"You really aren't going to tell me anything? What if I didn't pack the right clothes?" Bella complained as she tugged on my hand as it lay across our armrest.

"No worries love. As long as you packed your new bathing suit, you will have enough. Where we are going, let's just say, there's isn't much need for clothes." I smirked as I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Edward Masen!" She cried as if appalled at my assumptions. I just smiled – we were finally going to have some extended time alone together. No family. No humans. None of it - just Bella and I.

The plane touched down after a very long flight - again thankful that we had taken the time to hunt before we left. I wasn't sure what kind of animals we were going to have to consume from. The house had been chaotic with planning our funerals, but like Alice had seen, everything went as well as could be expected up until we departed. Our funerals were being held tomorrow. Charlie and Renee were getting into New York today. Carlisle had the unfortunate job of telling them about the accident. I didn't probe his mind to see how it went. I didn't want to know.

"Did I just hear the flight attendant say 'welcome to Fiji'?" She asked with disbelief colored all over her beautiful face. I didn't speak just grinned at my wife.

We disembarked the plane and I led Bella through another door out onto the tarmac.

"Mr. and Mrs. Masen?" The gentleman who was standing by the steps leading into the helicopter asked in a slight French accent.

I held out my hand to shake his, "I'm Edward and this is my wife Bella."

"My co-pilot is retrieving your bags from the commercial flight and will load them shortly. Please step inside and make yourselves at home. We have about a forty-five minute flight to your final destination." The man stated, held his hand out to motion us up the steps, and then followed us turning into the cockpit.

"Edward! Where are we going?" Bella demanded with a little smile on her lips.

"You will find out in forty-five minutes. You just endured a nineteen hour flight, I think you can wait a few more minutes." I patted the back of her hand in a fatherly way.

The aircraft took off a few minutes later. Bella's eyes were glued out of the window, enthralled in the beauty of the land. It was nearly dusk, therefore hard for a human to see, but not us, she was able to take it all in.

We touched down and I was as filled with excitement and nervousness as I had been on our wedding day. The pilots handed us our luggage, I tipped them heftily, and lead Bella to our accommodations.

"Is this where we are staying Edward?" She said in almost a whisper as we walked up the steps of the big bungalow home set on the edge of the sea. The structure was large and open with one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and a large deck that practically hung over the water.

I dropped our bags once inside and led Bella out to the deck, "Yes it is love. Our own island for the next three weeks." I was smiling so wide my cheeks hurt.

"Oh Edward, you didn't. This is too much." Her voice attempting a reprimand, but I suspected she was growing as excited as I was. I pulled her to me, placing my hands on either side of her face and kissed her deeply, breathing her in, my knees weak beneath me.

We broke apart, both breathless, "Bella we have been through so much in the last few years. We deserve a vacation together and I didn't want to hide during the day or go someplace with bad weather. I just wanted to spend time with you…only you."

"Well…I guess I can accept those terms. And, for once don't want to know even a little bit of how much all of this cost." She smiled, pushing up on her toes and kissing me sweetly.

"Do you want to go see the rest of the island?" excitement evident in my voice. She nodded eagerly. "Let me just go change quick," as she ran into the bedroom. I was already wearing linen pants and shirt, comfortable enough. She walked out into the living area a moment later in a floral sundress with thin straps adorning her shoulders.

I ran my finger down the side of her neck, to the strap, pushing it to the side a little and placing a kiss where it had laid. "You like? Alice did some shopping for me." She asked softly with her eyes closed.

I simply nodded, with a devilish smile, took her hand and lead her outside. The moon was full and bright and the smell of salt and ocean air filled our senses. We ran deep into the tropical cover, the ground soft and spongy beneath our feet. We ran in silence, matching our breaths, taking in the beauty of the island as it was illuminated by the night.

The wildlife was teeming around us. I spotted a small deer-like animal in the distance and took off after it, easily taking it down. It did not offer quite the satisfaction of the larger animals that lived near us at home, but it would do for now. I saw Bella run off to my left after something. When I approached her she was disposing of the body. I took her hand again and led her to the other side of the island. The only structure on the forty-acre property was the house we were staying in.

We broke through the thick undercover on to the beach. There was a slight rocky ridge that we crossed onto the smooth, white sand, squishing it between our bare feet. The ocean was lapping quietly as the tide was low.

We stopped at the water's edge gazing out onto the vast water. The moon was reflecting off of the water from its low position on the horizon. It felt unearthly, the beauty. "Edward," Bella murmured, "it is all so unbelievable. I can't believe we have this heaven-on-earth to our selves for three weeks. I think you will be sick of me by then." She laughed lightly.

"Not possible love." I responded earnestly. I had waited my entire existence for Bella and every day with her was an unexpected treasure to my heart. I grabbed her other hand in mine and pulled her to me, holding her tight to my chest. We stood still silent for several minutes, the ocean breeze occasionally coming off the water causing her hair to lift off her back amplifying her already heady scent.

