Chapter three

… I can't believe we are actually this far. Hell, I didn't even vouch for this to become a series! It was all of the complainers that reviewed the smut in the first chapter!!! Gahhh!!! And damn was it hard to write all of this crap in the time allowed… you insufferable ingrates!!! I sure as hell hope you are all happy!!! I wanted to shoot you all for your crappy comments but… the boneheads I work with once again had to convince me otherwise. So this is for all of my ingrates and for my office crew, believe it or not, half of the office loves bleach…which weirds me out.

We do not own bleach…

The sun had began to peak up over the walls of the sereiti and had casted a soft pink glow around it. Byakuya had been awake since Rukia had passed out and had nothing to do. He caught, in the corner of his eye, the notebook Rukia had been writing in and went over to take a quick glance at it. What Rukia had wrote about, he could care less; this was just another form of entertainment.

He turned the red cover and began to the right of the page and read…

"Dear diary,

If not for him… I would be dead. The man that loved me enough to help me find my sister, he wants to marry me. Perhaps for being so generous, I should except, for he has given me nothing but the best for and loves me. Yes, I'll thank him by marrying him. He deserves to be happy as well." His eyes scanned the page in confusion. It had been dated close to seventy years prior. Hisana had written this entry. He felt, for the first time in his life, completely compelled to read what his late wife wrote.

"Dear diary,

I am now a Kuchiki today; we were to be married and right away; his family objected so harshly, I felt that they would shun Byakuya, but he persuaded them somehow. I packed what little clothes I had and we set off to search for Rukia… oh sister, I am coming. We can now live as a family! All of us together. Oh, I had always dreamed of the day I would find you again, and in finding you my precious little sister, I don't expect you to forgive me but, with this chance for a new life, I hope you can at least be happy in comfort." Byakuya felt miserable. She never said his name once throughout their marriage and now he knew why. He had been so good to her, he loved her… and yet, all she could do was marry him to make him happy.

The next entry had been almost illegible…

"Useless diary,

I am now dying from the pain inside my body. I won't eat, I can't stand the fact the little Rukia is out there, starving perhaps and I am dying on my comfortable bed with such delicacies next to me. I am the most horrible sister, how could I abandon her? Why did I abandon her? A baby… a defenseless child…" large water stains littered the last entry and he turned a few pages to read the more recent entry.

"Dear sister's diary,

I want to inform you that brother- in-law has adopted me today and I am quickly learning how to become a part of a squad. Brother's kinda weird though. He never speaks, never smiles, he doesn't do much except stroll around at night and bring home over-spicy food; I am still trying to revive the feeling and taste buds in my mouth. How did you marry him… he's just so stoic!!! But, I have a real bed and dinner every night! He even gave me a stuffed rabbit plush as a welcome gift. I feel like a princess, spoiled rotten! It's too good to be true, and you know… it's funny. I used to be mad at you because you left when I was just a baby… but now that I'm living in your shoes… I feel like I'm walking along the same path you did. I'll write soon, I promise," and the entry stopped there. He gave a very light chuckle. He remembered that day when that saucy little girl had stomped on his foot and yelled at him that she wanted nothing to do with her sister. He went out to get her a toy to make her happy. All in the namesake of childhood, she was just so damn cute. He went on to read the next.

"Dear sister's diary,

I've been assigned to squad thirteen under captain Ukitake and kaien… he's really funny and nice; the total and complete opposite from Onii-san. He promised to protect me and everything so you don't have to. He's kind and…" the entry was unfinished and his heart felt painful. He knew that, that had to be the moment she first realized she fell in love with kaien. He read on, intrigued by what mysteries his sister had hidden from him.

"Dear sister's diary,

Renji just showed me his new sunglasses; apparently they cost him a good chunk out of his year's paycheck. What a moron… what the hell is he going to use them for? A tanning solon… daytime training? Fishing? Tee hee hee! Brother doesn't seem to be warming up to the idea that I haven't been promoted yet to anything higher, it's just that… he's so hard to please!!! Ukitake is really sick again and I feel like I should bring him some tea!" He was hard to please? Was that the reason Hisana didn't love him, because he was so hard to please? The only reason he kept her from a seated officer position was because he didn't want her to get harmed during an assignment; yet another promise he wanted to keep to Hisana. He glanced over at Rukia who shifted in her sleep and read on.

