Author's Notes:
Nothing changed in this chapter at all, except it's now chapter three instead of two. If you haven't read this chapter already, then please enjoy! If you have already and haven't read the revised previous chapters and you have the free time, go for it. Not much else to say other then enjoy!
Sephiroth's Guide to Marriage and Revenge
Chapter Three: A Step in the Right Direction--According to Kairi Logic
She sat Indian style on the large red couch, slightly leaning from side to side as if she were nervous, nipping at her index finger.
They both knew she wasn't nervous.
It was more like a habit really.
They said her love--or rather obsession--was a habit too. One that she needed to break in order to get well.
Ocean blue eyes watched as her 'doctor' finally took a seat across from her, not acknowledging her existence as he began to make his header and small notes before their daily session began.
He didn't understand, but then, none of the people that were suppose to be helping her did.
And even still, the person she was trying to protect, that she was so very deeply in love with--he didn't understand it either. Not that he was trying…that bastard had clouded his judgment too much. But it didn't matter. Everything would be fine…because she hadn't given up on him. She never would.
She was going to save him from that bastard even if she had to kill said bastard to do it…
An eternity seemed to fly by, with Kairi simply glaring at the young man sitting across from her in his chair.
His name--or rather last name, since it was the one he went by--was Lamprin. He had a slender, almost lanky frame, with bright hazel eyes and chestnut hair that was shoulder length, in a short low ponytail. He wore a pair of square spectacles, a plain white button up shirt and black slack pants with nice boots to match.
The first day he'd started their sessions, he'd actually taken the time to explain a little about himself--not that Kairi had paid much attention--but she did know that she was one of his very first patients and that he was good at pretending to 'care' about her issues. Not the cold, barely speaking psychiatrist she'd first visited with, whose office was next to this one.
She snorted. They probably assumed giving her a 'hip doctor' would help her 'express her inner most secrets and feelings' better.
It only made her want to gag.
She continued to stare at him, offering an almost sarcastically polite smile when he looked up for a brief moment, offering the young girl a smile before he continued to write his notes and she in turn, began humming a light tune she vaguely recalled. What was it? Simple and Gleam? Or maybe Clean…something like that.
It was another five minutes and she'd actually began saying the words of the song that she could remember softly to herself before she focused those bright blue orbits of hers in a narrowed fashion at him, giving a deep sigh and leaning back on the soft red cushions in a more comfortable manner.
She didn't like being ignored. And it wasn't like this guy to ignore her. And while she didn't like him--why should she, he was one of them--she didn't like him to ignore her existence either. She was getting enough of that as it was lately.
She looked around the room for seemingly the millionth time, pausing to see a small mirror hung on the wall. She actually smiled at the sight of it--she wasn't allowed a mirror in her 'room'.
Her fiery red hair was down, a little longer than it had been a few months ago. She'd like to put it up in a pony tail but she wasn't 'allowed' the luxury of such things like 'scrunches' or hair pins.
Her captors--that's what she'd liked to call them--refused to let her or any of the inhabitants of this wonderful establishment have any such items, afraid that they might hurt themselves.
Kairi scuffed at the thought.
Hurting herself was the furthest thing from her mind, though she could admit that she could understand where they might have gotten the idea…when she's first arrived she, hadn't been exactly 'calm'.
But that's the problem with these people: they mistook her 'anger' for 'crazy', considering they put her in that jacket contraption twice:
The first time had been when she'd first arrived. She'd been angry, but she felt she had every right to be. She'd been attacked--attacked--by a madman with a sword and as far as she'd come to know at that point, there wasn't a damn thing anyone was going to do about it. Meanwhile, Riku hadn't died, which meant she failed to separate him from Sora, who he was probably with, laughing it up while she was being dragged off to spend the rest of her life in some form of pillowed encased hell.
That was something not to be angry about at all.
The second time happened when she was being escorted out of the court house…if she could remember the place correctly. Then she'd seen Sora. The sight of him alone was enough to brighten her mood for at least two seconds before it was shattered by the image of Riku…
…with Sora.
Riku and Sora.
Rubbing it in her face.
Again, who could blame her for being a little angry at that?
She shifted in her seat again, grunting a little as she unfolded her legs from underneath her and sprawled out on the couch, laying her head on the arm of it. She gave a content sigh, feeling a little more relaxed despite the situation and let her mind wonder to visions of chocolate hair and shining sapphire eyes.
