Chapter 72

The Back Lash Wave

Sesshomaru only spared InuYasha a quick, cold glance, then continued his attack against Naraku. But just as InuYasha had found, Naraku was strong enough this time to keep regenerating, having just been re-grown in the vats. Still, Sesshomaru showed breathtaking speed and strength. Behind him, Kagura watched in the shade and shelter of the forest, wondering where that new minion of his, Byakuya, had got to. But unlike Sesshomaru, Kagura was intrigued by what InuYasha planned to do with his repaired sword. Something new was going on here…if only she was still not so weak. The side of her mouth twisted wryly, and she leaned her hip against a tree.

As InuYasha watched the Kaze no Kizu coil around the blade of Tessaiga, he followed the trail it made. The youki around Naraku glowed with a bluish aura, and he saw how the Kaze no Kizu swirled around it. Then it dawned on him what he had to do, and his eyes glowed molten gold, a snarl of triumph on his lips.

"I said get away, Sesshomaru, if you value your life!" InuYasha said once more. "It's time to show all of you Tessaiga's true power."

Was that just bragging? Kagura wondered, folding her arms and narrowing her eyes thoughtfully as she looked at the hanyou. That is when something made her skin crawl. Without a second thought, Kagura brandished her fan and sent the Dance of Blades slicing into the forest like a rain of sickles. Byakuya flickered into existence as he was mowed down, a look of shock on his face as he fell into several cleanly cut pieces. Kagura staggered from the drain on her power, and slid down against the tree, her eyes closing tiredly.

'Well, fuck him if he doesn't get the very broad hint,' InuYasha thought.

Raising the huge blade, InuYasha concentrated and sent the Kaze no Kizu spiraling against the evil youki of Naraku, which helped power the regeneration of his tentacles. But Sesshomaru did not back away until the last possible moment, giving Naraku no time to counter as his youki was sent back in a swirling attack. The taiyouki dodged into the forest where Kagura had collapsed, as Naraku was ripped to shreds. This time, there would be no regeneration. Everyone backed away as red and green bloody bits of the former formidable hanyou fell like a grotesque rain.

It was over. Kagome stood with her lips parted, almost forgetting to breathe. Seeing InuYasha power down Tessaiga brought her back to her senses, and she ran up to him. He slipped his sword in its sheath in his obi and, opening his arms, caught her up, hugging her and spinning her around before giving her a deep, passionate kiss. It electrified her, making her tingle right down to her toes.

When he put Kagome down, a glint of white in the forest caught her eye. Taking a longer look, she saw Sesshomaru kneeling over the still form of Kagura. So, the minion of Naraku had switched sides and now….

"Look, InuYasha, I think she is in trouble," Kagome said, pointing.

InuYasha saw his brother talking softly with Kagura. The hanyou's ears swiveled to catch what they were saying.

"It's no use," Kagura said. "The vats will support me for a while, but only Naraku knew how to create the nanotech that fuels them. Eventually, the vats will run dry."

"Then I will have my vassals make the vats work," Sesshomaru said.

"My, but you are persistent," Kagura said with a faint smile. "I don't know why you bother."

"You are a woman worthy of my help, protection and more," Sesshomaru replied.

"I am honored," Kagura said wonderingly. "But in the end, I will die unless we find the Shikon no Tama formula."

While InuYasha had listened, Kagome had watched him and waited. It was obvious to her what he was doing. She gripped the front of his suikan, hoping for the best. In her heart, she still hoped there could be reconciliation between the brothers. He turned away finally, looking thoughtfully at the ground. Kagome ran her hands up and down his chest anxiously.

"Please, tell me what they said," Kagome said.

"Kagura is dying," InuYasha replied. "There is only one thing that can save her."

"The Shikon no Tama formula," Kagome said, knowing she was right.

"Yes, but Sesshomaru will never ask me about it," InuYasha said. "He is too proud - he would have to find it by himself."

"But you just told me Kagura is dying!" Kagome protested. "You must tell him we will be able to save her!"

InuYasha would not look Kagome in the face. His expression was uncertain, and Kagome was getting impatient. Well, if he could not make up his mind what to do, she would just have to take things into her own hands! The air left her with a puff of exasperation, and Kagome pushed away from InuYasha and went running over to Sesshomaru and Kagura. Shaking his head at her audacity, InuYasha dashed after her.

"Please, Lord Sesshomaru," Kagome said, bowing before the taiyouki Lord who stood up at her appearance. "InuYasha and I know that Kagura needs the Shikon no Tama formula. We know where it is, please let us help her."

"I don't need your help, human," Sesshomaru said, helping Kagura to her feet.

InuYasha arrived and gave a short bark of laughter. It was just as he predicted, but Kagome had to find out for himself. His brother was stubborn unto stupidity. Still, Kagome balled her fists, her face pinched and earnest.

"Give it a rest, Kagome," InuYasha said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I told you he would say that."

Kagome shrugged InuYasha's hand off his shoulder in irritation. If he was not going to help, he should stay out of it. This was a matter of life and death, and she could not let it go. To his credit, InuYasha did not try to stop her again.