Her hand moved from my waist up my torso to the top of my chest, which was exposed, from the top buttons being undone. Her fingers trailed lazily along my collarbone, followed by her lips – causing me to take in a swift gust of air – the fire quickly building in my core.

I bent my head down and met her lips with mine, moving in our familiar, intoxicating rhythm. My hands woven in her hair, her face, up and down her back, I couldn't get enough. I pulled her down with me onto the sand beach, her small frame on top of me. The water licked at our toes.

Her nimble fingers making quick work of my shirt, pushing it down my shoulders and as she explored my chest with her lips – she caused me to moan in delight. I felt her smile against my stomach – she enjoyed my reaction as much as I did.

Our mouths were reunited and continued their dance as I ran my hands down her sides to her smooth thighs, reaching up under her dress, trailing my finger tips along her legs to her waist – now it was her turn to moan – quickly slipping her dress off and rolling her underneath me onto the damp sand.

She reached up and undid the button on my pants. The fire inside of me was more than I could contain. My love for this woman, who lay like an angel, the moonlight reflecting off of her skin giving it a faint glow. Her hair lying all around her on the sand. I kneeled over her and made tantalizing kisses up her midsection, cupping her breasts as I continued up her neck. "Edward, please." She moaned. The urgency and longing in her words caused my thoughts to spin.

I needed her in every possible way, to drink her up, to be one with her, every inch of her – and we were. Our union's rhythm matched by our gasping breathes. I pulled her up to my lap, her legs wrapped around my torso as a waved crashed to shore soaking us – I hardly noticed. I felt as though the heavens were opening up to welcome us, if only for one brief moment of ecstasy, as I felt the familiar but overpowering pull of climax as another wave crashed over our united forms. We stayed silent and still, attempting to catch our gasping breaths, as if they were necessary.

The sand and salt water covering our skin - that is how we spent our weeks. Relishing each other's touch, words and thoughts. I read her poetry in the hammock on the deck, which hung out over the water. We swam, exploring the coral reef off of shore, and caught crabs. We made love every evening, sometimes in between, by the moonlight. If I had ever been uncertain that heaven existed, even for our kind, I was certainly proven wrong during those glorious days with Bella. All the wrong in the world seemed to be right with her in my arms lazily whiling away the time.

It was our second to last day on the island, late in the afternoon, and there was distinct sadness on the air – it was impossible to push away – but I tried my best.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" I asked as I stroked her hair, as we lay entwined in the hammock.

"Sure. Let me go put my suit on." Ah, that wonderful swimsuit. I would never get used to the sight of her in it - it was too striking – every single time taking my breath away. I rose as well and put on my navy trunks. I dug in the back of the dresser and pulled out my other surprise for her, slipping it in my pocket.

We walked hand and hand to the other side of the island that had the best beach. The strong tropical sun hitting our bare skin causing rainbows to reflect all around us. My stomach twisted in nervousness.

"Bella. I have something I want to ask you." I wasn't sure why I was nervous, I knew her answer to my question, but it still sent a wave of anxiety through me.

She nodded her head for me to go on as I took both of her hands in mine, dropping to one knee. She looked at me perplexed, her small brow knitted together. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring, an eternity band of sapphires and held it tucked in my palm.

"Isabella Masen, will you marry me, again? We have triumphed through so much since our first meeting so many years ago. We are equals in every way. You are my everything. My sun and moon, the very air that I breathe." I smiled as I opened my hand to reveal the ring. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand as she looked down at it. Her warm, amber eyes grew wide with surprise. She nodded ever so slightly for me to continue.

"I promise to give you the best of me and not ask of you what you cannot give. I promise to be with you through all of your triumphs and even more during your defeats. I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you into my innermost thoughts and dreams, into my deepest fears and feelings." I paused to take in a breath, still on my knee.

"Oh Edward, our wedding vows." She whispered through her covered mouth. Her eyes glistening as if tears could be filling them. I grinned in delight at her reaction as I continued. My heart so full of love for this woman it felt as though my chest could not longer contain it.

"You have become my forever. We have become partners in every way. I have become yours in every way. My every thought is consumed by you, my ever motion draws me to you. May the nights be honey-sweet for us and the days be filled with joy and laughter. Hereafter, I cannot live without you. Do not live without me. To this I pledge my mind, heart and soul Isabella." As I slipped the ring onto her finger, next to her engagement and wedding band, where like the others, it would stay for our eternity.


The end. Thank you, thank you to everyone that has stayed with me through this labor of love, which it truly has been for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed being in my Edward's head and have loved to read all of your feedback and support - it truly kept me going. For those that enjoy reading the human/AU stories, I am trying my hand at one and hope to have it posted in the next week or so. Still very much in the works. I hope you will check it out and let me know what you think. I know I was not always the quickest with updating and hope to improve with this next story. Thank you again, you are all wonderful.