She could feel her heart beating a little faster and pain swelling in her chest. Her eyes began to water slightly as she thought of that beautiful bright smile, the gentle touch of his hands when they took hers…the sweet way he'd always pick her up when they hugged and twirl her around…
That Sora was probably only a distant memory now.
Because of h--
"…And you're thinking about him again."
A simple remark, more than a question. Though she was positive she hadn't heard the first part of his introduction.
She didn't bother replying however, considering she knew the session had finally begun and she'd be doing more than enough talking soon enough. Besides, this guy seemed love running his mouth--part of his job she assumed, though she could have sworn it was suppose to be listening to her problems.
Dr. Lamprin gave her a sympathetic smile before he continued softly, "You always look sad when you think of him."
He had such a soft, kind voice and Kairi would be lying if she didn't admit to herself that she loved hearing it…it reminded her of Sora's. But then, so did his hair color.
Though it appeared he was just as observant as he was talkative. Part of his job too, she guessed.
She stayed quite for a moment longer, debating on rather she actually wanted to speak yet. She really wasn't in the mood for this today but then again, she knew the consequence if she didn't.
She'd tried refusing to talk the very first day of her sessions and he simply kept probing her. Her sessions were only suppose to last a few hours--five to be exact--but right at the end, he'd simply left the room and locked it behind him.
She'd been relieved and a little smug honestly considering she figured she'd won this little bought of wills and maybe they'd get it through their heads that she didn't wish to speak to anyone that didn't understand her.
But then he'd come back and let her know the 'good' news that he cancelled his other sessions and he'd be spending the rest of the day with her.
That had certainly gotten her to speak, as she'd demanded to know if he could even do that, to which he'd happily told her he could.
Or apparently, when money spoke for her, in the form of her parents, he could. That and whomever the people where that were suppose to take up the next few sessions pretty much excluded themselves: one had snapped on a guard and been put in solitary, and the other had come down with some kind of sickness and wouldn't be able to make it anyway. So instead of going home like a normal person, he got paid into sticking around and annoying her.
And after the fact, her parents had politely let her know that said extra hours weren't cheap and they would not tolerate her behavior. She'd almost laughed in their faces. They were still trying to pretend to be parents even though she was in an institute that practically took care of that for them. Interesting…
"You know Kairi, it may not be very healthy to be thinking of Sora right now," the young man finally added as he studied her intently. "You always seem to get upset and--"
"He's a good memory," she snapped, glaring at him again as if he should have known that. He only nodded and jotted down some notes. She rolled her eyes. "I would think you'd like to encourage me to think about him. There's nothing wrong with Sora. It's Riku! Riku is what makes any memories of Sora bad! Because he ruined everything!"
"I see," he nodded, as if he was learning something new, still writing notes before he paused and looked at her. "And do you honestly feel it's fair to blame him for everything?"
"Well duh!" she snapped again, laughing a little.
"For every single repercussion you've faced thus far?" he asked calmly, still writing notes.
She gave him a hateful look and made her new favorite hand gesture at him, which he saw and frowned deeply at. "Telling me to 'go screw myself' isn't going help matters Kairi."
"But it does make me fell better, and that's what this is all about, right?" she asked in mock happiness before he sighed. "It's still not very polite Kairi. I'm only trying to help you."
She shrugged. "I wouldn't have done it if it was, sir." The final word had been spoken sarcastically. "And yes, I do blame Riku for everything that has happened so far."
"And why is that Kairi?" he probed, watching her with interest and Kairi muttered something rude under her breath.
If stupidity were air, she'd have to believe he was taking more than his fair share.
They had been through this…several times even…and for some silly reason he always insisted going over it again like she'd never explained herself the first, second, or third time.
"I already told you."
"And I have to admit, I still don't quite comprehend your answer, forgive me," he stated softly, looking at her deeply in the eyes.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. What she couldn't comprehend was why it was so hard for anyone to understand her feelings about the situation. What had honestly happened and the injustice she was suffering because of it. But if she just had to explain it again, than she would. It wasn't like she could go anywhere for a few hours anyway.
"Riku stole Sora from me," she stated simply before glaring at him in discontent. "But then, I described that to you before, remember?"
