hi all ok so this is my first fic ever and i hope that you all like it... please review and let me know how im doing and i know that the chapter is rather short but its kind of the prologue and i didnt want it long...
DISCLAIMER: the ownership and general brilliance that is Inuyasha and company is the property of its honored and reveared creator Rumiko Takahashi without whos brilliance we would not have Sesshoumaru
Into the overwhelming sea of darkness, the girl did fall. Bright colors swirled into a dizzying mixture that paralyzed the senses of her mortal being. Despair, grief, PAIN, intense PAIN, and no amount of struggling could help her breach the surface of the sea.
She was alone now and there was nothing she could do about it until she got out.
The elder miko sat looking at the struggling apprentice, worry etched on her face. She had no idea what illness the poor girl was fighting from the strange poison that the demon injected into the young girl, but there was nothing she could do about it, and that scared her to no end. The poor girl was undergoing a change that she could not stop. Hopefully, someone could help her through the ordeal but it was doubtful that her hanyou companion could or would due to frequent and present absence. All she could do now was pray to the Kami's that she would be alright.
Kagome's eyes opened, but they didn't show recognition, and to everyone's surprise the girl's sapphire eyes changed into an intense gold, her hair sporadically from black to white again and again, and finally on her face markings appeared. Two beautiful magenta stripes appeared on her face just below her eyes and upon her forehead the symbol of the northern lands appeared marking her as their heir of the kingdom.
Kagome's body lifted off the ground and started to glow a soft blue. The changes to her body were frightening to her friends, her nails grew into claws, her ears turned into the elf-like ears that a demon possesses, and finally in her mouth grew the fangs of a dog demon.
Slowly Kagome's body was lifted into a standing position and finally her eyes showed recognition to her surroundings. The glow finally subsiding.
"Good Evening Sesshoumaru-sama," Kagome said. "It has been a while, love."
"Lady Kagome," Sesshoumaru whispered, "I have finally found you"
ok thats it untill next time
Lady Fairy