Thank you everyone who read this and especially those who reviewed, and now on to the end, and yes I know the end is a bit too mushy. But I do not care I like happy endings.


The next few weeks were filled with intensive training sessions, and Obi-wan was so excited when Qui-Gon supervised the making of his first sabre. They spent hours together shaping the handle so it fit perfectly in Obi-wans hand. Qui-Gon explained, that the sabre had to be perfectly balanced and should have a comfortable grip. It would become an extension of Obi-Wans hand.

Once they had finished putting the computer chips and power cells in, it was time for the crystal. Qui-Gon took him to the cave of crystals and the force guided Obi-wan to a beautiful blue crystal.

"This one Master, I would like this one" Obi-wan said smiling brightly.

Qui-Gon smiled as well and thought What a brilliant smile he has it is a shame he doesn't use it often, there must be something I can do to make him smile like that all the time.

Once the sabre was built, the sparring sessions increased, for in a few weeks they would be called upon to go on their first mission.

Dex had invited them for last meal at his diner, and when they walked through the door, Dex being his usual self, practically hugged Obi-wan to pieces. "Qui-Gon my friend, good to see you again, come here little one and give me a hug!!"

Qui-Gon stepped back and noticed the flush of embarrassment, which turned his pale faced Padawan into a pink faced Padawan.

"Dex your squashing me!" Obi said as the air was squeezed out of his lungs.

Dex burst out laughing, "Well then you had better eat more, you are still too skinny for my liking. A bit of muscle 'here' and 'here' he poked Obi in the ribs, which brought a smile to Obi's face.

"Don't do that it tickles!" Obi said wriggling out of his grip.

"Ah hah" Qui-Gon smirked. "I have found a weapon to make you laugh" he joked, winking at Dex.

"Nooo Master, you wouldn't do that to me 'would you?" Obi pretended to beg.

"No my young Padawan, but it is definitely nice to see you smile" he answered.

Dex brought over a banquet, which filled the table with delicious foods, and while Obi-wan filled his stomach, the two older friends chatted.

"So Qui-Gon have you two been on any missions yet?" Dex asked.

"No not yet, but I think Obi-wan is ready and I think I will give the Council a bit of a nudge, and ask for a mission.

"Wow Master that would be great" Obi said as he put more food in his mouth.

Dex and Qui-Gon were chuckling and didn't notice the Woman and small boy standing outside looking in at them eating. However, Obi-wan did, and when he looked at the woman she reminded him of his Mother, her hair was the same colour and she was of similar build, and her little boy was crying.

Obi-wan froze and could not take his eyes off them and his fork fell to the plate making a loud noise. Both men turned to look at Obi and saw the look of complete dismay, spread across his features.

Qui-Gon immediately sensed the overwhelming sadness radiating from Obi-wan; he was remembering his own family, and seeing that little boy must have reminded him of his own brother.

Obi-wan's eyes dropped to the plate and he thought How can I eat when they are so cold and hungry.

Qui-Gon felt the emotions through their bond, and Dex seemed to understand as well and he got up and went outside. Shortly, Obi-wan who still had his head bowed felt a small hand on his sleeve, he looked up and sitting next to him was the little boy. "Hello" he said.

Obi-wan swallowed the food in his mouth and stammered 'hello" back.
He glanced up, and Dex was giving the woman a shawl and they were talking.

Then Dex brought her over and said. "Obi-wan you don't mind if we share our meal with this nice lady and her boy, do you?"

"No I don't mind! I would love too" he smiled as he moved over and the little boy sat closer.
Obi-wan picked up some food and put it on the plate in front of the boy. "What is your name?" he asked.

"My name is Robbi, and that's my mother."

She smiled and said "My name is Shauna, we have just arrived on Corruscant and I was looking for a job and a place to stay"

"Well your in luck my dear, I have a small room out the back and I need someone to repair my table cloths. They seem to get holes in them all the time. So if you can sew, you have the job?" Dex said.

"Oh yes I can sew, Oh thank you Dex" she beamed.