He caught the biting tone on the last word she spoke and nodded. "Yes Kairi, I do remember you mentioning something about that."
"Good. Then we're making progress," she replied sarcastically with a curt nod and smug smirk before she continued, looking instantly bitter. "He made me do what I did. He made me take such drastic measures…he made me hurt Sora."
"…Made you Kairi?" he probed sounding slightly confused but writing her words down none the less.
"He knew," she mumbled, looking at her fingers as she began to twiddle them together gently. "He knew exactly how I felt about Sora. It wasn't like it was a big secret…Selphie knew. So did Wakka. Even Tidus figured it out and he's as dumb as a post."
"Perhaps he just missed all the signs." he reasoned and she shook her head in defiance. "Riku's a manipulative little bastard. And you can't be stupid if your good at manipulation right?"
"I suppose not," the therapist muttered softly as he jotted down the new notes. Kairi nodded. "Then he knew."
"But do you think your actions were the correct course Kairi?"
"Why is that?"
She sighed. She didn't feel like speaking with him anymore but she was more then aware she wouldn't be going anywhere until he was satisfied with her answers. Not like it was going to matter in the end. By the next session, he would ask here these same questions, maybe presented in a different matter but overall, the same questions would resurface.
She was beginning to think that he was looking for some sort of answer…maybe remorse for what she'd done to Riku. She snorted at the mere idea. She would never feel guilt for what she'd done to him…if anything, she was sorry she hadn't managed to fully kill him, though she had to admit, it was for the best. Sora would otherwise hate her even more than he probably did now if she had succeeded.
And even though she knew it would be nearly impossible to get the brunette to ever like her again…she couldn't help but hold out a slim glimmer of hope for both of them. If she were to be honest with herself, she was just hoping they could still be some form of friends. She didn't need to be his girlfriend anymore…not even she was that delusional enough to think that could happen now, even if she was still very much in love with him.
That however, did not mean she was still 'okay' with him dating that son of bi--
She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at her therapist with cold eyes. He was watching her again, those hazel eyes of his harder to read than normal. "Are you ready to answer now?"
"Do I have a choice?" Kairi muttered, more to herself rather than answering the therapist.
"…Not really, no." he admitted jokingly and she glared hard at him before she finally continued.
"I did what I had to do to save Sora," she began sternly. "Sora is nice. Too nice. Naïve. He's easy to manipulate--easy to control. Riku knows that and he understands it better than anyone. And he uses that against Sora. He always has."
"And how does he do that Kairi?"
"He confuses Sora all the time," Kairi explained. "And sometimes, everyone around him. He plays the victim a lot too: "Oh that Kairi, she's such a bitch! She's doing this, she's doing that! Oh won't someone please help me?!" He's always trying to make me seem like the bad guy."
"And why would he feel the need to do that Kairi?" he questioned softly and she shrugged. "I think it makes it easier for him to keep Sora. If everyone else hates me and gangs up on me, then it makes him seem right…like I am some sort of villain that Sora should hate.
"Like when he and Sora broke up the first time because a friend of mine kissed him."
"Which 'him'?"
"Sora him," Kairi quickly explained, annoyed with being interpreted. "I got blamed for that because Zexion--that's the guy that kissed Sora--got upset with me. So he decided to team up with my cousin and frame me."
"Your cousin?"
"Axel," she replied darkly, instantly thinking of the red head. "He lives--lived with me. We haven't gotten along these past few months…but I think it's because of Riku. I think he got to him too…"
She paused, actually looking a little sad for a moment, playing with her fingers again. The flaming red head with emerald eyes…she'd really hurt him. Well maybe she didn't directly but she'd caused it. She'd hurt him the same way she'd hurt Sora. Kairi's gaze shifted to a nearby window.
She'd be lying if she didn't admit that she'd taken some joy seeing Axel knocked down a few pegs--staying in his room, moping around, completely shutting everyone and everything out of his life. Feeling the anger, the loneliness the depression she'd felt when Sora had confronted her on the beach with Riku.
Axel had done that. He'd caused most of it by making Zexion talk. He'd deserved what happened to him in her mind. But…still…
"Your thoughts," the Dr. Lamprin asked politely, staring at Kairi intently, actually pausing in his note writing before he continued. "What are your feelings and thoughts about this 'Axel' person. You've never mentioned him before in our sessions Kairi."