"Dear sister's diary,

I killed kaien. Oh god! What have I done…" like her sister's entry, it was covered in dried water droplets and he knew what happened. The hallow that had possessed kaien's wife, possessed him. Ukitake's failed attempt at a battle to fight it off and Rukia ending up killing him because of it caused her to become somewhat distant in her attempts of bringing him (Byakuya) together as a family. He remembered when she froze in the doorway, covered from head to toe in blood, eyes lifeless and her zanpakto dripping. He had fought off the urge to touch her then, to hug her, to even talk to her about what had just occurred. He couldn't have been more proud from the fact that she was the one to put an end to that miserable creature, but he felt miserable for not being able to comfort and console her in her time of need.

"Dear sister's diary,

my brother touched me the other night. He frightened me with so much pent up anger and constantly compared me to my sister. I even feel bad because I spoke ill of her. I had never seen this side of him before… I felt that he had been waiting for many years to do such things. He had never spoken to me before, so why, on that night had he done…" the entry cut off.

Dear sister's diary,

I've been contemplating on a plan to run away from brother. He grows more frightening by the night and has kept me here in the manor to… I can't bear to write such atrocities. Those gruesome details should be left out. Why won't anyone help me? I can't stand the fact that I love my brother; it's just that… he himself is not capable of loving another. Each night I am reminded that I have a duty to love and forgive him… but the harder he forces himself… the more in doubt I become about my own thoughts about love. He stole my virginity… and never felt remorse over it. It makes me reconsider everything I ever thought about love…

He is here. His spiritual energy is close. I will write again soon."

Dear useless diary,

I have just gone to unohana. She tries her best to explain to me that I am quick with child… his child. Though she does not know, she persistently asked who the father was. It felt so strange to pass Renji and talk to him, knowing I was carrying my brother's baby in my womb. My thoughts lingered, drifted, trying to find a way to leave without drawing suspicious. What could I tell him… what would he attempt to do? Would he try to kill Byakuya like I know he would attempt. Would he stop talking to me all together? Oh sister… what should I do?"

That must have been when he barged in and tried to touch her again. He began to become appalled at his own behavior. Rukia had been right. He had been denied for so long by Hisana that he took it out on the very person Hisana was searching for. He had enjoyed raping Rukia but he needed to make things right with the both of them. He needed to go see Hisana… to apologize…


Rukia woke up to find Byakuya gone from her side. She felt a tad bit lonely, but with him gone, she had a chance to finish her entry. Her hand moved to the side of her bed and touched something familiar. Speaking of entries, why was her diary next to her? And why were the pages bent?

Her heart froze… Byakuya had just read their diary; her and her sister's secrets were gone and so was he. He had found out the truth to everything. He even found one of Renji's secrets, his past with her. She scrambled out of her bed and down the hall, quickly putting on her zori and dashed out the door to find her brother.


Heaven seemed like hell, Byakuya thought as he wandered around in the strange land of the afterlife. He had been looking for Hisana for what seemed like an eternity. He needed to beg for her forgiveness, he needed to atone for his sins… what he did to her… what he did to her sister… he deserved to be executed and thrown in hell. He would accept it without any thoughts of fighting back.

"Hisana?" he called out as a pale figure approached. With the same exact body make and hair as his little sister, she had the same look of his on her face. With the fine white robes of silk and a black large obi tired around her waist, she looked just like the day she was buried, perfect but lifeless. She was angry, furious even and walked over to stand in front of him. Hisana was just about five foot exactly which still made the height difference awkward.

"How dare you try to contact me after what you did to my sister?" she coldly addressed him.

"I came to ask for your forgiveness," he whispered gently as though the slightest noise would anger her and cause her to leave.