"No need to thank me, it is Obi you should thank, I didn't even see you out there it was my young friend here that noticed you" he smiled at Obi who blushed again.

The next day Qui-Gon was called to the council chambers, it seemed that they were to be going on their first mission sooner than expected. As Qui-Gon left the Council chambers with the details of the mission he smiled, his Padawan woulds be so happy...

"What sort of mission is it Master?" Obi said excitedly. "Will it be dangerous, will we use our sabres?"

"I am sorry to say Padawan that this will be a very boring mission, so do not build your hopes up for any excitement this time Padawan. We are only going to deliver some legal documents." Qui-Gon stated.

The trip to their assignment took two days, and it gave Qui-Gon time to relax and really get to know his Padawan; his likes, and dislikes, they talked about Obi-Wan's early days in the crèche and Qui-Gon's youth. However, Qui-Gon sensed that his Padawan still thought about his younger brother, although he did not mention him. Obi-Wan still harboured regretful feelings about letting his brother go. Qui-Gon hoped this mission would help Obi-Wan deal with that ache, and allow him to release his pain and get on with his life.

When they Arrived at the space port, a shuttle was waiting for them. They were driven to a very fine mansion set in the centre of the city.

"Master is this a castle, It is so big" Obi-wan said in awe of the fine mansion.

"No my young apprentice it is not a Castle merely a mansion, which is not quite as big as a Castle."
He joked.

As they walked into the home, Qui-Gon could sense the awe in his young apprentice, this house was beautiful the gardens were manicured and paintings adorned the walls; the furniture was of the finest quality.

Qui-Gon sensed a feeling of nervousness radiate across the bond he shared with his Padawan.

"Padawan are you alright?" Qui-Gon asked as he touched his shoulder.

"Yes Master, but don't let me touch anything, I am afraid I might break something, this is a beautiful home." he whispered.

Qui-Gon chuckled "I have complete faith in your abilities my Padawan, I am sure you won't break anything."

Obi-wan looked up into his Masters eyes with a trusting smile. "That's easy for you to say Master your not clumsy like me." Qui-Gon laughed and ruffled Obi-wans hair.

"The people who live here must be very rich" Obi-wan said quietly.

"Yes they are , but they are very nice people, I have known them for a long time." Qui-Gon added. "Tell me Obi-wan, do you envy them their wealth, would you like to live like this."

Obi-wan looked around, taking in all the trappings of wealth; the ornate statues, lining the walls.
The crystal trinkets sitting on the coffee table, the white leather couch under the window, and trophies adorned the mantle and a massive book case took in one complete wall.

Obi-wan shook his head. "No Master I couldn't live here, it would make me uncomfortable" he answered.

"Why Obi-wan?" his Master asked.

"It's not me, I-I do not know how to explain it, but I just know I couldn't" he whispered.

"So my young apprentice you prefer to live in a small apartment with one couch and two armchairs and a kitchen almost as small as our fresher, and sleep in a room with a cupboard a bed and a desk, on which to do your homework on, instead of all this"

Qui-Gon asked, waving his arms out wide pointing to the house.

Obi-wan's smile was brilliant and it spilled out across his face, and he said "Yes Master and if – you - do not stop waving your arms around – you- will break something instead of me!." Obi-wan giggled.

They were both laughing when the Man to whom Qui-Gon was delivering the documents too walked in.

"Hello there my friends" he said and both Qui-Gon and Obi-wan turned to greet him.
Qui-Gon bowed and greeted his friend. "Hello Senator" he glanced at Obi-wan who was standing frozen to the spot, with his mouth open waiting to catch any passing bug that might decide to venture to close to his mouth.

"I-It –It's y-you," Obi-wan stuttered. "It's you! You're the one who took O'wan, m-my brother!"

"Yes, Hello Obi-wan, Qui-Gon has told me all about you, I am glad to finally meet you properly."
He said.
Obi-wan was in a kind of shock, one where you don't hear what anyone is saying, all you hear is the sound of your own voice.