She paused a moment longer to go through her memories to realize he was right, she didn't remember ever bringing Axel up in a conversation. Odd, considering she was sure she'd mentioned the entire incident with Zexion and the tape recorder… "I guess I haven't."
"Not at all," he nodded then continued. "What did he have to do with this situation?"
She laughed bitterly. "Everything. He set the entire thing up. I mean…he's the one that got Zexion to say that I was blackmailing him or something. To prove that I'd set the kiss between him and Sora up so Riku would get upset and break up with him. I'm not really sure why Axel did it. I think it was because I was joking around with his boyfriend about something…just playing. Then I dunno. I guess Riku said something to him and they decided to set me up."
"And were you angry at Axel?"
"Of course I was angry," she muttered miserably. "He'd ruined everything with Sora and I…we were so close to being together I think. I just…wanted to get even. So he'd feel the way I felt. I didn't think he'd get too hurt. I didn't know…"
'Just how insane our professor was that insane,' Kairi admitted, thinking of the yellowed eyed demon that used to be a teacher at her high school. Had she known just how much of a monster he really was, not even she would have put Axel through that.
Now Riku--of course! Without any question, stupid son of a bitch deserved it. But Axel…Axel was family. And you don't hurt family. Not like that…even if she thought she should have at the time.
"You hurt your cousin badly Kairi, didn't you."
A statement, not a question.
She simply nodded lightly and continued. "He…this guy hurt Axel pretty badly because I set him up with…'lessons'. I forged the signature of my parents giving the guy permission to 'teach' him. I knew the professor had previous mental issues but--I swear--I didn't know how bad it actually was!" she insisted, in fear of not being believed. Doctor Lamprin said nothing, so she continued.
"Axel wouldn't come out of his room or talk to anyone after it happened. He was miserable and felt really alone. Used…worthless." She looked down at her feet. "Axel is usually really strong willed and it was…I mean I was happy at first to see him so broken up but after a while…once I really thought about it, I felt really horrible for what I'd done."
There was a brief moment of silence before he finally asked, "Why did you do something like that knowingly then Kairi?"
"Dunno," she admitted softly. "He'd really hurt me with helping Riku so I thought he deserved what he got. But my mom was so upset and dad was too and it made me sad to see them so helpless cause they really wanted to help him. And I know I had something to do with it--but I couldn't say anything because it was my fault. And at the time I admit…I wasn't exactly too sad about his situation.
"But now that I think about it, Axel…he's really not so bad. He used to visit when I was younger and then he came to live with us shortly after Sora left because he kept getting into trouble. My mom thought it would be a great way to help him out. And at first we didn't really get along but then he started treating me more like a bratty little sister than an enemy…"
Kairi felt a pull at her heart she usually didn't feel unless she thought about Sora and she honestly didn't understand why she felt this strong sense of…remorse…for Axel. He'd brought this on himself and deserved it, that's what she told herself. And yes, she did feel horrible now about the entire ordeal but…why so strongly? It wasn't like she and Axel were getting along that well at the time and he probably would try to erupt her into flames on sight. But still…
She remembered those strong emerald eyes filled with sorrow and pain and anger. Confusion and guilt…the endless nights of her mother sitting by his door, praying he would just open it up finally and come out and talk to them.
The one time she kept standing outside of his bedroom door when her parents had gone out to dinner. A triumphant smirk on her face as she listened to the soft mutters from his rooms and pounced on him insults after she'd heard him whisper that he felt 'worthless.
She called him filthy and told him that he'd actually deserved what Saix had done to him. That he really was worthless, why else would his parents ship him off to Destiny Island? That he was nothing more than Saix's whore, his play thing.
She'd been hoping he'd snap and try to attack her, just so she could run and tell her parents and hopefully get him shipped off, ironically, to a place just like the one she was in now.
But her cousin Axel…he hadn't said a word. Not a mumbling word of protest or anger to her. She only paused when she could have sworn she heard him…but Axel wasn't one for tears. Certainly, he had those odd almond shaped tattoos under his eyes but to actually begin to cry?
Never the less, it was enough to make her stop insulting him and go to her room. And it was the first time she'd ever felt…bad…for what she'd done to him. If only for a brief moment of sleeplessness that night.
She blinked the memories out of her mind and began to continue her explanation.
