A/N: QUICK UPDATE! Okay not so happy with the amount of reviews last time so could we all do that? Alright go on and read.

Gelmir awoke to the dark night staring at him in the face. He was also welcomed with a splitting headache that lost his concentration but soon regained it. He sat up and looked around to find Oromis and his dragon around the fire but where was …

Gelmir! Are you alright? Saphira's voice rang in his head a little too loudly. He saw that he was wrapped cozily in Saphira's tail and looked up to see her glowing, blue eyes staring at him with concern.

Yea, just a headache but nothing too much. But my back is killing me! Gelmir said as he adjust his shoulders to try to work his back but it just hurt more.

Sorry that was me. It was the impact of me catching you when you fell off of Galron. Gelmir looked quickly around to see where Galron was but he could not see him.

Where is he? Saphira looked away from him and looked deep into the forest as she said,

He should be near us. He needed sometime to be alone. He is terribly sorry for what he has done to you, Gelmir. He is so angry with himself so he figured he needed sometime alone to calm himself. He is also stressed over Leona, he does not know what to do with himself now that Leona is gone and he does not know how contain his anger. Gelmir chuckled,

Sounds like me with Luthien and everything. Saphira nodded her giant head. There was a long silence until Saphira said,

Oromis is making you some soup for you that will make you feel better. Gelmir sighed and said,

Soup? I need meat! I am no elf! Saphira chuckled in his head,

I agree but it will make you feel better. I may be able to catch you a rabbit for breakfast tomorrow if you wish. Gelmir smiled and said,

That would be rather nice. Thank you, Saphira. She smiled and nodded again. Gelmir saw Oromis make his way with a bowl of steaming soup.

"Good, you're up. Now you can have this, it will make you feel better." Gelmir sighed as he took the soup carefully from Oromis's hands. It actually smelled quite good but when he sipped it he was ready to spit it back out.

"God, Oromis! You know I don't like this! Why could you not make me a nice hearty soup with some potatoes or carrots?" Oromis retorted,

"Because that will not make you fell better it will make you feel fatter! Just drink it Gelmir it does not taste that bad. Gelmir groaned and said,

"Well I am not an elf! I don't find herbs and hot water a filling meal!" Oromis looked at him with angry eyes,

"You will drink it and that's the end of it! If you call yourself a man than you can most definitely drink that soup!" Oromis stormed off and Gelmir made a face at him which was probably the most immature thing to do.

Oh, Gelmir, just drink it. You are acting rather childish. Gelmir moaned and said,

"Fine I'll drink the damn soup!" Gelmir lifted to bowl to his lips and held his breath as he chugged the soup down in eight mighty gulps. He plunged the bowl on the ground and said,

"There I am finished, Oromis!" Oromis came back to him and said,

"Good, now you can have your second helping." Gelmir growled sarcastically,

"Oh great! I can't wait!" As Oromis went to get him more soup Gelmir saw some distant trees moving and out came Galron with his head down, he looked absolutely miserable.

You should go talk to him, Gelmir. He nodded and got up slowly and ignored the slight dizziness and walked to Galron saying,

Galron, we should talk. And do not fret; I am not mad at you. I understand. Galron lifted his head up a bit and said,

You do? Gelmir smiled and nodded,

Do you want to go for a walk, I know you just came back from one but do you mind to spare another? Galron responded by walking slowly back into the woods. They walked side by side for a few paces until Gelmir said out loud,

"So would you mind telling me why you went mad earlier today?" Galron sighed and said,

I am so sorry, Gelmir, I just couldn't control myself. Now that Leona is not here to tame me or calm me with her soft voice in my head I just don't know what else to do! My mind is a mess without her here. She does not know what she is doing to me. Gelmir looked to the dirt and understood this.

"Galron, I know what you are going through and I do not blame you. I have overreacted many times because I do not know how to handle things now that Luthien is not here to cheer me up or to stop me. You know, when I first heard the news that Leona was pregnant I punched Eragon in the face. Galron raised his head a bit with his green glowing eyes staring at him innocently,

You did?

"Sure did. But if Luthien was there he would have been the one to congratulate Leona instead of punching Eragon in the face. He would have stopped me. Without that one person in your life it is a dark time, I know. But the light will return to you soon." Galron still had his bright eyes on him as he said,

Has the light found you yet? Gelmir smirked but this was still a fragile subject to talk about,

"It's coming, Galron. I have learned to have a bit of fun without him by my side, but let me tell you it is not easy. The thing is Galron, I feel him all around me the other night I saw him! I felt his warmth when I hugged him he was really there I don't know how. I guess he felt my pain and I don't know he just showed up. And that little thing made me so happy, Galron, just seeing his smile made me think that I will be okay. You just need to lighten up Galron. You will be with Leona soon and the light that I have been so longing to search for will come to you. You just need to learn to be patient, and to calm down." Galron looked to the ground and said,

You are right. I was a fool earlier today and I will try to control yourself. But just in case fly on Saphira from now on. Gelmir chuckled and said,

"I might have to take your word on that." There was a long silence until Galron said,

Shall we head back? Unless you would like to share more words of wisdom. Gelmir laughed a bit and said,

No, I think I am done for today. Gelmir saw a faint smile on Galron's muzzle which made him smile too. As they rustled through the trees Gelmir was greeted with Oromis holding out a bowl of soup and said,

"You better eat it before it gets cold."