"Where –where- …Is he?. "Is he still here, is my brother here?" he questioned.

Qui-Gon chuckled to the Senator "I think we better reunite them before Obi-wan blows a fuse"

The Senator agreed and called out. "O'wan, my boy, come in here there is someone to see you."

A toddler ran in and looked straight at Obi-wan. "Obi-Obi-Obi.. the two boys ran towards each other and Obi-wan slid down to his knees and scooped his brother up into his arms, tears were streaming down his face, and he was sobbing loudly.

O'wan who was too young to understand and who had been happy living with his new family, was confused. "Whatcha crying for Obi? aren't you happy to see me?" the little boy asked.

That made Obi cry even harder, but they were tears of relief, for months of torment, and self incrimination, believing that he would never see his little brother again. All the months of silent worry and heartache. Wondering if he had done the right thing, in letting his brother go.

The Senator bent down and spoke softly to them both. "O'wan your brother is crying because he is happy, he is happy because he thought he would never see you again. He is happy because he loves you very much and he missed you."

"Ohh" said O'wan, and then he gave his big brother a kiss on his tear filled cheek, and said
"I love you too, and I missed you very much too" he giggled.

That made Obi chuckle, and he lifted his face and said "what are you giggling about squirt".

O'wan laughed and said "It tickles your long piece of hair, it tickles my nose".

Obi-wan looked at his braid. "It is called a braid" Obi stated.

"Why?" asked his brother. "And why do you have one"

Obi-wan looked up at his Master and smiled and then looked at O'wan, "Because it is what I always wanted, it makes me who I am, it tells me that I have achieved part of my goal. I am a Jedi" he proudly said, and then he lowered his head, "Well a Jedi in training at least."

Qui-Gon pulled his apprentice up off the floor and O'wan came up too, their arms were seemingly tied together, and Qui-Gon smiled at Obi and ruffled his spiky hair.

"Obi-wan I would like you to meet Senator Bail Organa" A woman came through the door and O'wan squealed "Mama!"

Qui-Gon nodded to her, "This is Bails wife Liana."

Obi-wan straightened himself up and bowed low. "It is my honour to meet you, and I am forever in your debt" the boy said humbly.

"Nonsense young man it is us that are in your debt, you have given us a wonderful gift in little O'wan.
He is a joyous child and is full of love to give. I suspect he takes after his big brother" Liana stated as she tenderly touched Obi-wans cheeks with her hands.

Qui-Gon stood behind Obi-wan and rested his hands on the lads shoulders, rubbing his arms.
"You are so right Liana, O'wan does take after his brother".

Later after the meal and some adventure filled reminiscing, Obi-wan inquired as to their mission.

"Master, so we didn't really come here for a mission then?"

"Ah'Yes my Padawan we did, we came to deliver these documents to Bail and Liana, Qui-Gon held up the roll of parchment.

Obi-wan looked quizzically at the document. "May I ask what it is Master?"

"Yes Obi-wan these documents are for the legal adoption of O'wan Kenobi, by Senator Bail and Liana Organa. They wish to adopt him legally, and are asking for your blessing."

"In fact" Bail said "We are asking for your permission."

Obi-wan was stunned no one had ever asked him to make a decision this big before. Tears started to well in his eyes, he thought for a moment and then he spoke. "I would be honoured if you would adopt O'wan, it would make me very happy if you were to call him your own.

"Thank you Obi-wan" Liana smiled as she embraced Obi-wan in a warm hug.

Bail stepped forward and held out his hand and they shook each others hand, but Bail then pulled the lad into an embrace, and stated "You will be a great Jedi, and it is my privilege to know you, 'Obi-wan Kenobi'.

Obi-wan turned to Qui-Gon and before he could say anything he was pulled into Qui-Gons chest and embraced by the man whom he loved as a Father. Qui-Gon agreed with Bail. "I agree with Senator Organa you will be a great Jedi, and it is my privilege to have you as my apprentice, My Obi-wan"

The end.