"…Selphie was around but I'd messed up there too. I convinced her to break up with her boyfriend because he'd sided with Riku about the whole Sora incident. I was mad at Tidus so I wanted to get him where it hurt and Selphie was his 'kryptonite'.
"Neither knew until recently that I'd done it but after she broke up with the guy I set her up with and Tidus--he wouldn't talk to her anymore. He'd barely look at her, he'd been so hurt. Selphie always smiled and made a show of things but it was really killing her inside and she wasn't the best of friends because of it.
"So I really came to appreciate Axel," she admitted finally. Not only to the psychiatrist, but to herself, which surprised her.
"Wakka, Tidus--they were my friends but then they sided with Riku so we weren't really all that close anymore. Selphie was hung up about Tidus. Riku goes without question and Sora had moved away. Axel was all I really had.
"We went to fairs, we hung out after school and he helped with my homework, he taught me how to play video games better-- he even watched the first season of American Idol with me every night it came on, even though I knew he despised it after the first three episodes!
"And then he betrayed me…just like that…and I had to get even right? It was the only right thing to do considering what he'd cost me.
"I knew what that guy could do to him…and I just let it happen because I thought he was my enemy. That he needed to learn to not mess with me--that he should get what he had coming. Then Roxas…his boyfriend…he kept snooping around and got himself kidnapped by the same guy and I told Axel because I wanted information about what everyone was doing…they were ganging up on me…and and…he got hurt. Bad. Really badly."
She paused, remembering even in her state of mind of feeling cold and empty and alone…even when she felt like Axel was her enemy…she'd felt remorse after that. So much so that she'd gone up to the hospital when no one was around just to see him. He'd been asleep-which was fine, she preferred it honestly-and she'd…well she'd apologized to him. It felt like the best thing to do, even if they'd never like each other again and everything, all the hatred and loathing, were to come back five minutes from that point (which it did), she could admit to the remorse she felt for her cousin.
"I hurt him…like he never meant anything to me…like he was less than nothing…"
She let her words falter as they sank in, her eyes almost bulging out as if she'd finally had some sort of realization.
She'd hurt Axel…she'd hurt quite a few people…but she'd done it for a good reason right? Sora was the best reason in the world to do anything. He was such a good person, he deserved the best in a lover…
"…and that's not me."
"Excuse me?" the young man sitting across from her asked, still watching her intently and hanging on her every word.
"Sora," she sighed sadly, letting the tears she'd been holding back for a good long time now form in the corners of her eyes. "He doesn't deserve me."
After a good moment of silence, with the red head trying to hold back her sobs and the doctor simply writing down everything she'd said, looking up every once and a while to ensure she would be alright, he finally spoke up again. "Why do you believe that Kairi? You seemed to be so confident about the two of you being together before now. Why the chan--"
"Sora deserves to be with someone great," she announced, cutting him off. " He needs someone way better than me. Someone perfect. Just like he is. That's not me. I hurt Sora…I hurt Axel. Two people I know I actually love and care about. Maybe it was because I really wanted to help Sora--I love Sora and all I ever wanted was to protect him from harm. But I hurt him just to do it and maybe…I should have thought about what that could have done to him…"
She looked up at the doctor, her tears no longer holding themselves back and he put his pen and pad down, crossing the room to get her tissue. But she continued to speak. "That night…when…after…Riku replica…after that thing hurt him. He looked at me. He saw me. And I've never seen Sora look so hurt. He was in pain that night because of me but the way he looked at me once he realized what I'd done…that I was just sitting there, rocking myself into delusions that everything would be okay because what was happening to him needed to because it would help him…it looked like he'd died.
"He loved me…maybe not the way I wanted him to… but something was there. Maybe like a sister," she continued, taking the entire box and holding up a few pieces of tissue to her eyes. "But he really cared about me and he trusted me and I let him down. I betrayed him. I'd…killed a part of Sora and I was selfish for doing it."
Then she felt her blood boil instantly as she thought of the reasoning behind everything she'd done and her eyes seemed to darken as a scowl entered her face and the tears continued to fall. "I only wanted to save him from Riku. I know I'm right--he's no good for Sora. He can't be…no way he is! Maybe what I did to Sora was wrong. And it was selfish and I understand that! But I did the best thing I could think of because I knew it would help Sora in the long run! We could be together and Sora could be happy without Riku. Everything should have been alright…but then he saw me…because even Riku's replica hates me…it told him I was there…and he saw me…"
"Then what did you do," Doctor Lamprin asked softly, watching the girl with an unreadable expression.