"Aranel! My name is Aranel!" Eragon heard a lady yell out this morning. He sighed and opened his eyes to find that the elf woman was sat up with a hug smile on her face. Eragon figured that this was the one who woke him up, this was Aranel. Eragon heard Leona groan on his chest and say,

"What? What is it?" Aranel repeated herself,

"My name is Aranel! I remember!" Leona now shot up at the news,

"That's fantastic do you remember anything else?" Aranel nodded her head,

"Yes I am twenty years old." Eragon finally got up along with Leona and said,

"That is all you remember? Do you know where you live?" Aranel shook her head,

"I am sorry no. I truly do not mean to ruin your time together." Leona tried to be polite and said,

"Do not worry, it is our instinct to help people, we are dragon riders." Aranel's eyes went wide,

"You two are dragon riders?" They both nodded their heads.

"Well the gods sure have blessed me. Where are your dragons may I ask? I have not seen them." Leona lowered her head and Eragon knew that she did not want to talk about it for he knew that she missed Galron. Eragon gently rubbed her back and said,

"We both had a disagreement with our dragons. So we just needed some time alone without them."

"I do not mean to pry but what was the disagreement?" Aranel asked curiously. Eragon did not mind answering this but looked down to Leona to see if it was alright. She just held the same facial expression she had before.

"Well, you see Leona is pregnant and our dragons did not like that. In fact everyone we told did not like that. So we decided it was an unhealthy environment to be around so we needed to escape from it all." Aranel's eyes lit up and she turned to Leona with a smile and said,

"You're pregnant?" Leona smiled and nodded.

"That's wonderful! How come nobody has approved of this? I sure do and I don't even know you two, well I barely know myself for that matter." Eragon and Leona laughed and then Eragon said,

"Thank you, at least some one approves." Aranel looked astonished,

"No one approves? Absolutely no one?" Leona slowly shook her head and said softly,

"Not even my own mother, she says I am too young." Aranel gestured her hand as if she was brushing something off and said,

"No matter the age you two are in love, but how old are you two?" Eragon spoke this time and said,

"Eighteen." Aranel laughed and said,

"That is too young? There is not a certain age on when you are in love and that is not young; it is the perfect age. And let me say that you two will have the most beautiful child in all of Alagaesia." Leona had a smile on that Eragon had not seen in a while,

"Thank you." Leona said gracefully and continued, "And you remembered that we are in Alagaesia." Aranel smiled slightly and said,

"Yes, I suppose so." She looked at Eragon and Leona for a time now with a smile on her face the said,

"I wish I will share love like the kind you two have." Leona snuggled close in Eragon's arms and said,

"Well maybe you do you just can't remember, but I am sure the memory of him will come back soon. Maybe he is waiting for you back at home." Aranel smiled and rested her head against Eragon's saddle bags as she closed her eyes peacefully and muttered,


After talking about many things they found Aranel to be a wonderful company. She approved of everything they said and her memories came back as they talked more and more. They found out she lived in Ellesmera and she is an ally of Arya. When the sun was higher than Eragon had expected he jumped quickly up and said,

"Oh we should get going. Let's pack up everything." They all chipped in and strapped the saddle bags to the horses securely. As Leona and Eragon mounted their horses Eragon said,

"Are you sure you can run along with the horses all day?" Aranel laughed and said,

"Of course! I'm an elf, I am built that way." Eragon felt foolish for asking that question. As they started there horses off at an easy canter, Aranel was simply jogging. She smiled and said,

"You mind if we speed it up a little?" Eragon kicked Haeko and they sped into a gallop with Leona close by his side on Olbae. They rode or ran in silence for a bit until Aranel said,

"So where are you two headed for?" Leona sighed and said,

"Well I would like to know that as well," Eragon looked at Leona's face and saw it was sulky. He smiled at her and said,

"You will love that I brought you there and forgive of why I have kept it a secret." Aranel then called out,

"You can tell me!" Eragon laughed and said,

"Tell you all what, I will give you two a hint. It is near Gil'ead." Aranel grunted out,

"Well that is no help for me." Eragon crinkled his eyebrows,

"Why… Oh that's right memory loss. Well it is a prison by the King's palace, do you recall?" Aranel searched the answer through all her mind but all she said was,

"Never heard of it."

A/N: Now I know this really is not too exciting but some good dtuff is coming in the next chapter so keep reading. My new story that I am writing is going to be called: Through Shadows to the Edge of Night. As I said before it is a bit like twilight but it is in Eragon time zone so if you like those two books you will love this. Alright. PLEASE REVIEW! PLEAAAAASE!