"I may be a human, but I know when a man, human or youkai is letting pride get in the way of the right decision!" Kagome said angrily. She decided to take a reckless guess at the relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagura.

"Do you value Kagura's life?" Kagome said, her fierceness taking Sesshomaru off guard.

"Indeed," Sesshomaru replied.

"Prove it! Put away your pride and save her life!"

There was silence. InuYasha watched the tableau, one eyebrow cocked skeptically. He had never thought his Kagome was spunky enough to face down his cold, reticent, arrogant brother. But that did not mean she would win. Kagome's eyebrows rose and her nostrils flared, a firm set to her chin reminding him of Kikyou. Sesshomaru stared back at her impassively. As for Kagura, she knew when not to get involved.

"We will go with you," Sesshomaru finally answered.

InuYasha's jaw dropped in shock, and Kagome pumped the air with her fist in triumph. Smiling brightly, she beckoned to Sesshomaru and Kagura, and all three filed past the stunned hanyou. When he did not move to follow, Kagome went back and grabbed his sleeve.

"You coming?" Kagome asked.

"What just happened?" InuYasha said, dumbfounded.

"Your brother let love give him some common sense," Kagome said wryly, and tugged at him. "Come on, my love, let's go."


It was dusk, and deep shadows darkened the forest and the cliffs where a series of old caves could be found. Crumbling rock made for uneven footing, and the group that approached the caves had to step carefully. In the lead was Kenmeimaru, who put out his hand for them to halt in front of a large cave entrance.

"Let me go in first," Kenmeimaru said.

"I should go in," Kikyou protested. "I was her assistant!"

"I know you were, Lady Kikyou," Kenmeimaru replied. "But she is always on alert for danger – she won't know when she sees you whether or not you are leading Naraku to her doorstep."

Grudgingly, Kikyou acquiesced. Kenmeimaru entered the cave, and the group outside waited. InuYasha strained to hear what was going on, but Midoriko must be deep inside. He could not hear any sound from within.

A hand on his sleeve brought InuYasha's attention back to Kagome at his side. The expression on her face was round-eyed and solemn. He turned to her, wondering just what could be on her mind now. She let go and clasped her hands in front of her.

"So, now that we have found the Shikon no Tama formula, do you still wish to use it to turn full youkai?" Kagome asked.

InuYasha opened his mouth to answer her and shut it again. To his astonishment, when he looked at Kagome, he was aware of how much she loved and accepted him…turning full youkai just did not matter anymore. Defeating Naraku and saving his friends – that mattered more. But there was just one thing. He took her strong, small hands in his, and holding them so they were completely swallowed by his, looked deep into the dark pools of her beautiful eyes.

"As long as I have you, I have no desire to be full youkai anymore," InuYasha said. "So, you must be mine forever. Marry me, Kagome?"

It was Kagome's turn to be shocked. Her cheeks flamed, and her mouth opened, but no words came out. InuYasha smiled wickedly, his fangs exposed, and squeezed her hands.

"Hey, cat got your tongue?" InuYasha said. "You were so eloquent when you convinced my brother to join us earlier."

"Y-yes, I will marry you!" Kagome finally stuttered, and threw her arms around his neck.

InuYasha laughed, and so did Kagome. They were giddy with happiness, and all around them could see it. Of course, Sesshomaru decided to ignore them, focusing on the cave entrance. Everyone else but he and Kikyou had a smile on their face.

The movement of those about them brought InuYasha and Kagome back to earth. They let go of each other to see Kenmeimaru come out of the cave with a woman in a white lab coat. Midoriko was an attractive woman in her 40's, her long hair swept off her face with barrettes. Her face looked tired, as if she had been up many nights worrying.

"Kikyou, InuYasha, it's good to see you both again," Midoriko said with a soft smile. "So it is true, you defeated Naraku?"

"Yes, you are safe Midoriko," InuYasha said. "You are free."

"Is it true you perfected the Shikon no Tama formula?" Kikyou asked.

"Yes, I had it written down, but I deleted it from my computer before I left," Midoriko replied. "Once I felt safe here, I was able to re-create it."

"We have need of it," InuYasha said. "Some of us here are in desperate situations."

Midoriko nodded, and a bright smile took years off her face. "That has been my dream, to help those in need. Of course, I will help."


InuYasha picked up the last box at the front of the cave. This was the last remnant of Midoriko's time spent in hiding here. She was done with the Demon Realm, and had returned to her old life. The Shikon no Tama formula was everything everyone had hoped for. Kagome waited for him, the gatekeeper and portal guide, but most importantly, his fiancée. He walked up and stood next to her.

"Take a last look, Kagome," InuYasha said. "We are finally done with the Demon Realm."

"Do you never want to return?" Kagome asked.

"No, I have given up those dreams of my youth," InuYasha replied. "I don't belong here anymore. I belong in the Human Realm, with you."


A/N: Like with the manga, I wanted to leave this story open at the end. The most important issues were resolved, the rest is all fluff. You pick up the fluff in various other stories I wrote that take place after the end of this story. Kinda like post canon TWITJD written before the end of the story…LOL Thanks to all who stayed the course with me to the long awaited end to this story.