"I…hurt someone again," she admitted with a sigh, the tears lightening up but still falling. "Namine`. I used her guilt about someone she really cared about to get her to help me erase Sora's memories of the incident."
"So you wouldn't get caught?"
She started to snap at him but then she quickly shut her mouth and nodded. There was no point of lying about it anymore. No more delusions. If she was going to get Sora back, she couldn't trick herself anymore. And this was a start.
"I also thought it would help him," she admitted. "That part I didn't lie to Namine` about. Yes, I was mostly being selfish because I didn't want him to hate me or to tell anyone what I'd done because no one would understand what I was thinking or doing to help him.
"If he didn't remember the pain or hurt, then he wouldn't look so dead inside…the same way he looked after he saw me."
"And if he hadn't seen you?" he poked and she gave a bitter laugh. "I wouldn't have taken his memories…I would have let him think that Riku had raped him and he would hate Riku forever. Just like he hates me now."
"But wouldn't that have still hurt Sora?" he asked sadly and Kairi laughed a little. "I would have made him forget about Riku on my own. I would have been the perfect girlfriend--I would have bent over backwards to make him happy after that. Riku would be in jail and a distant memory to Sora. I would have put his pieces back together and made him whole again.
"But he saw me so I had to make him forgot about Riku…and that was okay, he thought we were going out so in a way, I still won right? But then everyone--Riku turned everyone against me!"
She felt her cheeks flush red as her anger rose at the mere thought of how everyone confronted her. "Selphie, my best friend. Namine`. Tidus, Wakka and his girlfriend witch Lulu. Sora's sister and brother. Axel, Roxas, Zexion helped them and so did Riku's older brother--they all ganged up on me and after they were done, Sora hated me.
"I tried to talk to him, I tried to explain my hatred for Riku and how I felt about everything. About him. But then Riku had to come barge in and ruin even that! He just wouldn't give up, he wouldn't rest! He'd won--WON damn it! And he just wouldn't stop! I just wanted him to quit, I HAD to make him stop!"
There was a moment of silence that followed as she began to calm herself down and the doctor continued to write his notes before he finally asked. "And then?"
"And then I did the only thing I could think of to get rid of Riku once and for all. To get him out of my life as well as Sora's! But he lived through it and he's still with Sora! He still has a person that's far too good for him! He doesn't deserve Sora, he'll never deserve Sora and I refuse to let him have Sora!
"He. Can't. Have HIM!" she screamed finally, throwing the box of tissue at the wall, aiming it no where near the doctor who flinched none the less but attempted to remain calm.
"I…I won't hurt you," she admitted with a faint, almost sad yet crazy smile. "You haven't betrayed me right? You haven't hurt me? So I can't hurt you. I only hurt the people that hurt me first."
"And those that don't?"
"Every crime needs an innocent bystander right?" she sobbed softly, thinking instantly of Sora and Namine`. "Without them, it wouldn't be a 'real' crime, right?"
Silence. Complete and utter silence greeted her as the pair stared at one another, the red head calming herself down a little while her therapist studied her intently with unease at her last statement. It remained this way for what seemed to Kairi like forever as her mind completely wondered from one scattered place to the next, all coming back to that same conclusion: she had to get Riku out of Sora's life.
For good.
And even if she wasn't able to fulfill the whim right now…there had to be another way. There had to be something she could do to get the bastard away from Sora.
Precious Sora.
Her Sora…
"I think we should end the session for today early Kairi," Doctor Lamprin finally announced, offering the girl a faint smile. "You seem very upset and I really think you should get some rest before we continue, same time tomorrow?"
She only nodded solemnly before he offered her a warm smile and headed for the exit, locking the door behind him before he departed with his notes. Kairi sighed deeply before she started wondering around the room absently, thinking of ways she could keep the pair apart. She new there were guards with keys sitting right outside the door, so if she tried to 'harm' herself, they'd be running in to stop her.
Again: that was never her intention to harm herself. Only Riku.
'There has to be a way out,' she thought angrily to herself before she started hearing the voices. One angry, one calm, both low.
