of the renegades to have questioned and all.

Sasuke smirked, Sasuke had been glad in so many utterly ways that he had been the one to put the Sannin Leader out of his misery, and to absorb some of the White Snake's power, to the point it would automatically start to heal Sasuke whenever he was injured slightly during a battle.

Sasuke started walking out of the abandoned building and was immediately face to face with what looked to be two giant lions in front of him. Sasuke knew this was an ANBU Temporary Paralysis Jutsu. Sasuke had accidentally copied an ANBU trying to summon the jutsu during a small skirmish with the Raven haired one.

Sasuke huffed, "Hmmph…that jutsu isn't going to work with me you know…" He called out, knowing the ANBU or Hunter Shinobi were out there hiding, hoping the jutsu had worked and froze him in his steps.

Sasuke simply walked through the so called illusion, peering up and around, spotting the Hunter Ninja immediately he drew his blade quickly and disappeared, to only reappear behind the first Hunter; apparently they were Sunagakure Hunter Nins. He then brought his blade around the Hunter Nin's delicate throat and whispered into their ear,

"Don't you ever give up? Can't you see I will never return to that pathetic village? Hmm…you waste your time hunting for someone that has no care in the world about the village he abandoned…" He never allowed the Nin to speak because he quickly slashed the Nin's throat, sending blood all over the place.

Sasuke smirked and quickly dodged a wave of Senbon needles that just barely managed to ruffle his hair. He turned to see another Sunagakure Hunter Nin standing there behind him. The Nin spoke, "Give up now Uchiha Sasuke, the Rokudaime Hokage wants you alive, we aren't here to kill you, but if necessary we will severely injure you if the need arises…" The voice was female.

Sasuke shook his head, "I guess you'll have to severely injure me, I ain't going back to that despot village ever, so you can tell the Kazekage and Hokage that in your report, that is if I let you live."

He then made a quick handseal, "Katon: Gōkakyū No Jutsu! (Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique)" He then quickly launched the fireball at the Nin, and quickly made his escape. Not that he cared if the fireball killed the Hunter Nin or injured her.

He lifted a hand and disappeared quickly; reappearing outside of the Village he had stayed in for over a year. How the hell did they know he was there? He had made sure to lay low, someone must have squealed on him undoubtedly.

Once he felt safe enough, he slumped against a tree; it had taken him quite a bit of chakra to make his escape, unharmed at that. These Hunter Nin were persistent he would give them that, and were becoming more and more frequent, there might not be any chance of him ever finding a place, that wasn't crawling with them. Especially if he knew who the Rokudaime was at this moment, he probably would not give up until he exhausted every resource to bring him back.

Suddenly a certain someone came into his mind, he hadn't thought of her since that day he abandoned them totally. A certain pink haired girl came into his vision. He wondered, if she had moved on with her life, she had told him so many times, she loved him, and all those times, especially the last and final time he had seen her, he told her he hated her. This had severed all connections and ties with his so called 'friends' hence somehow he had managed to obtain the Sharingan his brother had achieved by killing his best friend.

Sasuke had a funny feeling there had been more to attaining the Mangekyou Sharingan then met the eye, his brother had lied, it wasn't the fact of just killing your best friend, but severing all ties to them, which had caused Sasuke to finally achieve what he wanted to have, what he craved, but this had happened after defeating his brother, killing Sai and sending both of his 'friends' almost into the afterlife with Sai.

Sasuke sighed; he was beginning to get hard just thinking of the Pink Haired one, that from time to time would haunt what nightmares he had at night, whenever insomnia didn't keep him up. Perhaps if he ever saw the Pink haired one again, he'd make sure to put an end to her misery and to his own, this way he would not think of her anymore, nor the words that he knew were pure and came directly from her heart, had said to him.

That girl was persistent and annoying for one thing, perhaps 'his' influence had rubbed off on her. And she certainly was always in his thoughts at times, what was the raven haired one going to do about this?

Suddenly he had an idea, smirking to himself, he quickly took off at a fast pace for another village, that he hoped was not crawling with either Suna or Konoha ANBU and Hunter Nins.

The first thing he would do, was perhaps find a way to hunt the one of his thoughts down, and quietly remove her from the face of this world. That was what he was going to do. Then, perhaps, perhaps this would help him put an end to these thoughts and nightmares.

Only time would tell if he would even be able to find the girl and kill her, or even have the courage to kill her, like he should have had when she and him were facing off against Sasuke alone, with Sai. What had made him stop? What made him decide to just leave her there to die from blood loss? Was it a small, tiny spark inside of his blackened heart that made him not kill her?

Maybe he was just waiting for a good time to finish her off, who knew. All that needed to be said and done, at this moment was to remove that damning presence out of his mind for good.

Sasuke would not fail in this; he thought this to himself as he continued at a fast pace, not stopping at all. A small smirk appeared on his lips as he leapt from tree to tree going for towards the village silently.

Sakura bolted from her bed screaming, having just awakened from a very bad nightmare. She had never had these nightmares, not since Sasuke left for good. Tears began to pour down her face as she sat up in bed, panting, her hair mussed slightly, she had been taking a nap since returning from Tsunade's grave.

Sweat clung to her pale body, as she sat there. Mumbling to herself,

"What does this signify? Is Sasuke coming to kill me? That bastard…if he has then I'll be the one to put him out of his own misery." She growled as she flung the blankets off herself and got up, adjusted her clothing to make them look presentable, she quickly leapt out her bedroom window, closing it behind her, seeing she had her keys with her and took off for the Hokage Office, as fast as she could.

This nightmare had disturbed her greatly. That much could be told as she ran quickly to the Office. She would speak to Naruto as quick as she could.

Please Read and Review thanks