"You cannot have it. I curse the very ground you walk upon ad wish you to hell for thinking such," she had hatred dripping from those cruel words.

"How can I atone for it?" he asked.

"There is nothing you can do to make me forgive you, your children will be cursed as you are and poor Rukia will suffer if she continues to linger with you, god bless her soul. She is full of familial love that you can never understand; it makes me sick to see that it is wasted on you," and she vanished from his sight.

"Rukia…" he murmured as the mist cleared.


She found him in the graveyard soaked from head to toe in morning dew, leaning over Hisana's grave. He had been resting there with the same stoic look from before, sleeping with his scarf blowing loosely in the wind. He looked so peaceful like that, just like a normal person instead of the violent sex-crazed animal who forced himself on her all those nights.

Careful as to not disturb the grave, she reached out to touch him. Her fingers stretched forth to his pale cheek, she had almost touched him. His eyes opened suddenly ad she quickly retracted them faster than any flash step attempted.

"What were you doing?" he asked her as she blinked. She felt like her heart had stopped for the time being.

"I found you here," she gave him a sad gaze when he realized he had been leaning over his late wife's grave. He gave a loud sigh and pulled Rukia into his lap.

"What irony that I chose this grave to pass out on," he said as he stroked Rukia's hair gently. She gave him a worried look and frowned. He still felt a connection to her (Hisana), of course; she had been his wife after all. He tilted Rukia's chin up towards his lips and softly captured her lips with his. She winced at this frightening feeling but accepted it nonetheless. It had been a very long time since he had even tried to be gentle to her and she mistaken this act as a hidden appeal to coax her into more. He quickly released her from the lip lock and rested his head over hers, causing her curiosity to increase. Two soul reapers passed by and instantly began to gossip about the rumored incest Kuchiki couple.

"Onii-san?" she whimpered timidly as they watching them go by.

He pulled her up to her feet and they both walked out of the graveyard together. It had been very awkward seeing as she found him leaning against her sister's grave; heartbreaking in fact. She didn't realize it, but it hurt her to see him leaning there, knowing his late wife… his previous lover was six feet under.

"Hisana had been kind from the moment she met me," he started.

"She would walk with me during the night and talk about you nonstop, even when we were eating our spicy curry. You seemed to be the only thing she ever cared about. She had kept me company, shared her stories with me, even had the audacity to pay for my food sometimes… she made me feel like I was a regular being. I felt, for the first time, what kindness was. She never asked for anything in return." He grasped her hand.

"She agreed to marry me only if I helped her look for you. It seemed like such a petty thing to give in return for her staying by my side. But with each passing month, we grew more and more distant and the woman I loved had grown terribly ill from all of her traveling. She had to stop, but when she did, she became terribly sad and refused to eat until she found you. She died making me promise to find you and adopt you as my little sister… to give you the life she couldn't; then made me promise to never tell you why. When I found you…" his voice cracked, she had heard it. His face never changed but his voice cracked. She was sure of it. He had stopped talking to gain composure, she had seen it… she was so sure that she did.

"When I found you… I thought I was looking at Hisana all over again. I couldn't bring myself to give you that familial love you did to me… and for that, I am sorry. Hisana never believed in pre-marital sex, but when she did marry me… we had no time for each other. When I found you, I felt that I could start over and protect you the way she intended to, but… like Hisana, I fell in love rather quickly. I was both foolish and selfish, and I wanted so badly what Hisana couldn't give me, so I took it from you…" they had walked along the rose bush and crossed the courtyard over to their mansion's district. Rukia had to take a deep breath.

"I knew you were not Hisana…" he said as they reached manor. He opened the door and quickly, both removed their zori so they could enter inside. She walked over the mat and he stepped onto it, both were making their way to the dining room.

"I tried to use your familial love against you but that backfired because you tried to avoid me after that, then I tried to lie, hoping to lure you into a false sense of security; that failed as well. All I could see was my selfishness," he sat down onto the tatami mat and leaned onto the table.