And Kairi snorted. Well that's exactly what she needed to start doing in a place like this: hearing voices. But as she listened closer, she knew it was coming from the room adjacent to the right wall. The same room her old therapy lessons used to be in.
'No surprise there's an argument,' she thought almost amused as without really thinking about it, she tip toed her way up to the wall and put her ear firmly against it, listening intently to the words coming from it. 'He was always making me upset too, with his snid--'
"…can stop me." a voice rang in, cutting off her thoughts. It was cool, calculating, precise. And it unnerved her because she knew that voice…she couldn't remember why but she knew that voice… "The boy is still defiant and needs to be disciplined. He still needs my special brand of undivided attention."
"But don't you realize that your hurting--"
"Axel was fine with my teachings," the cut in with a bored tone, serious tone. "I gave him exactly what he needs. What he deserves. I showed him is place in the world and he excepted it. And he will won't be long."
"Y-Your sick!" the voice she recognized to be her old psychiatrist, Doctor Cox yelled and Kairi gasped as she heard something get knocked over and a few grunts and gargles before she heard a dry, unbalanced tone announce "And did you think a stick of a man like you could defend him? Nothing can keep me away from my prey. No one will stop me from taking him…molding him…making him a perfect image of my design. Not this place, not those people that defended him, but especially, not the likes of you."
She heard more gargling and a large thump before she heard a larger commotion as the door to the room the pair were in was broken in to and several thumps-- he must have been tackled to the ground--followed by screams and yells.
When she heard the movement shift, she ran as quickly as she could to the door, peering out of the small window just in time to see who had been carted out.
It was a tall man with brilliant blue hair and wild eyes, blood splattered on his face as a fanged smile crept through his curled lips, which were forming an insane smirk. Her own eyes widened as she recognized him immediately and she practically jumped as those eyes shifted in her direction.
Without even thinking she ducked down, almost afraid of what might happen if he saw her…
"Tell him!" she heard him roar with amusement, through the grunts of the men trying to restrain him and cart him off. "Tell him that I'm coming for him Mrs. Doss! And that I'll stomp that defiant fire of his out for good!"
She heard more struggling as she inched herself away from the door, realization hitting her.
Axel…cousin Axel…her cousin Axel. He still wanted him--he was still coming after him. Her mind went numb for a moment as she remembered the look on Axel's face…the dead eyes…the hurt expressions and the image instantly morphed into Sora.
They were the same…exactly the same. Maybe the person was different, a replica and an insane professor…but there wasn't a different in what she'd done to them and how they'd felt. He was exactly like Sora. Too much like Sora's.
She closed her eyes tightly, trying to shut the image out. Not again. Never again…
Roxas was Axel's boyfriend and Sora's cousin--who Sora cared about deeply. And Axel was also Sora's friend…so he'd never forgive her if she let this happen to Axel again. There would be no way he'd believe she could be a better woman, that they could be friends, that she could change…
She heard words spoken to her as she was taken by the arms and led out of the room, not listening to a word that was spoken to her as she couldn't help but look in the room where she knew the struggle had taken place---and saw the body of her old psychiatrist with his trademark silver pen stuck through his throat, his toupee a few feet away from his sprawled body before doctors and guards moved in front of her view, shielding it from her.
Saix…he was completely bat-shit insane…and coming after Axel…she shouldn't care right? It was Axel…he hated her, she was still angry at him, he deserved…but Saix would hurt him…and neither he or Sora would forgive her…but this institute, no one could get out so Axel was safe…but Saix had just killed a man and if he did get out…she'd know and didn't stop him and they'd all blame her…
Her mind snapped into place and a determined look entered her eyes as she blocked all the commotion completely out, imagery becoming nothing more than colorful blurs melting together, her mind focused on one simple thought:
For Axel's sake…for Sora's forgiveness…if Saix found a way to escape this hell to go after Axel, then so would she. And she'd find a way to stop him. Then Sora would have to see that she'd changed and that he could trust her…and Axel would owe her and would have to forgive her.
And Riku…
…her vengeance upon Riku would have to wait. For now.
More Author's Note:
Nothing much to add honestly other then I'll be updating with the next chapter very soon. To give a small hint, it's based heavily on Axel and Kairi mostly. That's all I'll say for now other then as always, Happy Reading!