"Byakuya… Onii-sama, I will always love you… your whole family loves you, I bet Hisana still watches over you because she loves you," he gave a low chuckle.

"It's funny you say that," he said. Rukia became scared; she had never seen her brother genuinely smile or heard him laugh. It was new to her.

"What?" she asked as she grasped his hand with hers.

"I went to the afterlife to ask for her forgiveness…" he gave her hand a tight squeeze.

"What happened?" she gasped in shock.

"She turned me away and told me she cursed the very ground I walked on. In fact, she told me she cursed my children as well," he chuckled again. Rukia looked away ashamed.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked her softly.

"Yes… I am," she closed her eyes. "I went to Unohana to confirm that I was."

He nodded and looked away. Now she had to carry the proof of their sin within her for the next nine months. He had cursed both himself and her; taken away her life and was going to put her through nine months of suffering.

"Do you know if it's a-"

"It's a boy," she told him firmly. He didn't mean to smile again, it had slipped out. He had finally given the Kuchiki clan their heir, but his foster sister was going to pay the price. He had a son to his name now, he would no longer be pestered by their nags for an heir; he was free. But Rukia, now poor Rukia was chained and nothing he could do would change that. He was the one that secured the shackles on her without even realizing it.

"You should be happy, brother; you have an heir now," she said in a sad smile.


"After all, now you won't have to worry about me anymore, just your son," she smiled even wider; he could tell she was almost there, the edge of misery.

"Give me one good reason for me not to worry about you?" his voice dropped low.

"You can't fight to save your life, you re clumsy and best of all… you are now pregnant. That makes you a walking target! Use your brains, you are still a Kuchiki," he sighed in exasperation.

"How dare you tell me I can't fight!!!? How dare you tell me that I'm clumsy!!!" she shouted at him as she stood up on the table. He couldn't believe his eyes… it was like the old Rukia was back.

"When was the last time YOU killed a hollow? When was the last time you tripped or passed out?" he tried to shake the turned-on feeling away by looking to the side but she just jumped down from the table and stood right in his face.

"I killed more than my share, and the only reason I passed out was because YOU over-exhausted me!!!" his face was level with her navel and he tried to concentrate on the argument.

"You know… you are so intimidating at four foot nine!" a vein popped out from his temple and he turned to the other side, so he wasn't so close to her…

"Funny how you are over six feet and you still can't win an argument with me!" she too had a vein popping out of her head. That was all he needed to push him over the edge. He grabbed the front of her kimono and threw her onto the table.

"No, but that's ok…" he began to slowly slide his lips over her skin, remembering how it had felt the first time. He had knocked her into a daze and slowly came back seeing stars.

"Bya… Onii-san?" her voice began quivering.


"I thought you learned your lesson when you confessed your feelings…"


"After all that… I expect you to have at least some respect for me!!! You can't just take me whenever you feel like it," she yelled in his face. He was growing impatient; this was ridiculous! She had just turned him on and now she was going timid on him.

"What? After that fight match, you didn't think I'd be… stimulated? Are you serious?" he looked her over and she gave him a nervous smile.

"I was hopping…" she felt his hands wandering, pulling the layers of kimonos apart, untying the obi rather quickly.

"Just let me make love to you… just this once," he pleaded with her as he held her under him. "if you feel nothing but familial love, I will never bother you again with the subject, I'll request that give you a draining pill to abort the child and you may return to the human world never to see the soul society again; just please… just once… let me have this much," and she smiled.

"If you had have asked nicely the first time, we probably wouldn't be in this predicament."


Ok… so I, Sarah, am exhausted. I thought I was going to clean up this chapter a bit… but I guess not. I'm putting a sequel to this story and am squealing for joy on how I'm going to end it. I could cal my elf twinkle-toes for how much prancing I have been doing in plotting character deaths on it!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I love the world so much right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This may seem like Rukia is coming around, but just you wait!!! This is my revenge on all of you who call me weird!!!!! MWA HA HA HA HA!!!! YES, I HAVE FINALY REACHED INSANITY!!!!!